

I heard the sword is unparalleled. Although the Lord of the ancient wheel is still a little concern, I still have to nod, "Okay, the Bai Batai will be a hundred battles!"

"Haha, in this time, this time, I am in the Wellness Table, and the arrival of the blood ancestors is here." The rotor is a laughter. Many strong people in the pulse turn left.

The privacy of the ancestors of the ancestors went away, and the visits around the surrounding people were naturally scattered, but they only looked at the swords, and the look is quite quite.

They only knew that the sword was unparalleled is a person in the Tempora, and there is a certain relationship with the , but he did not expect Jian Tianhou and their ancestral road, and there were also many implications.

On the tomorrow, on the battle, the blood ancestors and the collision of the prostitute, and they also expect them to look forward to.


Blood ancestral, in the mountains, the main land of the ancient wheel is in the first place, and the sword is unparalleled with the fire. The Magic Lord is sitting next to the strike.

"Mr. Tianhou, today's things, I represent the whole blood ancestors, thank you." The main lord of the ancient wheel.

"The owner of the ancient wheel is not a welcome. I also said before, I am the master of the blood north, and it is also a person who is a blood ancestral, now the blood ancestors have encountered trouble, I naturally should do it. Share. "The sword is unparalleled," but I don't know what is the opponent's play on the Ming Dynasty, what is the plan? "

"This is ..." The Lord of the ancient wheel looked at the rules of the blood ancestles, but they didn't help but sighed. "Mr. Tianhou, you also know that my blood ancestors have lost two times. Virtual five-level, the blood ancestors were trapped in the universe battlefield, on the top of the top, it was not more than the ancestor, tomorrow's 100th battle, my blood ancestors were afraid to win. "

"This battle has not begun, the owner of the ancient wheel is too pessimistic." The sword is unparalleled is a smile, "the owner of the ancient wheel, I will ask you first, if you personally shoot, can you win, win Next? "

"This ..." The owner of the ancient wheel, the moment of depression: "Now the ancestors of the ancestors, on the top strong, there are too many bloods, I don't say that they are behind them. The ancestors, the two void five-level strong in the same day, it is extremely difficult to provoke. "

"The first is that the swirl, although his strength is more slightly different from the original blood north, but it is not too much, and he has been in the universe battlefield, and it is just back in the past. Maybe some progress has been made, if it is right, I don't have any grasp. "

"That one?" The sword is unparalleled.

"In addition, the virtual five-level strong, is the Lord of Yan Mountain. He rarely went to the universe battlefield, staying in the Tiansu Road, more contact with me, I have known the roots of him, and I have also paid his hand with him, although he is not good, but he is at least 70% of the game! "The main self-confidence of the ancient wheel.

It is also a five-way strong, and he doesn't have anything about the rotor, but if it is the Lord of Yanshan, it still has a lot of confidence.

"This is," the sword is unparalleled, "" On the three games of the Wellness Table tomorrow, the opponent of the ancient wheel is the Lord of this, what you have to do, is to defeat among the battle He will do it. "

"There is a total of three battles, even if I can win, the remaining two, my blood ancestors have no more than anything?" The auner wrinkled.

"That is not necessarily." The sword is unparalleled but smile.

"Mr. Tianhou, what do you mean?" The owner of the ancient wheel is confused.

"You don't need to know this calf. In short, tomorrow, you only have to win the Lord of Yanshan, as for the rest of the two play, it is, I will give me a self-proclaimed." Sword is unparalleled Self-confident.

The owner of the Rules of the Ru Walhe and the blood of the rules of the rules, they don't understand what medicine is sold in the sword, but now, in addition to their situation, in addition to the sword, there is no way. Therefore, it can only nod.

And the owner of the ancient wheel knows, but the bottom of the fire is clear.

Therefore, after the sword is unparalleled, the Shenhuo Magno has already secretly communicated, "Jian Tianhou, on the Wat Platform of Tomorrow, Are you planning to be old, defeating the whirlker?"

The style of the fire magic of the monk is light.

Also, the rotary master may be strong, but in front of him, it is really not enough.

If he shot, it is fully easy to defeat the whirlman.

"No, I really intend to do this." The sword is unparalleled but a mysterious smile.

"What do you mean? It's hard to be you intend to shoot with the whistle.

"Yes, I think so." The sword is unparalleled: "I have received a lot in the reincarnation in the reincarnation, the strength is also big, now I, I will never What is the problem, even if this rotor is strong in the five levels of void, I am confident enough to fight with him, it is difficult to say, it is difficult to say. "

"Since it is better than the difficulty, it is not as good as the old man, it is not simple, isn't it simple?" Shen Zhu Devil's white sword was unparalleled.

"No, no matter what to say, I am just a bloody person, I haven't added the Tianzu Dao, I have come to the blood ancestral, which is actually a more reluctant, and you are just my guard, this On the identity, then something is even more unpaid. "The sword was unparalleled.

"In addition, the main thing, my strength just got a big progress, now I want to find a few virtual five-year-old power practicing, the main strength of the Yan Mountain is too weak, and this is the main point, Just as my opponent, let me hick up! "

"Of course, I will fight with him, if it is better, there is no need to carry out the third battle, but even if I lose it in this battle, it is not tight, the next third battle, You are not too late. "

"Anyway, people who have a priest of the ancestors don't know your identity. I don't know your specific strength. I will only treat you as a power of a powerful rule. They send opponents with you. It is the extreme strong force of a void, and you will beat him easily, and it is the same. "

"Hey, the old man is hoping that the so-called Qustu is able to personally, if it is just the ultimate in the four kinds of void, too inexpected." Shen fire devil shredded, no more.


PS: Today is more coming!

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