Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3333 Threats



The sword is unparalleled.

Although he did not know the origin of the battle, he had already known it very early.

That battle, Qixing Xuanzong defeated, the entire seven-star gods were all ruins, and there were countless strong men's fall, and slept, but fortunately, the teacher Zun Xuanyi will completely block the entire seven-star domain. The inheritance of Qixing Xuanzong is saved, and it has also created a chance to turn over.

And he is also born in the seven-star gods that are completely blocked.

"After the war, the seven-star Xuanzong became a history, and the three major sanctuary replaced the status of Seven Star Xuanzong, became the new tyrant of the Taijie Shenjie, and even on the three free league, but that is also an external Several relationships are still in the same day. "

"Waiting for the end of the battle, the foreign dominates have left, and the three sanctuary has no real domain, the deterrence is naturally better than before, so there is only three freely alliances and the three major sanctuary. The situation in flatness is flat, and even some extent, the three freely alliances are stronger than the three sanctuary. "Time and Space Temple.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

After a rollback with the Lord of the Tempora, he learned more about the world.

But there is still a question, such as the Heavenly Will Weillene, which is not their existence, is it just because of their lives?

Also, those foreign master levels, why will it come, even specially bring a special former to kill his master?

These problems, he can't explain now, and the time and space of the temple do not know, you can only wait for him to grow up in the future, and then slowly explore.

"Little guy, you are a mysterious disciple, and if the old man doesn't look wrong, your life level should be equivalent to your master, is the legendary life?" The main hall of the Temple is unparalpted. come.

"The predecessor knows the perfect life level?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Of course, the old man is also in the universe battlefield for so many years, there are few more people who have some knowledge, and the few levels of special life are divided, and the old man has heard, and the perfect life level is known as the most high life. This life is in the vast universe, as well as a phoenix. "

"Under normal circumstances, thousands of chaotic boundaries may have a perfect life, I haven't had a perfect life before you have a perfect life, and suddenly, I have born one. Also said that you are obviously born with your teacher, and it is a perfect life, this is a little incredible. "The main color of the Time and Space Temple is a little quirky.

The sword is unparalleled.

His Master is indeed a perfect life level, and it is also born in the gear world.

However, the difference is that his perfect life is to create it by his teacher! !

At this point, the main hall will not think that the sword is unparalleled, after all, people have created a perfect life, this is really scary.

"Although I don't know why you can have a perfect life, you will be willing to face the same situation as your master, that is ... Tiandao is not tolerable! This, from the three major sanctuary, you will shoot you, and heavens will The sustain of Weiner can see it. "Time and Space Temple.

"Yes." The sword was unparalleled.

"Front before, the three major sanctuary cloth wanted to set up with you in the death, even the three main prospects, the witch did not kill you, but I still can't kill you, this is said, single credit The power of the three major sanctuary is afraid that it is already very difficult for you, so ... "The look of the Temporary Temple has also condensed.

"The palace, you said that there will be a master-level strong from the outside world, arrive at the gelenosis of the gods to kill me?" The sword was unparalleled.

"It's hard to say, but it does have this possibility." Time and Space Temple.

And the sword has become heavy.

He is very clear, the strength now, the top of the truth, even if it is a lot of base cards, even if it is a lot of bottom cards, it can also fight with the void, but if it is the Lord of the Holy Gentland, even the master level, then There is no resistance to the resistance.

The reason why he can force the Holy Lord and the worship of the war, that is because he got the power of blood wave gifted, and blood wave is to give him a power with the cost of the blood wavefront, give him a time It is clear that he can't give him the second time, he can only rely on himself.

"Even the master of the peak, in the face of several main siege of the outside world, only to die, and now I have compared to Master, the difference is absolutely not a star." The sword was unparalleled and frown, he felt one Huge pressure.

"Little guy, you don't be too nervous, first of all, there is no necessity of the dominance of the outside world to arrive, secondly, even if the dominance of the outside world has known your existence, you want to come and kill you, but they From your own chaotic boundaries, it takes time to arrive in Taijie, and it takes more time. "

"In the case of accidents, the main levels of the world want to arrive in the gear boundary, at least thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands will arrive, and so long, it should be enough for you Do a lot of things. "The Temple of Temph Temple laughed.

When I heard this, the sword was slightly slightly slight.

If it is only a few hundred years, the main grade of the outside world will kill, then he really has no way.

But if it is time for a long time, there are tens of thousands of years, and there are many opportunities to say to him.

Tens of thousands of years, it is already long enough to sword.

You know, he is born in this world, but only more than a thousand years, just in such a short time, he has already standing in the peak level of the Taijie God, and the strength can match the main rules of the three-way tributary rules. If you give him a few thousand years, who knows what is the level he arrives?

Maybe he has become dominated.

Of course, these are both swords and unparalleled, and the time coming from the outside world can not be determined, he doesn't know what levels you can reach, you can only take a step.

"Little guy, the old man knows that you are very good in time and space, you don't know the time and space of time and space from the time and space left from the old man, but also integrate the old man's time and space, which is really rare." Time and Space The temple suddenly said.

The sword is unparalleled, it is immediately looking to the main hall of time and space.


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