Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3307 Surprise World War (7)



On the battlefield, the two camps were originally fighting the sky, but when the scarlet hairdry, the old man was in the moment of the battlefield, but the big battlefield suddenly sat quiet.

There are countless ways to brush the brush to condense on this old old man, and these eyes have a surprising color.

"The bones are expectant, it is a bone!"

"Is it him?"

"This old monster, it is said to be with the Lord, the Tempral Temple, the Temple of Temple, and he lived so many years. He has lived that he will go to the universe battlefield to break, but he didn't expect him to stay. In the god world. "

"What is this monster? What to do here?"

A whispered voice also sounded from the people around the battlefield.

Wearing the bones of the scarlet hairdress, the small eyes look into the surrounding people, and listen to some discussions in the battlefield, and the smile in his mouth is even more, "I didn't expect to have passed for so many years. Know the name of my bones, it is rare. "

"The bones are old." The Lord of the Sky came over, "Today, it is the contest between the three major sanctuary and the Tempihood Temple. It should have nothing to do with you?"

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, but unfortunately, although the old man does not want to intervene, it can be screwed, but the general requirements of my disciples." The old monster reveals helpless colors, but its eyes are watching the battlefield, in Where, emperor, thousands of killed, and segments, etc., the strong people of Temporal Temples, and except for several people in the Tempora, there is still one person.

"Your disciple?" The Lord of the Sky, his eyes also followed the bones, and looked at the shadow.

The sword where the old strange body is standing, and it has also seen it immediately, and this looks like this immediately.

The person who looked at the Lord of the bones, which was in the blood wavefront and the sword unparalleled. !

"Haha, Tianhou brothers, I owe you, now I still have me." The Di Di's face is full of smiles, and the sound is also spread.

"The Master of the Emperor is the Lord of this bones?" The sword was unbolded.

Before the blood wave, he got the second blood wave, when the Di was in his own human feelings, and the sword was unparalleled, and there was one behind him. Very good Master, this Master is not despised even when the Tempiology Temple is.

Because of this, the Bai Star Temple will let him promise to exchange with the Dand.

Now, the sword is unparalleled, I saw the master of the Master of the Emperor!

Although the sword is unparalleled before heard this bones, I don't know how strong the power of this bones, but I've gained from the Lord of the White Star Temple, and the main people in Tianwei The look of the sword is unparalleled. The main strength of this bones must not be very terrible, but it will never let the neighborhood of the sky rose such a richness.

"The old man lives so many years, there is no loved ones in this world, even friends are almost no, soon, the old man is hard to see a little guy, collect him for the pro-disciples, can say that this little guy should be the old man. In this world, the only loved one is, and the old man is quite a favor to this little guy. "The monk of the bones smracked.

"This is called Jian Tianhou's little guy, in the blood wave, helping my disciple is busy, but also let my disciple owe him a human condition, my disciple's human situation, old man is of course still, seek, you I want to kill this little guy, then I have to pass the old man, I am. "

The face of the neighborhood is suddenly difficult.

Now the battlefield, the three major sanctuary is in the middle of the people, and only he can take the hand to kill the sword, but the Tempse of the Time and Space is blocked, but even if he is the master of mixing, he is not in the heart, but Nowadays, the bones appear ...

Old monster, but the old monster with the Lord, the Tempral Temple, the Tianzu's same period, and once, when the Ji Tianzhi, the Tempral Temple, the Tianzu three people have not reached the high level, the bones are always It is enough to follow them.

Such an ultra-existent existence, even if it has reached the Lord of the Jane River that has already reached the void six-hierarchy, it is estimated to be pressed.

"Wonderful bones, although I don't want to fight with you, but this sword must die, so I can only come to ask you to ask." The main color of the sky is a forcibly courage. The party said this.

"Very good, just the old man has never been shot for a long time. Today, it will be hot." The old bones smiled slightly, and it appeared that the wind was light.

"Kill!" The Lord of Tianwei did not repeat it, and it took directly.


That huge black, once again appeared in the heavens and the earth, the goddess meter surrounded the large number of thunders, pushing out, and the blink of an eye has appeared in front of the bones, a claw lightning Out, it is rapid.

And the old bones are carrying hands, until the claws are going to touch his body, he will slowly extend the palm and play.

This wave seems to be a lot of flies, it seems that there is no huge power, but the palm is swaying! !

A wind is awkward.

This wind is easy to smash the space, and the first time will blow the Black Condor to the power of the Black Condo. The sake of the Sky is directly disintegrating. The figure is revealed again in the world, but his eyes are deeply shock.

Not only one of him, and all the strong people around the battle, it is very shocked.

"Wandeling at will, the Sky of the Sky is directly disintegrating, and even the neighborhood of the neighborhood, the secrets of the secrets are uncomfortable, they will dissipate it directly?"

"This, what is this means?"

"It's too strong, the Lord of the Sky is as if the baby is general!"

"This is the bones, although he is only the six peaks of the void, but a strong means is deeply unspeakable. It is said that it is a one-on-one, one-on-one situation, he can I barely support for a while, but I have to kill him, even if I am the Lord, the Tempral Temple, the Tianzu three people personally shot, they can't do it! "

The battlefield is surrounded by many strong people at the moment.

The sword is not full of shock.

"We can't say that the people of the White Star Temple said that the human feelings worthy of the last blood, the strength of his master is so !!" The sword is unmarkable.

He is also pleased to promise his own exchange of conditions before you, thus compiling with the Emperor, let yourself have a strong allies in this battle.


PS: Today is more coming!

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