Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3331 Charm



"Don't do thousands of times, nearly 10,000 times?"

The sword is also scared by this number.

He has also begun to involve rule integration, but he is now drilled, just a time and space and a round-back two rules.

Even if it is only two rules, he seems to have a very difficult, even because the threshold of the two rules fused, but he wants to be completely integrated and still need certain The firing is a lot of time.

This is because he has received the blood palace, plus his own understanding of height.

However, for ordinary cultivators, blend two rules, it is already difficult as it is.

The main people of the gods have truly integrated the rules, few less, and they can fuse the rules, mostly have passed the endless years, relying on a lot of time to slowly drilla, this is successful.

This is the case, it is more than a thousand times more than 10,000 times more than the two rules that integrate the two rules ... This concept is scared.

"Just because the fusion of four rules is too difficult, so the master will be rare, like too early gods, but only because of the birth time is too long, the birth of the birth will be more, normal, one, one chaotic industry There will be a dominant, and a recent master of the birth of the Great Ice, is also a year ago. "The Temple of the Temple continued to be narrated.

"Of course, the birth of the master is very difficult, but as long as it be dominated, it will generate the mass change, single will power ... Once the four rules are fused, the will of the will, which is more than the integrated three rules. There are hundreds of times the rules of the void six-way, and the two are completely can't be better, let alone other power, the body and other aspects. "

"Single will power is better than the six-way in the void." The sword has a shock in the eyes, and can follow him again: "Since the chaos dominate the main strength of the rules, why is it before? On that battle, I can't feel it, and I still have a bone, I am just a void six-level, but can he fight against the Lord of the State? "

"This is not difficult to understand." Time and Space Temple laughs, "First of all, you have to understand that the Lord of the Sacredness is the Lord of the Shengde, they are not dominate, just three luck, getting the heavens will The situation, they can't compare with the real marks, as for them to sit with the master of peace, that is also because of the relationship between the Great God. "

"In the Great Gate, because there is the existence of the will of the day, it will reach the master level, it will be largely restricted here, and the strength of the strength can only play a one or two, but even the same, one In the case, any dominating is the main thing that can be crushed. "

"Just because of this, like this, like this, it is very few in the god of the gods, because the limited restriction is too big, it doesn't let the hands and feet, so I will choose in the universe battlefield, in the universe. Battlefield, my strength will not be restricted, that is too fast. "

"But the three Holy Lords, if you leave the gods of the gods, go to the universe battlefield, they can't get the safety of the heavens will, and the strength will weaken to their own void six-year level, and the gap between the domination More, so the three holy bits of the Taijie Shenjie have never left too early gains since the Lord of the Shengzheng. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

He has heard some rumors before, saying that the first batch of strong stories in the early gods, is very looks at the main thing about the three holymen, and now they seem to look down.

Because the three Holy Lords have left the gelenistic gods, the power is not as good as the top of the top of the top.

"Right, this thing, I will give it to you." The Temporarism of the Temph Temple suddenly told the painting of ancient times.

This painting roll is the mountain river.

Looking at the mountains and rivers, the sword is unparalleled.

He had made all his strength to show two dragons, and forcibly hindle to the sorrow and the witch, after it can be applied, his consciousness is directly in planning, so it is very coma, not only don't know the next happening What is it. Even the mountains and riverside maps that have been existed above, he has not been retrieved.

However, when the stem of time and space, his mountains and river maps were also returned.

"Thank you." The sword is unparalleled.

The Tempral Temple has asked directly: "Little guy, what is the mysterious one?"

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, but it is like a doctor: "He is my teacher."

"Sure enough." The Temple of Temples, who did not feel unexpected.

"The Temple of the Temple knows my master?" The sword walked in the past.

"It's awareness." The temple of the Time and Space, "Your Master is a very great person, before the long years, his existence, but the whole of the Taijie gods is tremble, and the old man as time and space The temple of the temple, and he has also turned it with him. "

"Although the old man is in touch with your teacher, but can be seen, your master is a very person who is very personally charming."

"Personality charm?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, he is not going to be in the sea, and he is reluctant. He can force him into the desperate people to talk about the wine, you can apply the land for your own friends, I will be a top hegemony of the Taijie God. Low your identity with some weak cultivator talks ... "The main hall of the Temple Temple said, his look also with a strange smile.

"Of course, really let the old man admire him, but his strength and his discouragement, facing thousands of people, countless strong, the inch, the battlefield, the war! Honest, old man In the case of so many years, there is no one to make the old man admire, your master is the first. "

When you hear the main hall of the Temple, the sword is unbolded, but it is very vibration.

He instantly remembered a piece of picture that he saw it under the coincidence. The picture was in the middle of his master, and there were countless strong people in front of him. It was clear that it had already oil, but it did not change the color, the dead battle!

That battle, stunned, his master also said his last hard force, and the last drop was killed.

As the Tempse of the Temple, it is a kind of discouragement.

A battle sky battle, overlooking the heavens and the earth!

This is waiting, in addition to his teacher in the Taijiede, I am afraid that I can't find the second person!


PS: Today is more coming!

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