Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3306 Surprise World War (6)

(The first to come!)



A large amount of water fog is filled from the beads, and these water mists are covered, and they contain incomplete strange power, and they sweehed around.

The Lord of the Nise, the claws of the sky have already been touched by the sword. As a result, the feet of this water fog, the claw is as if it is caught in a cotton, there is no effort, and these water mist is crazy. Emotion, the blink of an eye is filled with a half battlefield, forming a huge water fog world.

"This is ..." The Lord of the Sky looked at the surrounding water fog world, but the eyes were a sharp, "Water Yun Dynasty?"

"Hey, kid, I didn't expect you to have some relationship with the Shundong's Water Yunpin, but it is useless. If the Lord of the Water Yun Palace is here, I am afraid that I still need a little bit, but now just him Some of the power in the special treasure, can you, can you? "

The Lord of the Spirit is smile, and there is a lot of lugs on the body.

And the vast water mist world, under the guidance of swords, and crazy, the chairman of the sky, the blink of the heart is completely packaged, because the water mist occluded is the relationship between the danger, no one I know what happened in the central center of the Water Mist. The people present in the scene can only hear the slight roar in the fog world.

Half rang, the sound disappears, this Mo big water fog world has slowly start dissipating, showing the scenes.

I saw the void that was covered by the water fog. The main point of the sky is there, but his face is somewhat gloomy, and the clothes are also broken, and there is a few wolves.

"It is a secret surgery of the Water Yunter's master, this water cloud industry is really good." The Lord of Tianwei secretly surprised.

The Lord of the Skylands is like him. It is in the peak level of the void, but the Shui Yun Palace has got a strong secret surgery, with this secret. It can be used to fight with the six-high-end battle of the void, and the whole strength is naturally better than him.

Like now, even if the Shundong's main respect does not arrive in person, you can rely on the water cloud industry in the beads, and it is still quite wolf in a short time.

When the Lord of Tianwei is falling into the water cloud industry, the sword is unparalleled, but the chance has been found, the main concomitance of mixed yuan.

"Jian Tianhou, your kid's base card is really a lot, before I took out the universe to Baoshan river community map, now I have already taken out the treasure that contains the main attack of the Water Yunterong." The Lord of the mixer looked at the sword.

"OK." The sword is unparalleled.

The is very optimistic, once let him enter the secret state, then knew that his situation is in danger, but also gives him some of his life life, including two beads and a purple bamboo leaves, now he is just one of them. Door beads.

On the life of the ban, there is still a lot in his hands.

"Jian Tianhou, you will leave, this day, the Lord is given to me." Said the main opening of the mixed.

"Well." The sword is not a hyper point. He is also clear, with his current strength, you can face the strong people in the void three-level, but in the heart of the Lord of the Sky, it is not enough. Look, I can only wolf.

"The Lord of the Southern, I am coming to your opponent!" The horses of mixed elements drums, blocking in front of the main point of the sky.

"With you, I want to stop me?" The Lord of Tianwei was a smile, before he didn't use full, so the master of mixing Yuan can reluctantly entangle him, but now ...


A whisper, the main body of the sky is abrupt, it is normal human size, and the blink of an eye is a feet with a borderless, this is a full body, and the feathers are like a blade. Shi Zhizhi.

call out! !

The appearance fierce, as if prededing homes, both clams caught, crazy fingertips passed through the void, making the air more sound.

"Not good!" The main color of the mixed element changed, in the moment of the Condor, he has already felt the power of suffocation, this power is obviously not he can resist.


A big rang, the main figure of the mixed yuan is immersed, the sharp claw seems to tear his body, while at the same time, from the large number of blacks in the darkness of the darkness, he covered. In an instant, you will climb his whole body.

The sound of the thunder sounded, and the body of the Miyuan's Lord was also hittime at this moment, and there were blood overflows in the mouth.

" ~~~"

The Cookies sent a strange laughter, and a huge power was like a mountainous slap in the mountains, and the whole body of the mixed element was taken out.

The Lord of the Fourth Peak of the Foulette, in the process of the hands of the Lord of the Sky, just a photo, which was taken out by the Lord of Tianwei.

"Jian Tianhou, death !!"

That took the black condolence of the master of mixed yuan, and his eyes were ileeding, and the emptiness was swayed in an instant.

"Worse!" The sword was unbolded.

He didn't think that the Lord of mixed elements was so easy to be taken out by the Lord of Tianwei. He did not mix the power of the yuan.

However, the big waves of the sword have nothing to know how many times, even if he is in danger, he is not half a point of panic, some is absolutely calm, in seeing that the black cook is not hindered by him. When he killed, he had taken the second beads in the first time.

The first bead is the main descent.

And the second beads come from asking the Tiangong master! !

As the black figure is getting closer, the sword is not born with this bead, but it is at this time ...

"Southern, you don't know how to get more young guys, actually take your little guys at the hierarchy of the saints, is too much?" The voice with a few sorrows suddenly sounded in the battlefield.

The black condolenceed black condolences, in the moment of listening to this sound, they directly stopped, and the wings were dissipated, revealing the eyes of the sky, but at the moment, the main color of the sky became Unusually denied, his eyes also stared at the people in front of him.

This person is an old man, the old man is thin, the eagle hooks, the eyes are very small, as if the mouse is general, and it is slightly smoldering, giving people a pair of smart look, and this old mouth is exposed The evil charm smile, but it is even more evil spirits.

" !!"

The big voice of the sky is low, and the eyes also revealed a deep jealous! !


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