Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3330 Chaos

(The first to come!)


On the island, the scene of the scene, finally came to an end.

The process and results of this battle are in the person who has a madness of the trend in the past.

The whole of the gods is because of this battle! !

Even some people deliberately got a name for this war, just because the true protagonist of this war is the swordsman, and in this war, this sword is also the most dazzling, the most incredible exist.

He refreshed all the awareness of the people who did not die.

I have never thought about it, an unstead of sacred people can actually be strong.

However, although the heat of this war lasted for a long time, but the past, gradually sailed.

At the beginning of the god, it also recovered calm.

One, the end of the battle, has passed for twenty years.

Time island, one in an independent space, a large number of gray airflows around, all corners of this time and space.

In this spatial and space, the awareness of the sword is finally slowed down.

"I am ..."

The sword is unparalleled on a black spark of a strange breath, and the eyes have opened around.

He wanted to stand up in the first time, but he immediately rose a weak feeling, his body shape was painful.

As for him, it is a little less than a little, just like an ordinary person.

"Little guy, you wake up." The calm and mild voice came from side.

The sword is unparalleled to see the silver white hair standing next to the black spark.

"I have seen the palace." The sword is unparalleled can only speak, but can't get up.

"It can see my identity at a glance, it seems that your consciousness is not affected." Time and Space Temple.

"How long have I been coma?" The sword didn't have a double.

He remembers that he is in that war, exhausted his blood wave gift and his strength, and also includes the power of himself, then the power is crazy, let his awareness directly fall into a coma, and pick What happened, he didn't know at all.

"Soon, it is only 20 years." Time and Space Temple.

"Twenty-year?" The sword has no double, followed but smirk, "Single coma is coma for 20 years, and my current body, if you want to return to the peak state, you will be more."

"Little guy, you will be content." The Temporary Temple is a smile, "Don't forget, in the war, you are forcibly infused by people, the power of the master, etc., etc. Strength of power, that is, if you change your unique cultivator, it is a strong group of people, even some of the general special life, and the rules are only a long-awaited, that is, it is undoubted !! "

"Although you are hurt now, it takes a long time to recover, but at least your life is to keep, and it will not have any effect on your overall roots and consciousness. This is already the best result. What else is you not satisfied? "

"Amount ..." The sword is unparalleled, and it is helpless.

Indeed, before the blood wave before giving the power to him, he has said to him with him to get this power, and must bear the risk.

That risk is too big.

Like a general practitioner, even some levels of special life, all of them can't afford the power, only being killed.

But he, because it is a perfect life, it is forcibly hard to support it, just need some time to recover, compare, of course, he is too much.

"The power of the master is ..." The sword is unparalleled, and the strength of the power owned in that battle is in this battle.

The power, strong mean!

"Unfortunately, the power is not really belonging to me." The sword can't help but sigh.

"Unfortunately, with your potential talents, in the future, I want to have the power of the master level, it is not a difficult thing." The Tempral Temple is over.

The sword has no double smile, and said: "The Temple, in fact, I have been curious, the main level, what is it? How can I achieve the main level, and there is the three holy bits of the Taijie Shenjie, they compare the main level, so what?"

The sword is unparalleled, the rules are the main level!

But for the main level, he is very strange. I don't know how to count.

"The master level, just a referral, this level of true name is chaos dominate!" "" Time and Space Temple: "As the name suggests, chaos domain, it is the master of chaotic world, can also be said to be the chaos industry, like we are now At the beginning of the god, it was a complete chaotic industry, and the chaos dominated, it was equivalent to the strong hegemony in this chaos industry, which can be said to be the strongest in this world. "

"Even in the vast universe, the master level is also a real strong, enough to cross the universe."

"As for how to become the main level, and the gap between the main level of the rules, it is also very good."

The Temporary Temple is patiently explained.

"Little guy, you have come to three days, and it has been a period of time, and the level of contact is also very high. The level between the principals of the rules, you should have already understood, from the void to the void six-way, this six A level of division is determined by the will of the will of its control, and the six willers can be mastered like a void. "

"Most of the strong people who have reached the void have been integrated with three rules, while the main level, the Lord of the rules of the void, actually only needs further, combining four rules."

"Integrate four rules, you can be a chaotic dominant?" The sword has no double, he obviously feels that this process seems too simple.

"Little guy, you don't think that the fusion of four rules is not difficult, in fact, it is very difficult, rule integration, this is very difficult, the more rules are integrated, but dozens of times are tens of times, it is hundreds of times. For example, the Lord of the rules, the hard work is finally blended in two rules, then he wants to integrate the difficulty of the third door rule, it is more than a hundred times more than one hundred times more than the blend of two rules !! "

"As for the four-door rules, it is more than a hundred times more than one hundred times more than the three-door rules! This is to be calculated, that is, the difficulty of integrating four rules, more than a combination of two rules. Nearly 10,000 times, this concept, can you understand? "The laughing of the Temple laughed at the sword.

And the sword is unparalleled, but some are somewhat.


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