(The first to come!)


As early as calm down, the sea, but because of the emergence of the secrets, it became increasing.

A large amount of purple is full of fog, full of heavens and earth, in the least the center of the purple crystal sea, a complete heaven and earth secrets have already present in front of the world, and at this moment, the many strong people from Happy House are around There, there are two people.

"The death, this sky, the secret of the heavens and the earth, I will start the six rules of the rules, but I can't open this world." The handsome young people wearing a luxurious silver silk robes are dark, and the face is also It is quite ugly.

"This heaven and earth secrets are different from ordinary heaven and earth, not just with a secret defense means, the most important thing is that the secret of this world has also covered a special prohibition, which is extremely high, unless there is a five-story The strong people in the sixth are all shot, otherwise, with our people want to force this ban, it is too difficult. "The other eyebrows said.

"I have given us a message, ask clear?" Junyi Youth asked.

"I have already asked clearly, as I mean, he just is more familiar with this purple crystal sea, so it is taken by the top of the top saints, as for the top of the top saints, what is the purpose of the top saints? He didn't know, and later the secret of this world was born. He thought that these top saints were just simple luck, and there were not many thought, they immediately gave us a message. "Long Elders said Shen Sheng.

"Now it seems that the top saints should be less simple, they may be deliberate to find the opportunity to find the opportunity, and it is likely to have special letters that open this world."

"Mix, I know this, I should not put those people away before." Junyi man went.

"The son, no matter what, those people came from the Temple of Time and Space, and they have already made their identity, and they also know that they are here. We now forcibly occupy the secrets of this world, it is already a provision of provinces If we are forced to stay in the top of the saints, force or simply kill, then complete the temple of the Time and Space, let them leave, and there is no way. "Long Elder said.

"Hey, Time and Space Temple ..." Junyi man was cold, but I thought of the strength gap between the Happy House and the Temporary Temple, the heart is full.

"There is no trick, we can't open this world secret, that isn't it to say that we are not only completely running all over white, but also enhance the head of the Tempoken Temple?" Junyi Men's Road.

"This is the case, but now I am still fashionable, after all, the secret in the world is now in our hands. Before the arrival of the Tempiors, we can find the secret to open this world, such as invasuring five The strong in the upper situation, forcibly open this heavenly secret, or ask the masters of the ban on the ban, and it is likely to break the secret of this world. "Long Elder said.

"The question is, will I give us so long?" Junyi men frown.

And his words just finished ...

Not far from the void, a large number of strong people have been directly moving towards the secret of the heavens and earth.

The old man with a handsome man was in an instant.

"This is ... The strong man of time and space?" Junyi men's faces.

"It's so soon?" Long Erosear is also low.

As for those who are surrounded by the secret around the secrets, the gaps have become a large number of strong people in the front, and they are immediately turned out.

Blinking, the big batch of strong people have appeared in front of everyone of the happy government, and in this batch of strong people, it is only a non-dead saint that is carrying long swords.

Although it is just an unstead of sacred people, but the pressure on him belongs, but it is much more powerful than the general rules.

"Happy Government ..." The sword has no double look indifferent, and the strong people of the Happy House have swept the past, and this sweep, he immediately found a familiar face in the crowd.

"Oh, there is an acquaintance?" The sword didn't look at the handsome youth wearing a luxurious silver silk robes, but the face was a smile of evil spirits.

"It is him, it is he !!" The Junyi Youth also revealed the color of the horror, "Jian Tianhou, he is a sword !!"

"Jian Tianhou?" Long You is also eye-catching.

And other strong people in the whole family, after hearing the three words of Jian Tianhou, they also showed a shocking color.

Jian Tianhou, this name, after hundreds of years of circulation, now in the early gain of the gods, it is too loud, you can say that there is no one, no one knows.

The Jian Tianhou was an amazing record in his island, and it is now a topic of many people.

That is the positive hard antiseptic holy master and the witch, and the two super existence gives the superman.

People's life, the shadow of the tree!

Even if the rule is the Lord, hear the name of Jian Tianhou, and I will be calm down.

"Happy son, I haven't seen you for a long time." The sword is unparalleled with a smile, watching the handsome man.

Yes, the Junyi man is with the sword. There is a happy head of the entanglement, the first day of the happy government is also the pro.

In the past few hundred years, this is still in the holy family, and there is no comparability with the sword.

"Sword, Jian Tian Hou ... What are you doing?" The grandfather is strong in the heart, and asked.

"What to do?" The sword has no double smile. "I am now the sixth patrol of the Temporation of Tempo, the Sixth Tour Guard, the Temple of Temples, and this time I lead the Tour Guard to come to the purpose of the voyama, you Don't you know? "

The family's face is cloudy, and he certainly knows that the sword is unparalleled, but the first time is not good.

"Happy Board, the secrets behind you, but the people in my Temple, I can find it, you can find that you will not say that the people will drive away, and the secrets of this world will be Yes, this is not too much to be too overbearing? Or do you say that you feel the temple of my space? "The sword didn't have a double cold.

He was shameful, but he didn't speak, but he immediately said: "Mr. Tianhou, this matter is probably there will be in the inside, I will dare to disrespect the Tempoken Tempiology?"

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