Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3296 Leaves the Blood Border

(The first to come!)


"Mother is closed, we have a few sisters, big sister, the second sister with the four sisters, in the universe battlefield, now in the Great God, can revenge for the six sisters, but we have two." White Robe Charming girl.

"Let's go, go to the island, put the sword to the sky!" The enchanting woman killed the sky.

Soon, under the leader of the red dress, the leader of the nine-tailed family, the many strong people of the nine-tail family are also in the island.


In the blood wave, still calm.

At this moment, it is already the fourth day after the sword is unparalleled from the blood wave palace.

According to the truth, there is not long after the sword is unparalleled, and the space channel that leaves the blood wavefront will appear, but this time is obviously postponed.

However, after three days, the space channel left the blood wavefront is still there.

~~~ A large number of strange wits can gather in the void, and a huge space channel has appeared in the eyes of the strong people present.

"To leave!"

"Go, go!"

Numerous strong people gathered around the blood palace have got up, then directly grab it directly toward the space channel.

"Tianhou brothers." The Di also wakes up the sword.

"Is the passage of the left, have you appeared?" The sword didn't looked up, watching the huge space channel in front of the front, "OK, this space channel delayed the foot and three days, but in these three days, I don't just let me have enough, and I also make me unparalleled the trick ... "

"With my current strength, plus heavy base cards, even if I want to kill me, I don't want to kill me, let alone Temple of Time and Space will stand on me." The sword flashed. A highlight, "Three major sanctuary, no accident, this should be that you can attack my last time, if you have to say, you can say it, let me escape this robbery, then How long does it take, is the end of your three major sanctuary !! "

"come on!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the next moment is directly in the spatial channel in front of the front.


Here, it is a vast vast area that is in a vast market, and this sea is no name.

In this sea area, there is a unpatimentally small island, but this island, but it has become a place in the eye of the Taijie God.

This island is the island!

The export from the blood wave is only one, the leading to the island.

At this moment, in this lady, the dense Ma Ma has been gathered here. Most of these strong people from all the forces and Zongmen, they all wait here, from the blood I came out in the wave.

On the way, these strong people are also talking about the content of their conversation, which is what happened in the blood bank.

"The competition in this blood wave is more fierce than the past few years."

"Yes, the battle in this blood line, the strong people who die, heard that the arrogance of the nine-tailed family is also dead, and the three major sanctuary is even more irrecent."

"Hey, the three major sanctuary should be planted in the little guy named Jian Tianhou, have to say that the little family is enough, one person can make the three major sanctuary losses so heavy, and he can This can be said to be no ancients before, and there is no one before, and there is no one before, and there is no one! "

"This sword is really very powerful, but it will not give this for the three major sanctuary. You can't think about it. You look around, notice that there is no, the strong people in the three sanctuary, even there is no appearance on the island "

"It's really like this, not only the three major sanctuary, but also the strong people in the Temporated Temple, and now no one is coming to the island. What do they want to do?"

"Who knows, anyway, there is nothing to do with us, we look at it."

Most of the many strong people in Braho, most have seen some things.

You must know that all parties in the world are all sent to this Pohi Island, the purpose is to meet the strong people, but the Temple of Temple with the three major sanctuary, even a strong person did not arrive, This is of course not right.

Time lapse, finally, in the middle of the middle of the woman, a huge space channel appears in the air.

This space channel seems to have connected two different time and space. Just appearing immediately attracts the attention of the strong people in the field.

"Have you already come out?"

Many strong people on the island, looked up, and looked at this space channel.

Soon, some people will take out from this space channel.

These people are naturally those who are not dead in the blood wave, and they immediately found the strong people of the Gongmen from the space channel, and rushed to join.

Bright king, holy magic, bitter, etc. have broken through the Lord of Rules, and I will come out from the space channel.


The sacred sacred people and the ..

This black dress is a high-level power of the .

"Breaking through the Lord of the Rules, how is it?" Black dress smiled and looked at the Holy Devil.

"Not bad." The Holy Devo smiled, "Unfortunately, the competition in the blood bank is too crazy. I will not easily win a blood wave bank, but I can't win the second one, so this time In the alliance entered the blood wave, I was a breakthrough that broke through the Lord of Rules. "

"It can get one, it is not bad." Black dress smiled and smiled, "Let's go, let's leave here."

"So anxious?" The Saint Demon was confused.

"Not anxious, but here will have a big event, if we leave, it will inevitably, so I will leave here, at least leave this Po, the island." Black dress.

The holy devil is a shrinkage. He looked around and found that it was not only a heavenly issue. Outside the other forces, after receiving the strong people who came out from the blood wave, they also left the island. The Saint Demon is in the heart of the son and has also reacted.

No hesitated, the sacred sacred and others immediately left the island.

In that huge space channel, it is still coming out from the inside, and at this time, from the space channel, the plunger is connected to the road.

Among these people, there are three people, and standing in the most central, Herone is carrying the long sword, the face-cold sword is unparalleled! !


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