

Blood ancestral, Huang Temple.

"Mr. Tian, ​​an adult in the fire, this time, the two shots will help, my blood ancestors can win on the Baiwang stage, but also from the Qustu Pulsion, I originally governed the territory of my blood. , My ancient wheel represents the whole blood ancestral, thank you !! "The ancient round said.

The Lord of the rules of the blood ancestors, also grateful.

"The Lord of the ancient wheel, there are also very polite." The sword is unparalleled but smile, "I said before, I am the blood of the blood, and I barely calculate the blood ancestors, the blood ancestors It is difficult to help, and naturally, it will help. "

"In any case, this time, this time, you did help my blood ancestors and busy. Unfortunately, the blood ancestors have been sleepy in the universe battlefield, and my blood ancestors are now not very wonderful. I am afraid that it is nothing. Mr. Temporation, you can only wait for the time to pay back. "The owner of the ancient wheel.

I heard the words, the sword was only smiled, but it was a positive color: "After the battle on the Taiwan War stage, the ancestors were also lost in the hands of the blood ancestors, and I have come to say that it is a blood ancestor The same camp, plus the existence of the fire, I believe in the next time, other factions of the Tianzu Road, should not dare to call the blood ancestrans in the past. "

"This is of course." The Lord of the ancient wheel is also a smile. "By this battle, Mr. You, there is still an indigenous people standing in my blood ancestors, in the top war, even the ancestral In the face of my blood ancestors, I only have a sield. Other sent, what can I start again? What's more, the blood ancestors are only trapped in the universe battlefield, not falling, and other factions have a big counted! "

"After this war, I dare to say that my blood ancestors can completely restore the context of it."

"This is good, then I can also leave." The sword is unparalleled.

"Mr. Tempoic you want to leave?" The owner of the ancient wheel immediately saw it.

"Yes, I went to Tianzu Road, in addition to completing the hardships of the blood north, I saw your spirit, and now I have seen the ancestor, and I also got an answer, the things of the blood, I have already It's time, I naturally want to leave. "The sword laughed.

See this, although the owner of the ancient wheel is some regret, it cannot be retained.

"Mr. Tian, ​​this is my messy, since I said that I am said to be my blood ancestral, then I have encountered what hassle is used to use my blood ancestors, despite the opening, my blood ancestors One pulse must do our best. "The owner of the ancient wheel handed his own message symbol to the sword.

"Okay, I am really that I will be polite." The sword has no double smile, and it has been closed, and then he left with Shen Fire.


Soon, the sword is unparalleled with the Shenhuoshi Magic Lord.

Although he solved a lot of trouble for the blood ancestors, he did not violate the blood of the blood, but the sword was unsatched.

After all, he didn't get what you want.

He wants to help the ancestors, then you have to find a way to kill the family of the blood!

This matter, for the present, it is tricky.

"Jian Tianhou, next, where are you going?" Shen Feng magistrate looked over.

"To do three days." The sword is unparalleled. He is now a sword unparalleled guard, no matter where it is natural, it is a sword.

"Triple days? That is the old nest of the three major sanctuary, but also the most strong place for the heavens of the heavens ..." The fire of the fire.

"Why, are you afraid?" The sword is unpaired and interesting to look at the sink fire.

"You a saints, and the three major sanctuary is so much big, I am so good to be the most extremely extremely short from the void, and will it be afraid?" Shen Fire Master.

"That is, let go."

The sword was laughing, so soon, with the Shen Fire, I went to the third day.


The core, three days of the gods, this is a three heavens and earth!

And these three heavens and the earth, whether the cultivation environment is still higher and higher.

Like a heavy day, the peak people, the invincible saints can almost walk, and the rules of the rules are the super existence of the open, like some of the strongest great power, and many of them are now the mainstay of the rules. However, it is only a mission of the world.

However, it is a two-day, the peaks, and the invincible saints are also the top power, but far from the level of crossing, after all, there are many rules in the second day.

Like a happy government, I have forgotten the Valley, and I'm going back to the two major days. Which one is not the top of the rules of the rules, even if it is too much to forget the Valley, and there is a strong six-level And even the Lord for the Lord of the Holy State and the master of the master.

It can be said that the two-day cultivator level is already very high.

However, two days, but still cannot compare with the third day, even the gap is not general.

The third day, that is the most important force of the Taijie Shenjie, and it is also the top hegemony of the Taijie God.

For example, the three major sanctuary of the Taijie God is high, it is the third day.

In addition, there are four gods, as well as the extremely profound height of the ground, this one can be the top power of the Taijie Shen.

Just take the bottom of the eight side, although in the third heaven, it is only in the bottom layer, but its strength is with the heritage, if it is not because the old Great reasons, it is better than too much. As for the stronger four major gods to follow the three sanctuary, let alone.

Here, it is the gathering place of the strong, and it is also a paradise of the strong.

After coming out of the Tianzu Road, the sword is unparalleled directly to the instantaneous shift with the fastest speed.

And one to the third day, the third day of the third day, the sword is unparalleled, and there is more special induction.

This sensing is not the environment of the surrounding, but from the will of That.

"Tiandao will weigh !!"

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the sky above.

No matter in the first day, or the second day, he knew that there was the existence of the heavens of the heavens, but the induction is very vague, but it has been the third day, this feeling is very clear.

Not only, he can induce the existence of heaven, the heights of the heavens, of course, also induced him!


PS: Today is more coming!

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