Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3358 is defeated!

(The first to come!)


"So fast!"

"too fast!"

I was shocked in the blind man.

He has seen that he encounters the fantasy formation of time and space, and has also been induced by the sword unparalleled real position. According to his strength, since his strength, since the first time reacted, even if it is in passive, It should also be barely defended.

Now the sword is now unparalleled, but it is allowed to lose the mediterit of the unhappy.

No way, this sword is too fast!

Blood blade swordsman, is the strongest trick sword creation created by the blood blade, this is to show the same as the shadow.

In terms of sink, the mastery of swords has reached small, while blood blade swords, he has also mastered the second style. The name of this second blood blade sword is a consistent.

Macity is faster than the drip, the most important thing is that instantly running through the opponent, and it is more terrible.

If the sword is only just to show the blood of the blood, even now this is the excellent time, it may be blocked by the happy Hou, but one to show this second style ... even if it is happy, it can't resist, only I can watch the front impact on the horrible puncture of the horrible puncture.


The void is shock, the happy horses are covered with the Thunder, and the body's surface defense is also broken. But after all, there is a guardian war armor. This nautical war armor is a high level of the treasure, the sword is unparalleled The sword, can't take the body of the body, but a horrible effort is still in the body of the body of the body.


Happy Hou sent a cold, and the face was also sinking. Under the influence of the power, the figure was crazy and retired, and the half ramp was stable.

"Jian Tianhou, you are a good means !!" "Happy Hou is dignified, staring at the sword and unparalleled, but it is sigh," this battle, I lost! "

"Haha, I contracted." The sword is unparalleled but smile.

The many strong people who watch the war are instantaneous.

"Sure enough, it is the patrol makes adults!"

"The patrol makes adults, it is too powerful, and the happy man is said to be the Lord of the Rules, and the record has always been very embarrassing. You can patrol the adult, still defeating him on the front!"

"Hey, look, I have long said that the patrol makes adults will definitely win."

Many of the sergeants of the inspectors are very happy, but the side of the happy government is just the opposite.

"What happened? Master he just was defeated, but this did not demonstrate that the teacher has lost, before the sword is not to defend him on the front of him?" Xiaoyao's unclean did not understand, exact It is said that he does not believe that his master will actually be defeated in the sword.

And the Lord of Shi Yin next to him, but secretly shook his head, "this battle is indeed a big owner."

"The old man." Xiaoyao wrinkled over.

"Gongzi, although since the situation on the field, the owner of the government was repeated with the sword, and the two sides did not really distribute a winning and negative, but this battle, the House owner has tried to do everything. At the whole of the owner, it is only a good power, but it is only to fight against the sword, but don't forget, this sword is the same in the Taijie gods, there will be unbelievable fame, except for his own strength, the most The main thing is his bottom card and means! "

"His bottom card is endless, like he has a powerful amazing universe to the treasure, this universe is to the treasure, it can make his strength to reach a new level, and there are more than four hundred years ago, he. I also summoned a terrible imaginary, and forced the Holy Lord of the Yanzhi to be extremely wolf. "

"He has the bottom card with the means, but too much, but now, he has never used the original card with the means, and the light is strong, it has already spelled a banner with the owner, you said that he is used to use those The result will come, how will the result? "Shi Yin's Lord looked at the unhappy.

"You said that once this sword is used to use the bottom card, the master is not an opponent?" Xiaoyao's grandchildren. "

"Yes, not only is not an opponent, I am afraid that the owner has to worry that he can keep his life in this sword." The main color of Shiyin.

"What? This sword is Hou ... can threaten the life of the master?" The family is completely stunned.

"Don't doubt, if I have not guess, the House owner also knows this, so he took the initiative to admit defeat, did not follow this sword, because he was forced to be able to use the top game, the ending will How, even if the owner is unimaginable. "The main road of Shi Yin.

"This is the case." The unfaithde is finally understood.

But he knows that after the consequences, its inner is more not a taste.

Because more than four hundred years ago, when he said, no matter what to say, the sword was unparalleled with him or at the same level, and even both sides had paid hands.

It can blink over more than four hundred years, but the other party has reached a jealous of even his master is taboo, and he does not dare to force it to show the bottom sign.

This gap between this is too big.

And the sword is unparalleled. Of course, why do you know how to be awarded by the Happy Hou, but he has already watched a positive battle, and it has been forced to have all the strength. This battle is still a quick, and there is no regret. Naturally, he didn't want to continue to fight.

"Happy Hou, since this battle you lost, then according to the previous, there is no matter what the body is or treasure this world, my space Temple accounts for eight-year, and you will only account for two0%, and to the heavens and the earth. In the middle of the secret, you have a strong man of the whole family, I have to listen to the arrangement of my Time Temple. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes." Happy Hou is also very simply, no more than one.

"Okay, now let your people let you open, let us first open this world, and then we have another batch of strong people, and enter the secret of this world." Sword is unparalleled.

"Okay." Happy Hou nodded.

At this time, the Lord of Shi Yin came up, "the house, the main, and Mr. Tianhou, this heaven and earth secrets are quite unique, we have already tried, and even let the Lord of several rules to join hands, but I can't open this world, but I don't know if you have a way. "

"Hey, you think that this sky is the main in the mission, as long as there are several rules of the Lord to join hands, will you open?" The sword is unparalleled, but the arrogant is a bit behind, "Duan Ya, take the letter."

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