Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3308 Surprise World War (8)

(The first to come!)


On the battlefield, because of the strange appearance of the bones, it fully pressed the Lord of the Sky, let the many strong people in the three major holy area, no one can take the hand to deal with the sword, and the sword is unparalleled. There is a hike-free assassination of blood blade swords, and it is greatly troubled by the majority of the battlefield, giving the three major holy regions.

The situation in the battlefield, and therefore again stalemate.

"The three major sanctuary people have been dragged, and the situation will continue, and the three major sanctuary will be reversed."

"There is no way, the three major sanctuary means is very high, and the strong people are very much, and the temple of the Time and Space is not completely blocked. Who thinks that the swordsman has actually owned the mountains and rivers and the temple, let the temple The strong strength has been greatly improved, and there is still a strange appearance, I am afraid it is expected to be expected in the three major sanctuary. "

"No, I feel that things are not so simple. The three sanctuarys have decided to shoot, and they have been completely prepared. Naturally, there is also a way to meet this situation, look at it, the three major sanctuary means It is not so simple. "

"Yes, I think so, after all, it is the three major sanctuary !!"

The strong people around the battle talk about themselves and published their own views on the situation in front of them.

Some people think that the three major sanctuary has been embarrassed, but more people think that the three major holy area is more than this.

Sure enough, it was not long after the battlefield, but the deadlock on this battlefield was once again broken.

"Hey ~~~ The three major sanctuary, I don't know if I am late?" The laughter of the cold and evil suddenly passed the void next to the battlefield. Everyone he said, and immediately saw it. To that piece of empty, there is a full eight figure that is hurting.

The eight people were all overwritten under the black robes, and they couldn't see the specific appearance. However, from the breath of their body, these eight people are also the rules of rules, and the strength is extremely good, especially The person, the breath, the breath, almost unparalleled than the Lord of the Sky, and the strong people of the eight treasures are weak.

"Hey, you can come true enough?" The Lord, which is the struggle to resist the main offensive of the bones, and also glanced at the eight people, showing dissatisfaction.

"Haha, sorry, I met something on the road, slightly delayed, but you can rest assured, since the big people have promised to shoot, then there will never let go." Eight black robe people strangely Laugh.

"The main person?" The people in the scene were all, and they immediately understood it.

"Witch" !! "

"Is the people of the Witch!"

"Good guy, even the witch teaches all the way, and the witch god education has reached a certain agreement with the three major sinensis. This time the Witch's teaching is standing on the three major sanctuary, and the sword is the sky. !! "

After knowing the identity of the people, the people around the battlefield rang again.

Witch's god education, although it is far less than three freely than three freely alliances in the Tai Chu, the three major sanctuary, the high-level, and the hobby, and its terrorist strength has always been the generous gods. The powerful force is deeply taboo.

In the Great Gate Dynasty, there is almost no partial forces or a strong, willing to deal with the witches.

Now, the strong people of the Witch also rushed to the battlefield and stood in the three major sanctuary camps.

And at the same time in the Witch's eight strong, just arrived at the battlefield ... On the other side of the void, there is also a gallop of nine breath.

In this nine figures, there are six people who are women, and they are very beautiful, especially the two people, one is beautiful and charming, and the other is the end of the deceived, but the two colorful women at this moment. The eyes have been shocking.

"Jian Tianhou, I also have a six sister !!"

The cold low drunk echoed in the world, she only understood from this low, and the people were actually murdered.

"That red dress, I know, it is the three martial powers of the nine-tail family, next to her sister!"

"The nine tail family of the four gods? How come, and also kill the swords?"

"It is a nine palace, and the nine-tailed family is for the nine palace saints!"

"Nine palace saints?"

One mentioned the name of the Nine palace, many strong people present were all blocked.

In the blood wave, the sword has no double ruts killed the fifth of the nine palaces of the nine palaces in the real Sheng list, and the name of the earthquake is too early, and the identity of the Nine-palace saints, many people guess she is from the nine tail family. However, the Nine-palace saints did not admit it, so the introduction to the Nine-palace saints on the true saints, it has been suspected of the nine tail family.

And see this situation, the nine palace saints are not just a nine-tail person, but it is still the six pride of the nineth! !

Princess, that is, the long daughter of the nine tail family, it is no wonder that the people of the nine-tail family will kill them directly.

"Trouble." The sword is unparalleled.

After killing the nine palace saints, he learned that the Church of Miss Kowloon is a long daughter of the nine-tailed family. It also guessed that the nine-tailed family will definitely find him, but he didn't expect the nine tail. The speed will be so fast, and just caught up with the three major sanctuary.

Now, because the arrival of the witch and the many strong people of the nine-tail population, the situation on the field immediately happened to change the earth.

"The people of the nine tail are responsible for being entangled in the Temphion of the Temphion, as for the swordsman, how to kill, how?" The goblin leader? " The people said.

"Okay." I didn't want to agree directly, "Jian Tianhou, death !!"

boom! !

The sky is suddenly swept, and the nine strong rules of the nine strong rules are directly in the battlefield, and the first time is unhealthy. These nine strong people are inside, although there is no power. The Lord of the Lord, the Lord of the Babao, the five-level, the first, the first, the two, but the four-character level of the void.

Especially the , even the peak of the void four.

Plus the other people of the nine-tailed bodies, the strong people of the three areas, which is obviously not the sword where the sword is unparalleled.

! !

One earthquake in the world, the many strong people in the nine-tail family have not killed the sword without double, and there is already a pound of power to cover him.

"Soul attack?" The sword was unbolded.

The nine tail family, the best is fine and soul!


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