Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3359 enters the secret of heaven and earth



The waves immediately gave the trill to the prior to the previous, and they were handed over to the sword.

"Sure enough, there is a trip." Shi Yin's Lord looked at the trust, but it was secretly sigh.

He has guessed that it is necessary to enter the secret city, and there should be a trill to lead, and this trick should find that there are several unstead of sacred people in the secrets of this world, but unfortunately, he knows too late.

If you know that there is a trip to the waves, they will definitely not leave someone to leave, and they must find a way to get the trochand, but immediately open the secretary of the heavens and earth to enter, so. When the sword is unparalleled, the treasure of the world's secrets is estimated to fall into their hands, then the initiative is completely in their hands.

But unfortunately, because of a step, now they can only enter the secret city with the strong people of Temporal Temple, and even if they are in the treasures, they can only get two%, but they have to live and listen to the sword. arrangement.

"This sky is not big, you have to use so many people to enter it, and you will choose a few people." The sword has no double.

"Yes, I am happy, in addition to you and I am with the stone sound, there is another four rules, a total of six people enter it." Happy Hou Road.

"Then I am in the temple of my space ..." The sword was unparalleled for a while, and he told him: "True, you have led the serve of the sergeant, the Lord of the other rules, come together with me Tiandi's secret secret. "

"Yes." The Lord of the Truth and the Lord of the Si Ye immediately watched his head.

Let the owner of the true and the main owner of the Si Ye are also to prevent some unnecessary changes.

As for the secret environment, there may be some dangers, but it should also be able to cope with the strength of their current entering.

"Duan Yong, Yue Yu." The sword is unparalleled, "" This world is the secret, you are finding first, and you should go in the first to explore the most, but now because of some reasons, you Several afraid of can't enter it, but you can rest assured, if I wait for the secret of this world, I really found the treasure left by the purple star, or got a large number of opportunities, will also follow A certain proportion to you! "


"Haha, I hope that there is really a treasure left by the Viox Star, so that we can earn each other." Yue Yu smiled.

They have no opinions on swords, and they have been mentally prepared.

This is the case, if it is the opportunity to get the power or treasure of the power of the power, it naturally pays all these strong people, but it is not these strong people to get it, but with the power of the Tempoken Temple, then The treasures of these machines are definitely all the temples that are returned to the sky. Then the Temple of Time and Space will be part of the sharing of these strong people.

This time, the waves, Yue Yu has found this heaven and earth secret, but because she accidentally let the happy government inserted her hand, they can only give the Tempiology Temple, and the Tempse of the Time and Space, they can only follow the contribution A part of the challenge or treasure.

As for the secrets that can enter this world, they are not too much, as long as they can be partially part, don't let yourself walk away.

After deciding to enter the strong, the sword is unparalleled and immediately demonstrates the secrets of this world.

There is no trolley before, and the whole family is a few rules. It is also adjacent the secret of this world. Now because there is such a trip to the existence of this trip, this party is just a three rule, and it will easily open this world. A space channel sufficient to make several people, has appeared in front of everyone.

This space channel appeared, and immediately spread out of the ancient breath.

However, from this breath, the secrets of this world clearly exist, obviously the age of the Zijing Devils.

"Walk, let us go!"

The sword is unparalleled with the main eight rules of the Sword Dragon, and the Lord of the Six Rules, which is headed by Happy Hou, is almost simultaneously entering this space channel, directly into the secret of the heavens and earth.


Every time the ancient breath is awarded everywhere, it has existed when the Devil's Devil dominates the two days, and even after the purple crystalline demon is destroyed by the holy area of ​​the inflammation, it can be held in this world, but still saves it. And the long years are quiet, but today, this ancient secret is quiet, finally broken.

~~~ A shining, foot more than ten strokes from that suddenly appeared in the space channel, appearing in this world secret.

And one of the secrets of this world, the sword is unparalleled, and it is immediately ringing around.

"A good ancient breath, this is an ancient breath, it should only be able to have the Watt Rongzong also known as the two days of the day!" Jianlong's main road.

"You have seen the midst of the Temple of Time and Space, and the secret of this world is different from the external purple crystal sea sea." Happy Hou is a strong patriarchal sword.

"See it, the foreign violet sea, once is the old nest of the Zijing, the Yanzi area has killed the evil crystalline in the sea, so that the purple crystal fog is in order to be a ruin, and now it is terrible, but this In the middle of the world, there is no trace of the wars, but the opposite is still calm, and whether it is below the ground, or the surrounding mountains, it is intact, obviously the time that the battle did not afford the secrets of this world. Inside. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Not only is the age of Zijing Devil, but also has not been affected by the big war in the beginning of the war. This heaven and earth secrets are likely to be a place to hide the treasure hidden hidden treasure." Shixi The main gaze becomes very hot.

"It is probably a place to hide the treasure housing, but the problem is how we want to find those treasures." Xiaoyao hi smiled, followed by another sword, "Jian Tianhou, you said how should we should Find?"

"This secret area is not too big. Even if the purple ribong hides the treasure machines, we should also find out, the top more takes a little more time, happy Hou, according to the previous agreement, Your happy government is in this heaven and earth, you can always listen to me, now I decided, let's take a slowly in this world, slowly, "Sword is unparalleled."


PS: Today is more coming!

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