Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3396, the power of death, life

(The first to come!)


This is dead, cold, gloomy, suffocating, and even annihilated people

And this is dead, the diffuse range is also very broad, with the unparalleled consciousness of the sword, but it does not completely cover this dead gas, he can only go along this dead gas to explore As a result, this is getting more and more extensive.

The sword is unparalleled, and the dead gas heard before, just this round of the iceberg.

The dead gas in this round of turmoil is too broad, and it has been accommodated in the whole round of the world.


"The source of this dead is extremely deep in the bottom of the ground, and the scope is very vast, the secrets of this world of rotation are in the middle of this world, and even even the secrets of this world. , Very big in the territory of the territory is full of death! "

"However, because this dead gas is too deep, it is almost unable to find it. Only in this round of the world, along this day of death, slowly explore the life, and can feel the vastness. The dead is existed. "The sword was shocked.

He thought that this round of the sky, as he saw in his naked eye, but it can actually cover the range of the whole round of the sky, far exceeding his imagination.

Single singles nowhere to be in the range of dead, it is already very amazing, but he still did not induce the source of death.

Strong pressure in the heart, the sword is unparalleled along these deadly, slowly induction of a huge dead ocean, and the most ended the dead ocean, the sword is unparalleled, but suddenly does not feel a very different the power of.

"This is ... the power of life?" The sword was unparalleled.

He felt this dead gas in the reincarnation, along this dead feelings, and the result of the other end of this dead ocean, but is full of a lot of life?

The power of life, contains vitality, and is completely opposite to the dead deposit.

"What is going on here?" The sword was unparalleled, and the heart was full of doubts.

But at this time ...

"Little guy, your luck is good." The voice of a evil is awkward.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are fierce.

"Who?" The sword has no pair around, but did not see the existence of some people's shadows, and immediately realized that the sound seems to be in the ear from the outside, but through awareness, directly transfer Go to his heart.

And his consciousness is in the dead ocean.

Sure enough, as the sword is unparalleled, he is in the other end of the dead ocean, in the vast studio, this is a figurine, this is the old man, wearing a gray robes, mouth with the corner A strange smile.

"Who are you?" The sword was unparalleled.

"The old man is old, but the outside world will generally be called the old man to return to the old ancestors." This is a smile.

"Ren back to the old ancestor?" The sword did not have a double-color time, "You are the starter of the round, round back to the ancestor?"

"Yes." The body is slightly nodd. "But you only see it now just a consciousness left by the old man, as for the old husband's book, I went to the depths of the universe battlefield."

The sword is unparalleled. If it is the reincarnation of the old ancestors, it is impossible to stay in this round of the world, but it is still very easy to stay.

"The reason why the old man is left here, in fact, just waiting for a good person." The turn back the old ancestors laughed.

"Is there a person? What is the people?" The sword was unparalleled.

"An a person who can make this treasure, or this treasure is completely excavated." Ren to the old ancestors smile, "Little guy, you should also start from the rounds of the world, with the silk, and will conscious Always extend here? "

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"I am afraid that now, you are still unclear, this round of the sky is hidden in the end." Renaissance to the old ancestors are so compass, followed by: "You talk to the old man, you know the reincarnation of the trend."

"I know that this round of the sky is created by you, and it is a great holy place for the reincarnation rules, but all the strong people who have reincarnation rules, as long as they enter this round of the sky, they can get a lot. Harvest, in addition, after you start a round of the world, you refine the hundreds of rounds of releasing beads circulating, and the rules will be fixed, only the people who have round goals are eligible to enter the round back. ! "The sword said unparalleled himself.

"Sure enough, although so many years have passed, the outside world is in this way, but it is still like this." Round back to the old ancestors smiled, "Kid, the old man tells you, this round of the sky is open, but the old man It's just just to cover it here, and the refining wheel is going back to the beads.

"The old man is also just luck, and I found this territory under the coincidence, like you, through the start of the dead, thus, I found a big secret hidden in this big place."

"In this underground, there is an endless death, but there is an endless life!"

"Whether it is the power of death, or the power of life, it is a strong force, and it is quite opposite, but in this big underground, this death is coexisting, but it has been perfectly combined, formed together A huge life and death grinding disc !! "

"Life and death grinding disc?" The sword is unparalleled, and his consciousness continues to spread.

Sure enough, in the other end of the dead, it is the endless life, and those who die and life have already been perfectly combined, forming a huge life and death vortex, who feels this life and death For a moment, even the sword is also a survey from the depths of the soul.

"Life and death vortex!"

"Such a huge life and death vortex, what is this?" The sword was unparalleled.

"What is, you don't know?" Ren back to the old ancestors smile, "the power of life, death, the two combined, first of all, the first time is the rules of life and death, but in fact, the power to be born The ultimate, then in combination with the ultimate death, what is formed, has exceeded the rules of life, then ... life and death !! "

"That is to say, this huge life and death vortex you see now is a complete and huge life and death."

"Birth, life and death round?" The sword was unparalleled.


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