Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3408 Blood Niki

(The first to come!)


"I don't want to hear a Bai Wan Taiwan, and the strong people of the blood ancestors will be silent." The sword is unparalleled.

"This is no way, if you have before, even if you go to a hundred battlefams, the blood ancestors will never be afraid of the inquiry of the ancestors, but these years have a lot of blood in the past, now the blood ancestral Among the remaining strong people, the main void five-level affairs of the ancient wheel can be shot on the Bai Bing, which is revealed that there is two kinds of virtual five-nautical bosses only. There is also the peak of the four, let alone there have the existence of the Qi Aust that reached the sixth! "

"It can be said that if they have hundreds of battles on both sides, the blood ancestors are almost no more than half a point."

"There is no more than half a winning? That is not necessarily." The sword is unparalleled, but it is felt with the Shenhuo Magnolia.

In the void, the strong people in the Australia have a lot of laughter, and there is also an aggressive taste between speech.

"Why, ancient wheel, don't dare to go to the 100th battle?"

"Haha, there is a blood ancestor, don't you connect the courage of the Baiyong Batai?"

"It is useless to say more, there is a big battle in the past!"

In the ear of a low voice into the owner of the ancient wheel, the main body of the ancient wheel is slight, and the heart is also not light.

But even if he is angry, it does not dare to agree with the ancestors of the ancestors.

And at this time ...

"The Lord of the ancient wheel is not a Baiwang stage? Promise them are it." A cool laughter loudly next to the owner of the ancient wheel, and the shape of the sword is unparalleled with the fire magic. Next to the side.

"Mr. Tianhou?" The Lord of the ancient wheel looked at the sword, but he couldn't help but mistake.

Many strong people in the Australia have naturally seen the appearance of the sword unparalleled and the fire magic.

Among the two void five-level strong, one of the golden and bloody people who have been over more than two meters is cold, sweep it, "Who are you? Dialogue with the ancient wheel, how can you have a mouthful, roll down !! "

At the same time of this golden generation, he is a powerful pressure of the five-seat strong, and it is directly oppressed.

This blonde has a look that the sword is unparalleled is just a non-dead saint, so it will not be placed in the eyes, and now he is with the ancient wheel in dialogue, even if it is, some of the strengths of the rules are not qualified. However, the sword is unparalleled, runs over, he certainly does not want to directly scramble and oppress it.

But he didn't expect that his voids and five stars oppressed this saints that were not dead in front of him, but the latter is still a light and light, as if it has never been affected by half.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and I have turned my head. I saw this blonde and a strong man. "My name is Jian Tianhou, but I don't know, who you are?"

The sword is very casual, but when he said that his name is the name of his swordsman, the Lord of the Rules of the Australian, and the surroundings of many cultivars around the scene, the whole void is also immediately appeared. A burst of turmoil.

"Sword, you just came back from the void battlefield, perhaps, this Jian Tian Hou ..." There is another void five-in-one, and there is some words around this blonde.

After listening to the blond man, his heart is also surprised. It is also shocked to see the whispering of swords.

And the sword is unparalleled from the main port of the ancient wheel, I know the identity and name of this blonde.

"The sword of the princes of the Australia? You just said, you have a dialogue with the owner of the ancient wheel, I don't qualify for the mouth, but I have to roll down? Oh, your tone of your rotor is really big, Now I still stand in front of you, you can dare to just say there, then say it? "The sword is still with a smile, but its flourishing eyes have stared in this golden hair. , Let the rotor will be a bit cold.

The rotator has also known that the sword is unparalleled in the gods, and the incredible record, so even if the sword is not only a saints, the rotor is not likely to just want to just, there is no one.

When I heard the sword, I was slightly sinking, followed by low departure: "Jian Tianhou, you have a talent, the potential is not limited, and now it is the patrol of the Tempiological Temple, naturally qualified to stand in front of me. However, today, this is something between the ancestors and the blood ancestles, or it is also a matter of my ancestors, and it is nothing to do with you? "

"That is not necessarily." The sword has no double smile, "I don't think about it, I am just a gods, I have a coincidence into the secret state of the hemathest, where the blood north, who got the bloody clothes Inherit, and blood north is one of the top strong people of the blood ancestral, since it is his pass, it is also a blood ancestra. "

"Are you a bloody person?" The sword was awkward.

"Why, don't believe? You are afraid that I don't know if I come to Tianzu Dao, a large extent, in order to give the blood north to the blood ancestral, this bit of blood ancestors Everyone knows, and although the Lord is not a strong person, it is also present, and it can also be tried. "The sword said.

And I heard this, I'm going to step forward, laughed: "The whirl, Tianhou, this is true, he has returned to the main thing left by the blood north, this matter It is clear that it is clear. "

"If it is the end of the Over the end, it is not possible to let you believe it. In fact, I have to prove that it is very simple, whirlier, you see this is." The sword didn't have a double idea, and a body shape suddenly appeared next to him.

Although this figure is different from the sword unparalleled appearance, it is exactly the same.

"This is ... emperor is divided?"

The strong people of the ancestors saw this figure, it was immediately recognized.

The emperor is divided, this is one of the blood ancestors, one secret, very much, even if there is a qualified cultivation in the rules of the blood ancestors, it is the same in the blood ancestors. There is a very high position of the blood north of the blood, nature is cultivated.

The sword is unparalleled. Since cultivating the emperor, he inherited the blood northern clothes, there is no doubt.

The rotor is not to say.

Since it is the master of the Lord of the blood, the sword is unparalleled. There is also a person who speaks, and even the qualifications of the blood ancestors.

"The Lord of the ancient wheel, this whistle is not to ask for the hundreds of battles? That's, just, I also want to see this in the ancestore, how much can be smiled." The sword is unparalleled.

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