Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3350 Task

(The first to come!)


"Immediately make up?" The sword has no double brow, "" Domayers, the net eyes of the eyes is just a hundred years of time, there is no need to try to change the Lord of the rules? "

"If your inspection guard doesn't matter, then natural does not need to be anxious, but now ... Jian Tianhou, your inspection guard, there is a mission, since there is a task, it naturally guarantee the integrity of the guard." Tao.

"Is there a task so fast?" The sword didn't have a double look.

According to him, the patrol guards are responsible for the fight against the Temple of Time, but because the Temporates the Temple of Time and Space, there is one of the three free league of the Taijie Shenjie. It is an absolute hegemony. There are very few people in the weekdays, and the natural competition is also relatively small. Generally, there is not too much thing about the guidelines, and occasionally will go to the task.

Now he just took over the patrol of this inspection guard, he immediately had a task, which can only be said that it is very lucky.

"There is a task, and this task is estimated is not easy, so I have let the Lord of Jianlong come over with the fastest speed. If you should go to you in a half-day, you can set the inspection guard now. Ok, wait until the Lord of Jianlong, immediately. "

"Where is the mission location?" The sword was unparalleled.

"In the second heavens, as for the detailed task content, I will slowly tell you clearly, you will go to the Collection Guard now." Dawang told him.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

As the sword has no doubles, very fast, the many strong people of the inspectors are coming together.

One hundred top saints, plus nine rules, but not, Jianlong's Lord also arrived.

The Lord of Jianlong is an quite ancient, and strong rule of rules. It is also very strong in the three levels of the void. It has the position of his main position, this patrol team There is no one's weakening of the war.

After the main arrival of Jianlong, the sword is unparalleled, and everyone will go to the second day.

On the way to the second day of the day, the Sternal also told the scriptures in detail the sword.

"Jian Tianhou, you are going to go, is the second heavens of the purple crystal sea, this purple crystal sea, in a long time, I used to be the old nest of the Devil's demon, this purple During the peak of the crystal, it can be comparable to the eight parties of the three heavens, and even more points. "

"But then I don't know why, the Zijing Devils enaculates the holy area of ​​the three major holy regions. Under the personality of the Holy Lord of the Yanzhi, the Zijing Devil is completely destroyed. A variety of waste, the many strong people of the Zijing, almost have been killed, but the Zijing Devils are destroyed, but the treasures of the villagers accumulated in the long years, but there is no holy The domain is obtained, but it is completely disappeared with the evil crystalline demon. "

Donned, Dawang continued: "There is a rumor, the rich resources of the Zijing Devils have taken away by the strong people surviving by the Zijing Devil, but there are also rumors that the treasures of the Zijing Devil are hidden. Purple crystal fog, just because he is too hidden, it has not been found, just because of this rumor, so too, there will be a strong person to go forward, and want to touch the luck, but There is no big gain. "

"As soon as I will, I have a special trill to have a special letter, which is a special letter, this trick is related to the evil crystal demon, so they have tricks. The purple crystal sea, I didn't expect their acence, and there was really found that a heaven and earth hidden in the sea of ​​water! "

"Tiandi secret?" The sword was unparalleled.

The resources wealth of the Zijing Devil's long years have not been found, and now there are several people who don't die in the vibrant in the sea. This sky is the secret, which is very likely to be Tibet. Di! !

"Later? My time and space of the Temple of Temphally, the martial arts, enter the secret of the heavens and the earth, is there?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Not yet." Dawang said: "They found the secrets of the world, but to open the secrets of the world, at least the power of the two to three rules, they are just not dead, how can it be able to resist? "

"So they first submitted to my space Temple, and when I plan to send rules in the Temple of Temple, I went to the secret of the rules, the one side around the territorial foghai, I didn't know. From which news, the news sent a large number of strong people to arrive, and occupied the secrets of the heaven and earth, the few little guys in my Temporative Temple, were also driven away by them. "

"Happy government? This name is a bit ear." The sword is unmarkable, and it is suddenly a look. "I think it is, I am a happy grandman, I have had a joy of the unpudiary of a piece of entanglement, it is from this happy government. And I also listened at the White Star Temple, this is the second heavy day, and the strength is extremely strong. "

"Yes, Happy Government, even if it is the whole of the gods, it is a great force, and since the Zijing Devil is destroyed, the territorial field around the violicy sea has been controlled in the Holiday control, There are many powerful sectors in the two days, and no one takes the initiative to provoke this happy government, and it is a big hegemony, but the family is in the head of my Temple, but it is a bit unimped. " Cold channel.

The sword is unparalleled and nodded.

Happy House, although it is the hegemony of the second hell, but it is not enough to look at the temple of time and space.

On the weekdays, the Tempiological Temple is low-key, and will not take the initiative to provoke other forces, but it is not the first of the generosity of the gods. Some of themselves.

"Jian Tianhou, my time and space, the neuropers of the temple, now waiting around the violicy sea, you now take the instructions in front of the heavens and the secret to give back, the people of Xiaoyao is also intertwined If you don't know, you will teach them, let them long, my space Temple is not a happy government in his district, you can provoke. "

"Understand." The sword is unparalleled.

Time and Space Temple, do not hegemony, but does not represent the Tempora for Time and Space.

On the contrary, the Tempral Temple will not suffer, like it is in the blood wave, know that the three sanctuary is unparalleled to the sword, and the White Star Temple immediately wants to kill several rules in the three major sanctuary in the universe battlefield. the Lord.

And this time, the family, obviously became the object of Temporation Temple.


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