Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3334 Rules Temple

(The first to come!)


"You are so high in time and space, under normal circumstances, the old man should accept you for the disciple, but unfortunately, the old man lives for so many years, have seen too much too much things, and have already gave up The disciple is intended, let alone, you are already a disciple of Xuan Yi, although Xuan Yi is dead, but the old man did not want to grab his disciple. "Temporary Temple said.

The sword is not double-finished. He also learned from the Lord of the White Star Temple, and the Tempiograph has already dismissed the idea of ​​disciples.

He also has never expected the time and space of the Temple, and he will collect him as a disciple.

"However, although the old man can't accept you as a disciple, but in time and space rules, you can give you some guidelines." Temporary Temple smiled.

"Your current body, the old man is carefully explored, if you don't accidentally, you can't condense your strength, that is, what strength will you have for three hundred years, you don't have any strength, Not to mention that it is killed with others, but in the past three hundred years, the rules of the envelope, improve the rules, and there is no impact. "

"So, if you are willing, these three hundred years, you can follow the old man, follow the old man in this independent space, how?"

When I heard the words of the Temporary Temple, the sword was unparalleled, and I didn't hesitate. "The Hall, I am willing !!"

Willing, the sword is unparalleled.

Why are you existing?

Others don't say, simply in time and space, the gods are no one can compare with them, such a super strong, all others want to get in touch, even if it is some high-level strong, such as Bai Star The palace, the heel, etc., nor, I don't want to see the main hall, let alone stay around the Tempora.

At the beginning of the gods, the strong is countless, but including a lot of powerful rules, many people are very long-awaited to seek the guidance of the Temporary Temple, because in the time and space rules, the Tempiograph is a little pointer, for these rules The Lord has a great help, but it is only too lazy to pay attention to the time of time and space.

If it is able to follow the main hall of the Tempral Temple, the empty temple will definitely not pay attention, and it will benefit from any cultivator who is good at time and space!

It can be said that it is cultivating the main temple of the Tempora, which is the opportunity to dream of countless cultivars.

Now, the Tempral Temple will give this opportunity to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and of course, I know this opportunity, how can I refuse.

"That's good, in this three hundred years, the old man will arrange your cultivation, let you get the biggest progress in this 300 years, and for three hundred years later, your strength is restored, and the old man is also Will leave the first gods, continue to go to the universe battlefield, how to go, just with yourself. "Time and Space Temple.

"Bai Xie Temple." The sword was unparalleled.

"For three hundred years, in addition to follow the old man, in addition to the old man's arrangement, there is still a fifteen rule of the temple on the island, and there are many help you should also have a lot of help, Bai Star!" I saw the side of the empty.

"The Temple of the Temple." The body of the White Star Temple directly emerged.

"With this little guy to go to the rules of the temple." The Temph Temple told.

"Yes." Bai Star Hall respects the head.

The sword is unparalleled, I will go with the White Star Temple.

The independent space of the main hall of the Temple, the sword is unparalleled with the main two people in the white star temple.

"Little guy ..." Gai Star Temple first opened, Keemi she paused again, said: "No, you are still not dead, but it's really strong, but it is stronger than the general rules. I also belong to me, I will call you with a little guy, it seems that it is not suitable, I still call your name directly. "

"Jian Tianhou, what did the temple have just said with you?" Bai Xing Temple asked curious.

"Nothing, just distinguish between the power between the master and rules, there are some things in the three major sanctuary tell me, in addition, the temple will have to follow him in the next three hundred years. "The sword said unparalleled, he did not mention his own master and seven-star Xingzong.

"What?" White Star Temple is shocked, "The Temple will let you cultivate with him? And it's a whole three hundred years?"

"Yeah." The sword is not a hyper point.

Bai Star Temple immediately praised, "Jian Tianhou, have to say that your luck is really good, the Hall of the Temple has decided to make a decision in many years, no longer accept the disciples, this time I encountered you, he also There is no extravagance, but he let you follow him ... "

"My Space Temple has been created for so long, this is a long life, although there are countless strong people who are good at time and space, but they really have received their own points, and it is estimated that no more than 20, and the palace is also Just simply pointing one or two, but I can follow the main people around the temple, but now there is no one! "

"Hey, you can follow the people of the temple, this treatment is true, it is true, you will not have, your kid this time, it is really transported."

"Ah?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is also nodded.

Indeed, it can be used to cultivate for three hundred years old by the main hall of the Tempora, which is indeed hit the Universiade.

"Bai Star Temple, the main people want me to go to the rules of the temple, the rule of the temple should be the palace group you refer to me?" The sword did not have a double transfer topic.

The sword is unparalleled. At the beginning, he just arrived in Time Island. The Bai Star Temple took him with a few major opportunities to Time Island, but there was a place, although the Bai Star Temple pointed to him, but did not bring him in. That is a palace group.

According to the Lord of the White Star Temple, the threshold of the palace group is extremely high. Even if it is a general void, the main rules of the second-earthquent rules are unqualified. If you want to enter there, you generally need to master two or more rules.

The threshold of entering is so high, and it is impossible to think that the palace is not as small.

"You guess, the top of the school that you first refer to you is the place of the rule of the temple, and the use of the rule of the temple ... Do you guess not?" Bai Star Temple is interested in watching the sword unparalleled.

"The Temple of Rules is naturally targeted, but the threshold is so high, it is obviously not only for time and space rules. If there is no accident, the use of this rule is the use of rules." Sword has no pair. "

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