

" " " " ~~~

A hi-fast sword, which was attacked.

Unparalleled swords ... The magic sword is nine heavy days! !

And the happy Hou, although it is a heavy sword, but his speed is not slow, the heavy sword seems to have hundreds of millions of pounds, but in his hand, it seems that there is no weight, and the sword waves once again. It is very easy to abbreviate the sword unparalleled sword.

Swordless swordsmanship is completely broke out.

" !" "Star Dream!" "The Sun!" "Emperor Blood!" "Life and death!"

Sword Yingsheng, the sword is unparalleled to play the unparalleled swords created by itself, that or violent, or is rapid, or the sword of the strange drill is crazy, but he will not only play the sword. At the same time, I also play my own body shape, and my own understanding of the science.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, the combat power broke out, letting some of the bottom card means, it is indeed a peak.

The sword has its own characteristics. If you do a common strength, it is difficult to resist, but in the face of the happy man ...

This is a unparalleled information in the sword. It is said that he is the most terrible, is his close killing.

His near-body smuggling ability is too strong, attacked and defensive, with the violent to extreme offensive, often able to destroy the enemy.

Now, in the face of swordsmanship attacks in the sword, there is an endless sword attack, the Xiaoyao Hou Town is fixed, and it is very easy to pay, regardless of how the sword is unparalleled, how to wear, and the happy Hou can block it.

I turned down, although I have always been a sword where the sword is unparalleled, I have not take advantage of half a little in the hands of the Hou Hou in the end.

"Jian Tianhou, is this your strongest strength?" Xiaoyao Hou suddenly stopped the movements in his hand, his eyes were glared, staring at the sword, but his mouth has a smile, "Although you The swordsman is indeed very strong, and the truly war is really difficult to win you, but I want to challenge me if I have such strength! "

When the voice fell, he saw that the shackles were suddenly shock. A shocking destruction of the breath came out from him. At the same time, his body surface was suddenly a lot of deep purple Thunder, these deep purple Thunder It also spreads directly to the heavy sword in his hand.

"Do not kill, rush!"


A light phantom suddenly slammed.

It's too fast, the fast Sword is unparalleled, can only be reluctant to see a thunder, and the happy Hou has arrived in front of him. At the same time, the two meters long heavy swords have been hit by him, the sword is above. , Destruction and thunderstorm violent rules are perfectly integrated together, time, bombing!

"This sword !!" The sword has no doubles, and he also moved at the moment of seeing the happy and sword.

~~~ A sword is suddenly waved, and the time has hit the surrounding world space, making the surrounding voids to be completely bloody.

Bloody days, blood colors, even the filled in the air is a large number of blood mist.

And this sword is also very horizontal, it is easy to cut space, and at the same time, the power of a sputum is suddenly covered in front of the front.

Unparalleled swords ... blood repair! !

The strongest trick in the seven-fashioned swordsmanship, this moment, from the sword unhappy, the effect of the short-term stagnation has been produced, happy and his violent, very sword, has been stagnated from time and space. Impact, although the blink of an eye has been coming freely.

But because of this silk, the speed of Xiaoyao's violent sword is weakened with power, so that the sword is unparalleled with the chance.


The two swords and lights finally collided with the front, and they came into contact with the sword, and the sword was immediately induced.

The power shook his body, can't help but send a sultry, his body shape is also the first time of the wolf.


Sword is dissipated, ruthlessly flocking around the void, the impact wave formed is even more unscrupulous.

The sword has no double shape has been stabilized. He took the blood peak sword in his tightness, and the brow was slightly frowned.

"This is unhappy, it is the peak of the void, but it is still the top of the close, he just moves, the power is too strong, the front collision, it is not that I can fight, even I have already first Time to apply blood lotion, slow down this trick, the speed of this, but this sword is still directly crushed. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Jian Tianhou, your strength is very strong, but compared with me, it is still a bit." Happy Hou has also seen the sword.

"Now I said this, I haven't been too early, I haven't lost it yet?" The sword is unparalleled but laughs.

"Why, still don't accept it?" Happy Hou eyes.

"Just just positive power is stronger than me, the real battle, winning, can not say that the power of the power of fighting is strong and determined." The sword has no double smile, but it can follow his body and gently. Direct disappears in front of the happy man.

This scene, made the happy and horn immediately.

Those strong people around the surrounding battle are surrounded by the surroundings.

"What is going on, the insight makes adults, where?"

"I can't find it, I can't even feel the soul?"

"There is no shadow, it is patrol that makes adults!"

The Lord of the Tall Guard is immediately reacted.

"Is the shadow of the Lord of the blood blade?" Happy Hou color is still calm, "Hey, I know that you have mastered the shadow, but unfortunately, your shadow, you can't follow the main blood blade. Compared to the Lord who has passed the general rules, it is not a problem, but I want to pass me, but it is a joke. "

When the soul of the happy Hou is directly spread, just instantly, he has already induced the orientation of the sword, "here !!"

Happy Houhua is Thunder, immediately appearing in the sword unparalleled, while the middle has been quite horizontal.

"The sense of sense is good." The sword is unparalleled in this void, and his blood peak sword has also waved.

Seeing that the two have collided again, but this contact ... Happy Hou's sword is easily brushed from the sword of the blood peak and the sword, the unparalleled body, is not hindered by a half point.

"What?" "Happy Hou Yi," Not good, it is time and space !! "

Happy Hou has responded to the first time, and he has already induced the sword unparalleled body shape behind him.

The sword has a smile with a smile, looking at his happy Hou, the blood peak sword in his hand is gently sent out.

"Blood blade sword" second style, intentional! "


PS: Today is more coming!

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