Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3332 War Origin

(The first to come!)


"The Temple, you know that my teacher is, should you know the origin of the world?" The sword asked.

He didn't have much doubt about the world's death.

That battle, Qixing Xuanzong was destroyed, and his teacher respects it, it can be said that the entire god of the gods can be said.

But what is the origin of this battle, why will the sword have never been known, his master has never told him.

"The origin of the battle ... The old man didn't know some." The Tempse of the Temple looked at the sword and unparalleled, and he went to the moment. "For, you have already deal with the Lord of the Holy State. These things, you It is also qualified to know. "

"At the beginning, the origin is because your master is a mysterious !!"

"Your master, not only strong strength, the most important thing is that his life is hilarious, the potential is very huge, but his life level, but the heavens will be unbroken, completely the heavens will not have. "

The sword has no double eyes, and he has a deep understanding of this.

He is also a perfect hierarchy, and the heavens of the Taijie Shenjie can't have his existence. Counting countless, you will fall to kill him, but also let the three major sanctoes despite everything to kill him.

"Your teacher is not to be accommodated by heaven, this is the true origin of that battle, but the first day of your master has already passed the weak stage, and the top of the rules is, it is more comparable. General domain, and even more stronger, and, before that battle broke out, your Master will immediately integrate four rules to achieve the dominant. "

"You think that before you have never breaking through the master, your master is more than the general master, and if he is waiting for him to really prize, have he have more powerful?" Time and Space Temple.

The sword is unparalleled.

Through just talking, the sword is unparalleled with the huge gap between the Lord and the master of the rules.

In this case, his master can still match the energetic, even more than the general dominance, in addition to the huge congenital advantage brought by the life level, some of his Master's own strengths must be very good. .

In this case, if his master is a breakthrough, it will definitely reach a more incredible point.

"But unfortunately, Tiandao will seem to know that your master will take long before it will become dominated, so it will drive it directly before your master has not become the master, and launched the world!" Time and Temple Master said.

"That battle, large scale is incredible! After all, your master is not single, and the most important thing is that he is one of the founders of Qixing Xuanzong, and the seven-star Xi Xianzong, three founders of the year, can There is a dominant level, and the strong is like a cloud, but it is the first forces recognized in the first world. In front of the seven-star Xuanzong, even if it is my time and space, the Tianzheng, Tianzu Road Low. "

The sword is unparalleled and not helpless.

The seven-star Xi Zong, the peak period, is definitely the hegemony of the goddess, and it is not the current three freely affiliated alliance. Compared with the three sanctuary, the three founders, the three main master, will be enough to let Everyone is awesome.

"And the heavens will be able to move, only the three major sanctuarys, can be single three holy regions, relying on the three Holy Lord want to destroy mice, it is impossible, so, three holy The domain began to lobby the number of top scorpions on the third day! "

"Those top forces, such as the four gods, eight squares, because the seven-star Xuanzong has been unparalleled, and some small-scale competition on weekdays, these great power have been eaten under the seven-star Xuanzong, so these big forces There is still some grievances in the bottom of the heart. This time, the three major holy areas came out of the heavens, plus a vision forces, and it was easy to pull these great power to the boat, forming a big alliance! "Time and Space Temple .

I heard this, the sword is not a double brow is a wrinkle. "The Temple, according to what you said, the original seven-star Xuanzong, the main battle force has three times, there is so many people, then even The three major holy areas are united with those top forces on the three heavens, and may not be able to compete with Qixing Xuanzong? "

"You are right, even if you are headed by the three sanctuary, it is the same as much power. In the face of seven-star Xuanzong, it is still not big, and the three major master-level combat power, the three major holy domain, no one can compete, The reason why the three major sank of sinens dare to shoot, because there is a strong person coming from the universe. "The main hall of the Time and Space Temple.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled, "" From the universe, there is a strong person to help? Isn't the power of the Taiji Shen? The people of the outside world? "

"Yes." The main point of the Temple Temple. "There are several people from the universe, and one has the power of the dominant level. The most important thing is that the main master of these arrivals also has Come on a feature! "

"For the treasure? What is the treasure?" The sword asked.

"The spear with special forces, is that the spear, you are killing your teacher, otherwise, even if there are several major dominance, the top can suppress your Master, but it is absolutely not dead." Time and Space The main road of the temple.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart.

Perfect life, strong sense of life, the power of the power is even more endless.

Under normal circumstances, Side of his Master has already had the battle of the primary level, then as long as it is not a thorough rolling, then the other party is almost impossible to kill him, even if the other party is a few people to join hands, it is difficult to do .

But if the other party has the use of the kind of very special treasure ...

"Spear! Spear !!" The sword has no bumbles, and he has remembered that the picture he saw. When his Master faces the mid of countless strong, his chest is inserting a spear. It is that the spear, such as a desperate situation! !

"There are several migrants that have helped, in the highest level, it is completely better than Qixing Xuanzong, so the battle is broke out, and that battle is shocked, the old man is not involved, but it is also far away. Watching, in that battle, your teacher Zunxuan is a double boxer, which is suppressed by the foreign master level, and finally relying on the spear to kill it! "

"However, your master is indeed an easy-to-sky energy, even before the death, it is still in the battlefield countless power, and puts a large quarter, the seven-star gods in the original seven-star Xuanzong, complete blockade."


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