

Life and death, this is the legendary supreme existence!

Legend has it, after death, his soul will enter the life and death reincarnation, and then turn the World Wheel back.

Even if it is the strength of the main level of the gods, they reach the master of the saints and even the rules. Although they are fundamental, once they die, the soul will be annihilated, but they can still die again. Re-group, continue to renew, never stop.

As in the first world, the sword is unparalleled, it is a shocking means, forcibly open the reincarnation channel, saves the sword unparalleled with cold as frost in memory, one and send it into the reincarnation, then the sword is unparalleled to this round The channel is not aware of, I have waited until the beginning of the gods, but after the strength reached a certain level, he understood what incredible means.

That round is back, but you have to hit the life and death, but also change the order of life and death, simply incredible.

Now, that is only the legendary life and death reincarnation, actually appeared in front of him?

The sword is naturally a giant wave! !

"Life and death, what is the sustainant existence, the old man found this time, it was also shocked, and then the old man saw an unprecedented big firmer." Ren is back to the old ancestor with excitement Color, "The old man is thinking about it. When the life and death reincarnation, if the old man can refine this life and death, will it be a situation?"

The sword is unparalleled.

Will life and death recipe?

Such a super, only in the legendary life and death reincarnation, with increasing skills, and if there is a tributor to return this life and death to the refining, the scene, the sword is also can't believe.

"The old man raised this idea, and he couldn't control himself. So from that moment, the old man has been staying back in this life and death. I want to think about this life and death back to refine, however, the old man spends three hundred million The year, the result is not progress, and the old man also understands that with the power of the old man, I want to refine this life and death, almost impossible! "

"There is no way, the old man can only give up." Say it, reincarnation, I can't help but sigh. "

Refining and life-death, this is definitely a incredible thing, once let him finish, he will reach a similar level, no one knows.

But he understands that he is a reincarnation, that is, even the main level is far from being touched, and even exceeded the category of the Taijie Shen, once he really refined the life and death, there was a little, at least the three major sanctuary in him There is absolutely nothing in front of it.

But unfortunately, he finally obviously failed to succeed.

"Although the old man has given up the reincarnation of this life and death, this life and death is in front of it, so incredible aim, the old man can't make it, and I can't bear to let it continue to be buried, so the old man is in the shortest time. The rounded back is created, and it is on the top of this life and death, and then the old man deliberately covered here, and released words, this round-back Tiantiao's cultivator of the reincarnation rules is also a great effect ... "

"This is also the fact, a complete life and death round is here, this is a big amazing thing for the reincarnation rules. It is the purpose of the old man to do so, but it is also very simple, because the old man is 300 million Although the annual exploration did not refine this life and death, it also got a conclusion. That is only the cultivator of the reincarnation rules, and the party will hope to refine this life and die. "

"The old man will go back to the beads, not only to be limited to a round of back, and it is hope that the whole of the Taijie Shenjie has a very high talent in the reincarnation rules, and there is a chance to come to this round of the sky. After you arrive here, they can pass the dead feelings to the existence of this life and death, but most people can only induce this part of the death, but there is no way to feel the power! "

"The lifetime of life is not induced, naturally it is impossible to induce the whole life and death, so this part of the person, the same, no hope to return this to refine!"

Hearing here, the sword has probably understood.

"So the awareness of the seniors stay in the part of the reluctance, just wait for someone to come to the heavenly field, and through the deadness, I feel the existence of death and life, the predecessors will Tell this all right? "The sword has no bisquecry.

"That's it." The old man smiled slightly, "although the old man could not refine this life and death, but the old man expects someone to refine it, but the old man does not want to directly dissemise this life and death. The news is completely spread out. The people are well known, so it is possible to attract some of the existence of the universe battlefield, so the old man is looking for some people in this way! "

"Now you have passed the dead, and I feel that the existence of death and life. It can naturally I can induce the whole life and death, so the old man's consciousness is now telling you everything, and you are also one of them. There is a person, before you, although there are many strong people to come to this round of Tenka, I really can feel the power of life, I have the qualifications to make the old man's consciousness, only three people, you are the first Four. "

"It turns out that." The sword is unhealthy. "

"Kid, you can always feel the existence of life and death, you can only feel a dead reincarnation, and you are just a non-dead saint, waiting for your strength to grow up, still have such a chance to refine this life and death , Good cultivation is. "Ren is back to the old ancestors.

"The younger generations understand." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Well, the old man has inform you the secrets in this round of the world, you know it, but don't spread the exhibition, this is for you, there is nothing benefit, as for you, you can really succeed, Your creation. "

"Also, the rounded bead can only stay in this round of the tremendous area for a month, this month, you only need to improve your feelings on the reincarnation rules, you don't have to think about the life and death. After you have improved it later, and you have the ability to be able to defeat your husband in this round of the ban on the trendy area, you can try to refine this life and death when you come back.

The round to the old ancestors smiled. After finishing, the thus formed by the consciousness is directly dissipated, and the voice of the reincarnation has not yet been in the sword.

PS: Today is more coming!

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