Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3420, Jian Tian,

(The first to come!)


As the sword is unparalleled, he has clearly induced the will of Heaven's will, and the heavens will have discovered his existence, and the first time will inform the three major holy mains.

The core of the three major sanctoes, a chaotic void, the consciousness of the three main prospects is already condensed here, and the top of the three is quite dignified.

"The Jian Tianhou, a big courage, know that the third day is the old nest of my three major sanctuary, and the heaven will be the most strong, and he as long as he step three days, in the heavens will Next, he did not shape, but in this way, he still dared to come !! "" Destroy the Holy Lord.

"He is there is no happening." Life and death, the opposite of the family, "Before the War of the Island, I did not kill him in the three major sanctuary, and after the war, I wanted to want to want to wanted again. Hands with him, almost impossible, let me not say that the time and space of the Temple will definitely give him a life-saving base card, just move this trick single one herself, let us have a headache. "

"This sword is, knowing that I have been very hard to give him now, so I will be unscrupulous." The Sheng Lord's voice is low, "there is no way, now I have three major sanctuary. The power is really difficult to kill him, even if we are now immediately estimated, there is no effect, but will make this sword to be more vigilant, and it will stimulate him more desperately to cultivate, to improve the strength !! "

"That is to say, if we do it now, it will be in motivating him, hind him, this is a loss, it is not as good as us, nothing, just wait for that day. Just well. "

"The right is correct, and when the rise should be changed, when Xuan is rising, I am doing this three major sanctuary. Let's take a lot of money. We will no longer come to provoke him, don't give him a skill Opportunity, wait until the day, this is not dead? "Destroy the Saint-Horde.

"Although this sword is very amazing, he will not be able to reach the place of Xuanzhi, wait until that day, and even if he reaches it, he also died!"

"In this case, then make this decision."

The three Holy Lords have soon reached a consensus. Even now, the sword is now unparalleled, but they are still not intended to shoot the sword.

After this consensus reached, the Lord of the Three Holy Strats immediately issued a command, constrained the strong people under the three sanctuary. During this time, if you encounter the sword, try to avoid it, if you encounter any mystery? Strong, try not to provoke easy to provoke.

In short, the main intentions of these three holymen are very obvious, that is, now there is no need to provoke swords, no matter where the sword is unparalleled, as long as the sword is unparalleled, they will be able to hit the inside of the three holy areas. What is the sword unparalleled?

When the endless years, when Xuan rose, the three major sanctuary didn't try to fight at the beginning, but they can't find it, but they didn't have the other party, they also did it.

The sword is unparalleled. I don't know how the three major sanctuary is thinking, but as the three major sanctuary materials are expected, his now is indeed.

Because he is clear, with his current life-saving means, unless the dominant master is coming, it will not kill him.

At the moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the mainstay of the Third Heaven is the third heavy day, the main map.

"Our position is in the third day of the northwest nine-nine-nine-nine-nine domains." The sword is unparalleled to look at the star map in front of him, and it has judged that his position is coming.

The third day, very large, more than one day, two days, and many strong people countless.

There are two big hegens in the northwestern area of ​​the third day, and the two big hegens are the magic months in the eight side, and the nine-nine-nine-nine-north domains is. Within the control of these two big days, each occupied the nine territories, and the rest of the field is the middle of the two days.

The bones of the bones is a territorial area of ​​the magical month. Although it is just a domain, this area is still vast vast times, and the large and small forces have a few counts, the upper number of the row, the rule of the rules Sitting in the town, or the great forces that have been born over the rules have ten.

"Fantasy Months Day?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the star map in front of yourself. The tags of the magical months have the four big characters of the four big characters. The look is getting rough.

One of the magical months of one of the eight squares, he has already turned it.

At the beginning of the blood wave, he had just entered the blood banking world with the emperor, thousands of enemies and waves and others, and the destruction of the holy area immediately retaliated immediately. In this process, The destruction of the sanctuary is to make a helper.

Although the destruction of the Sanctuary did not succeed, the magical months also had a dark loss in the sword, but this is what the magical months are actively provoking him, but there is no result, and now the sword There is no double, just in the third day, it is exactly the mortal month, which is really clever.

"This magical monthly, the blood wave and destroyed the holy area, and the picture was in the dead, and it was obvious that this magic of the moon is always looking for the three major sanctuary. The moon is probably a lot of power, if there is an opportunity, I have to give this magical monthly a lesson. "The sword is unhealthy.

And after you know what you are in place, the sword is unparalleled to see other territories of the third day.

Within the third day, all parties are gathered, of which the strongest three major sanctuary is naturally the most central, the third heavy day of the third heavy day.

As for the four gods, although the domain occupied is not more than the three holy regions, it is not bad, and because it is the four gods gathered, there are many special ethnic groups in the gods, including a lot. The existence of the beast and the beast, so that the territory is also called the demon domain!

The three major sanctuary and the demon domain, accounting for the best territory in the third day of cultivation, and the remaining territories are the next eight side days, and some other big forces after the same basis. .


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