Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3395 does not provoke



The somatitis of the inflammation, a vast fire sea, with a flame temple, the temple of this flame, is the place where the holy owner of the inflammation is.

"You said that when you were able to personally destroy from this seat, some people lived down, and now it has reached the most peak level of the void six-situation?" The Holy Lord of the Yanzhi covers the flames, which control the endless surrounding endless The fire sea, and his eyes seem to have a flame in burning.

At the bottom of the Yanzhong, a violent robe is respectful to squad, and he heard the holy owner of the inflammation. He immediately replied: "The Holy Lord, this news is from the Round Returning Zong Lord to pass, should There will be no leave, and what he said is the fire magic, the original is old, the talents are high, and the holy area of ​​our inflammation is in the case of the purple star, and it is indeed no kill. Death him. "

"In addition, in recent years, the news is also emitted in the Happy House, saying that in the purple crystal sea, the strong, and even the happy Hou is easily defeated by the other party, no accident, it should be This sinking magic is. "

"I can't think of it for so long. This purple devil actually there is still a survival?" Yanzhi's holy face is cold, and it also takes an amazing kill.

"The Holy Lord, this Shenhuo Magic itself is a super genius, talent, according to the news coming from the Happy Government, he has been staying in a heaven and earth in the sea of ​​telescore, there is no There is any contact in the outside world, and there is no experience. It is not to get a variety of opportunities. It is purely to blindly cultivate, but it still has improved the strength to the peak of the void six-level, which is resistant to the holy area of ​​my inflammation. " The old man said.

"Light can rely on his blind cultivation can reach the peak of the void, the talent is indeed, and now he has already come out from the secret city, with his talent, maybe there will be a chance to break through the master level, once the level, then It can cause a lot of threat to the holy area of ​​my inflammation. "The holy master of Yan is slightly nodded.

"However, single now use his strength, in the Holy Lord of my inflammation, unless you personally shoot, no one can kill him."

"Just this, so I will ask the Holy Lord to take the Holy Lord." The old people said respectfully. "In addition, after the fire is separated from the purple crystal sea, the temple is taking the relationship with the Temple of Time and Space. And now he has been with the swords of the swords, just like a guard. "

"What do you say?" The Holy Lord of Yan is finally moving. "This sink fire is now following the swordsman?"

"Yes." Parp old people nodded.

The holy owner of the inflammation is silent.

This is silent, lasted for a while, he slept, "Let people stare at this sword day and the fire magic of the Sword, remember, only stare, do not need other actions , My inflammation area, not to provoke him two. "

"Don't you provoke?" The old violet old, asked in the manner: "Is it because Jian Tianhou?"

"Yes." The Holy Lord of the Yanzhi is not hidden. "When the first battle in the island, this sword is very good, although his strength is not himself, it will not have this level in the future. Force, but after the battle, the Tempral Temple will definitely give him another other life-saving means, with the force of my three major sanctuary, there is no chance to kill him. "

"Since you can't kill, then you will not provoke, wait for the absolute grasp, you will not be late !!"

"As for the sink magic master ... Even if he is very good, the middle is delayed for so many years. This talent is probably a lot of white, even if he is lucky in the future, it can really break through the master level, there is nothing. "

"A main level of the district, there is no impact on the pattern of the Taijie Shenjie, for my inflammation, although it can generate some threats, but want to threaten the status of my inflammation, it is an idiotic dream!"

"White, my inflammatory sages really should pay truly, it is the sword, which is to seriously threaten the enemy of my sanctuary and the three major sanctuary, as for this fire magic, with sword Tianhou is too far !! "

"I understand, I will tell you back !!" The old violet is immediately left.

After the Purple Sigs, the Temple of the Flame, only one of the holy owners left.

At this moment, the holy owner of the body, the big flame is crazy, and his eyes are also hot.

"Jian Tianhou ... I am not allowed to be, you can't wait, how long, how long you have arrived, you will arrive, you will have the end of your teacher, you will ! "

"He is dead, you will die! There is also a temple of time and space, and the heaven, as long as you stop standing on the side, all have to die !!"

"Hahaha !!!"

The mad smashing, the sound of the whole flame is constantly sounding, and the laughter has aroused the surrounding fire sea, making the fire harvest more vigorous.


Round back to Zong, reincarnation!

The sword has been in the range of the reincarnation of the trend, and the sword has no difference in the reincarnation rules, what is the vastness! !

"The power of the reincarnation of such a scale is afraid that it is more than one hundred times more than the outside world. If the reincarnation rules are here, how long is it better than the outside world." The sword is unparalleled.

While inductance of the rich reincarnation rules of the surrounding, the sword is unparalleled in front of the round back to the sky.

This round of the sky, looks from the outside, it is a vast roan area. After coming, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a dark, a ridiculous.

Into the void, there is no hived vitality, dead, and this is almost full of the whole horizon.

"The death is just this," Sword is not a double eyebrows, "these dead, clearly, but why didn't I feel very highly unpredictable, as if this is a kind of very special, even me Are you always touched? "

"Yes, it is power."

The sword is bright and the light flashes, but it has a smile in his mouth, "rumors this round of the sky is the best cultivation of the reincarnation rules, but I have seen this now, I can't reach this requirement. And now I feel this dead, but I am extraordinary, I have to see the source of this dead, where is it. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the idea is moving, his consciousness is directly covered around the dead.


PS: Today is more coming!

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