Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3309 Surprise World (Nine)



"No!" The sword suddenly changed.

If just a simple soul attack, the sword is not pairing.

His physique is special, any soul attack is invalid to him, even if he is completely annihilated by his soul, he can fix it.

However, if the other party's soul attack is closed, it is completely different.

Veligion, targeting is not a human soul, but aware!

The nine-tailed family, the sword is unparalleled, before you can teach, before the blood wave, the name of the Nine Miyama is still difficult to affect him, but now specializing in the might of the void. Ah, the name is much better than the nine palace saints.

Even if the sword is very unparalleled, you can be shaken in this mighty, and the awareness is also a sign of .

But before he is about to fall into the fuss, he has already told the second beads. As the beads are broken, the survey is contained in the period, and the outbreak is out.

At the beginning, the Tianmei gave him two beads, one refined by the Lord of Water Yun, has been used by him, and now this is the main refining of Tiandong.

Asked the Tiandong Lord, is the second place in the three major palace owners, the strength, and stronger than the Lord of the Water Yunterior.

Moreover, the main secrets of the Shundong Palace, there are more than some difficulties of entanglement, the real power, not particularly strong, but ask the Tiandong master, but the absolute attack means famous.

Booming ~~~

Heaven and earth shakes, only to see the endless black waves, these black air waves seem to be rolling.

These magic clouds come together to form a huge magic.

Magicikh, oppressing everything around, and in the most central, a black devil who has three feet is agglomerated.

"what is this?"

"Even and terrible magic, this power is too powerful, it is too powerful."

"This devil, I have seen it, this is one of the three major palace owners of Tianzhi, and asked Tianchong Lord's famous trick !!"

"Ask the God of God? Is this what asked the God of God?"

"Good guy, before the main name of the Shuoyong master, now I am a famous trick, this sword is between the three palace owners of Tianmei, what is the relationship?"

Many strong people who watch the battle around the battlefield are surprised to stare at the black devil who appeared in the central government of the battlefield.

Ask the God of Devil, in order to ask the Tiangong master name, this is a famous name, and it is huge than the Water Yunnong's Water Yun.

"Ask the God of God?" The owners of many rules of , and the nine-tail family frowned to look at the black devil in front of them.

Ask the Tiangong master, this is a top existence that they are not qualified in the next day.

"Hey, how is the God of God? Kill me six sisters, even if the Tianzhi is in person, you will die in person, you also die!" The voice is cold, and she is in the eyes of the monster. " This glaucoma is like a cyan solar covered throughout the world.

Strusted, glacmization is a huge cyan beam, directly asking the God of the Gods.

"This trick ..." The sword is unbolded.

The same trick, he saw that the Nine-palace holy girl was also displayed, but the idea would be obvious that this is much stronger.

No accident, this trick should be the password of the nine-tail family, just like the sword is unparalleled, it is a member of the ancient, and the ancient people have some inheritance secrets very strong.

The nine-tail family is one of the four gods, and its strength is naturally different. The heritage of the nine-tailed family is not too weak, and the power of the This is inherited, and the power of power can produce certain threats, even for some of the strong people of some void.

However, standing in front of the scorpion, after all, I asked the Gods, and I asked the famous trick of Tiandong.

The sword is unparalleled. The consciousness has also been resumed. He looked at the blue beam hit, and he lost his mandrel. He immediately began to guide the God of God.


A whisper, there is a three-year-old question, the sky is cold, and there is no emotion. Under the guidance of the sword, I will bombard the day.

This punch, quite horizontal, entrained with endless magic, in an instant, in an instant, it is on the blue gluca that burst into shoot.

! !

Void tremors, there is no suspense, the glaucoma is directly smashed, and it is divided into the green beams of the sky and swept around.

Subsequently, the God of the God is another step, followed by a punch, this punch is all people who are taking the nine tail.

"Show together!" .

The nine nine-tail people who immediately included , , at the same time shot.

It can contain a punch for the magic, and the nine stones will be detached.

Just a punch, you will fly all the nine rules of the nine rules of the nine-tailed family. This is the strongest question of Tiandong Lord! !

"Good !!"

"This is the god of God!"

"too strong!"

"The power of a punch, is it terrible?"

In the surrounding battle, I can't help but laighted this scene in the battlefield.

Everyone in the nine-tail family has been stabilized at this moment, but their faces are not good.

"Is this what the mother is mentioned by the God of God? It is really strong enough."

"It is very strong, but this is just a means of asking Tiandong Lord. It is not asking the Tiandong Lord to show it. Although the power is as strong as strong, I will consume a lot of energy every attack every time, This question is not too much energy, and it can also apply several attacks several times, and the strength will be completely exhausted! "

"We don't have to fight with it, as long as this question is, the Gods are constantly consumed," said Yan Yu.

The people of the Nine Tail are also nodded.


The nine nine people in the nine-end family will once again, and the sword is only guided to ask the God of the God to fight.

However, as the same thing, I asked Tian'emo just asked him a heavy means in the beads before staying. As the attack is more and more, the power will continue to consume, don't work all over time .

Once there is no question, I will be difficult to deal with the nine tail of the people.

However, there is also good news, that is, when the sword is unparalleled, I'm entangled with the nine-tail family, but the Bai Star Temple has secretly told him that the Temph Temple of Tempiors, it is coming!


PS: Today is more coming!

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