

It is reported that the spirit of the ancestors have made a crazy retaliation of the north, and even the blood family afterwards, but there are many strong people who have killed the blood group, but the north is always living. After that, the Northern Koma has become a blood family, although this When the strength of the ancestors also increased, it became a ancestore in the Tianzu Dao, but he didn't kill the northern bay, revenge for her husband.

Even so many years have passed, this spiritual ancestor's hatred of the north is obviously not attenuated.

"Now it is troubles." The sword is unparalleled: "According to the Lord of the White Star Temple, the void six-level strong in the Temporator's Temple is good at the soul of the soul, and the nine tail family is long, with this ancestor two people At the time and space of the Temple, I only know that these two people, I am afraid that the whole two people can only meet my requirements. "

"And the nine tail family is impossible to help me. This spirit is a good for me, but the conditions of opening ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and this is very difficult.

He wants to ask a spirit to shoot, you must kill the northern bore.

But the north bore, obviously not so killing.

"I don't have to be too urgent. Anyway, I have agreed with the predecessors of Siyi. The soul strip is sure to do, but I have to delay some time. After all, I will not kill the northern bore, but now kill. It does not mean that there is no chance, as long as I wait for my strength to further, or break through the Lord of the Rules, then join hands with the fire, more design, and it should be killed. "The sword is unparalleled eye.

He can only wait for his strength to stroner to find a way, at least want to kill the Northern bay, obviously impossible.

"Blood family ... The blood family of the four major gods !!"

"The old nest of the blood family is in the three days, it seems that I have to go to the three days as soon as possible." The sword is unparalleled.

Three days, not only the old nest of the blood family, while the four gods, and the three major sanctuary are there.

In the past, there is no pair of swords, there are many scruples, don't dare to enter, but now I still have some concerns, but I don't even have the same happening like it.

And his parents relatives are all in three heavens, and there is also the first thing to encounter, and the unsolicited Miss, now in the three days, the identity of Miss, Miss, he has been curious. This is natural to have a understanding.

"Food, let's go." The sword is unparalleled.

"Where to go?" Shen Zhu Devils asked.

"First go to the blood ancestors, say hello to them." The sword was unparalleled, and the two were directly grabbed by the blood of the blood ancestors.

However, they just came to the range of the mountains, and they saw a lot of shadows that gathered in front of the void.

"So many people, and the rules have a lot, there is a lot of people who are not blood ancestors. What is this?" The sword is unparalleled to look at the front of the sky, in the void, obviously three Dial the existence of the person.

One of them is naturally the blood of the blood ancestral, with the head of the ancient wheel, and the main owners of many rules have already appeared.

Another dial, there is a lord of ten rules, including two people, seeing the breath of breath, these two seem to have reached the hierarchy of the void.

These two dials stand in the most central, that is, the blood of the blood ancestors, which is obviously held.

And the last digging, just standing on both sides, and also smiling, obviously a neutral view.

Among these views, the sword is unparalleled.

"Mr. Bai." The sword is unparalleled to give an admission.

For a while, I have already come to the front of the sword.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, you have come from Lingzu?" Bai's look is still quite humble.

"Just come out, I want to say hello to the blood ancestors, but I don't want to see this scene in front of you, I will not know what is going on here?" The sword was unparalleled.

"What can I still have to work, is not the two major factions in order to fight each other, in addition to the blood ancestors, another dialect is from the Fuzu faction, this time the blood ancestors The ancestors have always been in order to be in the sanctuary, the two sides are inserted, but it is good today, the Fuzu is actually played directly. "

"Playing up the door?" The sword is unparalleled.

"This is not a thin thing, there are many in the Tianzu one, and there is often a friction between the major factions. Even each other is normal, but as long as they grasp each other, they are truly killing, don't make a chaos Just, like a faction is blocked now, it is often happening, but it is often played now, after all, it is a blood ancestor. "

"Blood ancestors, but one of the four big schools of the Tianzu Road, all the times he has hit other doors, who dares to come to the blood of the ancestors, and the blood of the ancestors In the continuous faders, even the blood ancestors were trapped in the universe battlefield. The blood ancestramid now has the top strength, so the ancestors dare to do this. "

The sword is not a double brow.

He has already heard that the troubles encountered during the blood ancestors, just did not expect this trouble, and they were directly hit by other factions.

The sword is unparalleled, it can be said, it is at this time, the ancestors of the ancestors first, but it is directly low, "the ancient wheel, since you all of you Yors'

"Yes, hundreds of battles!"

The strong people of the Fu Australia are also attached.

These rules of these rules, including the blood ancestors, have a little ugly, but also temporarily silent.

"Mr. Bai, what is this 100 battle station, what is the sword?

"Hundreds of war days, it is a battlefield specializing in the battle of everyone. Under normal circumstances, all sent factions in the Tianzu Road are in some interests, because the words are arguing, there will be hundreds The battle is solved by strength! "

"If the two factions have been on the 100th Taiwan Taiwan, they will choose three strong people to carry out three games, the three games and two wins, winning the big faction, naturally can get victory." Hundreds of explanation .

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.


PS: Today is more coming!

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