

Under the shortcomings of the sword, the sixth patrol guard rushed to the second day in the shortest time. When they came to the territorial area around the purple crystal sea, the Tempoken Temple first discovered that several of the secrets of the secrets of the world were already Then waiting.

One person headed, just a sword unparalleled acquaintance.

"Haha, Tianhou brothers !!" The cool laughter sounded, a burly man wearing a red tai armor walked to the sword unparalleled.

"Yue Yu, I haven't seen you for a long time." The sword has a smile on the face.

"Yue Yu, you now have to change the tangle to make adults." I came over again.

"Duan Wa, you are also?" The sword didn't look at this person.

Duan Yang and Yue Yu, that is, I have to go to the blood wave in the blood wave before, and the relationship between each other is very good. Especially the waves, the sword is just when I get the blood line quota, Duan Wah is still uncomfortable There is no double battle with the sword.

No matter whether it is a wave and Yue Yu, there is no big gap with the sword, but since the blood wave, the sword has become the top power of the Taijie Shen, is famous for the world, the famous is amazing, and it is After the Temphony Temple, it was also appointed as a patrol, this news, Yue Yu is also aware of.

"Emperor, thousands of flying snow, they three?" The sword asked without a smile.

"We previously went to the six people in the blood wave temple, and the emperor has become the Lord of the rules, and although you have no breakthrough, but the war is more stronger than the emperor, it is not the same level as you early."

"As for the thousands of flying snow, thousands of hunt is purely from your hit, and have been closed from the blood wave, there is no coming now, and the snow is alone, I will be alone, I will follow Yue The two people have no things, but just get the money of the Zijing Devil, just ran to this, did not want to encounter such a thing. "Said the waves.

"I have already encountered the trouble, I have heard, I am here, I am in order to solve this matter, I will take it for you." The sword is unparalleled, "Yes, how can I know you in a purple crystal? I found a secret secret in my fog in the sea? "

"Isn't it because Yue Yu?" Duan Yau is white. "We are because of the first time to the evil crystal sea, and this purple crystal fog is in some crisis, there are even some special banners. Therefore, in order to be safe, Yue Yu invited a strong road that is very understanding of the telescore in the sea. Who thinks that the strong man is a happy government, so we found the secrets of the world. After that, the man directly sent it to the happy government. "

"Is this this?" The sword is unparalleled.

And next to Yue Yu is awkward.

Indeed, this thing is that Yue Yu is too big, not to figure out the identity of the person, otherwise it will not appear now.

"Later, after the arrival of the Happy House, have you really want you?" The sword didn't ask.

"Where is it difficult? The people arrived in the family, just started to kill us directly, in order to prevent news, but in our smart, the first time reported our identity, the people of Xiaoyao because of the scruples The relationship between the Tempoken Temple, let us leave. "Duandao.

"The people of the happy government are still too stupid." The sword has no double smile.

Although this matter is obviously a happy government, I want to take the secret that the sky is awarded, but the people in the Happy Government did not kill the waves, which made the two sides have room for alleviating. If the whole family The person he was heated, and a few people were killed, then there was nothing to relieve, and the temple of the Time and Space will definitely take the opening of the family.

Even if the sword is unparalleled ... Duan Yong and Yue Yu have a good time with him, if the people of the Happy Government have killed them, the sword is unparalleled will definitely revenge. If you don't say it, you can kill you, at least The Lord of the Rules of Happy House, the sword is unparalleled, and there will be few people who will hate the heart.

"Right, I have heard the big people say that you can find the mission of the å, because there is a special trustworthy copy, the trill, can you still be in you?" The sword is unparalleled.

"In our body." Duan waves laughed directly. "In fact, I have left my heart. Although I have to bring us in the sea of ​​purple crystals, I didn't have it to go to him. One of the trips, until I found the secrets of the world, the man just thought that we were lucky, and I didn't know the existence of the trust, so I could take the trill to come out from the teleconcry sea. "

"And the people of the happy government, although now occupied the secret in the world, but the secret of the world is very strong. If I have not guess, I want to open the secretary of the world, but also need the Lord of the rules. At the same time, it is also necessary to guide the guidance of the trill, and now I have a sufficient rule of the rules, but they don't have a trip, and they can't enter the secret of the world! "

"That is to say, there is no one in the secret that there is no one in the world. Even if it is really the resources of the Zijing Devil's long-lasting years, is still no one?" The sword is bright.

"That's it." Duan Hui nodded.

"Haha, this is so good, I will take you first, then immediately search for the treasure, so in this way, when I arrived at the Temple of my space, I have been searched by them. They can also do not recognize the accounts, but they are a good idea, but unfortunately, there is no trill, they can't go to the secrets, that destined to be a bamboo basket to play an empty! "The sword smiled.

"Duan Ya, the secret of the earth, should you remember how to go?" The sword was unparalleled to Duan Wave.

"Of course, I know."

"That's good, you will take the road in front of Yue Yu, let's go for a while!" The sword laughed.

"Good!" Duan Yang and Yue Yu are very excited.

Just kidding, when they arrived away by the people of the Happy House, but the unfortunateness of the face, and the heart is very angry and wrogging.

Now, it's hard to wait until the sword is unparalleled, and they certainly want to go to the mission to retrieve the scene.

Under Duan Yang and Yue Yu, a group directly entered the voyama sea, and the position of the secret of the heavens and the secrets of the earth, not long, everyone has arrived at the position of the secret secret And the sword is unparalleled has also been induced by the existence of the happy government.


PS: Today is more coming!

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