Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3426 Refameting Disciples

(The first to come!)


I killed the saints of the younger, and the sword is unparalleled with the fire magic. It is naturally a small thing that is insignificant. In the eyes of Zhao's everyone, it is completely different.

"Qing, you are dead?"

"These two people have killed the saint of the saint?"

"It's over, the younas saints actually died within my Zhao family, I am over this time !!"

The whole Zhao family has fallen into an unprecedented fear.

Their fear first is the power of the horror of the Shenhuo Magic, will be free to sway the saint, which is obviously the Lord of the rules, the Lord of the rules of the rules, this is, the whole Zhao family is only looked up. Super existence.

On the other hand, they are fearful is that the younas saints can die in their Zhao family. After the event, the magical months will be brought about, they can't get rid of the dry system.

The sword is unparalleled with the fire magic owner, but after killing the younger saints, the Shenhuo Master turned into Zhao Mang that has fallen into the shock.

"Little guy, old man indulge in, if you are willing, from today, you will be named after the old man." The Lord of the Shenhuo said.

"Remember, namely disciples?" Zhao Mang has some hair.

He is very clear, and the fire in the sinks of the fire can kill the giant people. This is obviously the existence of the principal level of the rules, and this existence is too far away, too high, it is too high. Now, such a strong, actually actively appeared in front of him, and he would receive him as a disciple?

This is a tart with him, and he is dizzy by this pie.

"Why, don't you want?" Shen Fire Magic is indifferent.

"No, no." Zhao Mang quickly shook his head, he was deeply sucking a breath, solemnly said: "The seniors don't know, I am born, I can't absorb the heaven and earth aura, I will pay for the sixteen year, I pay I don't know how much effort, but I haven't been able to become a real practitioner ... "

Zhao Mang's words have not finished, the Shenhuo Magno is directly interrupted: "Your physical husband has already seen, but since the old man will come out, then there is a way to improve your physique, let you become a real cultivator Now you only need to answer the old man, I am willing to be a name of the disciple. "

"Willing, of course, willing !!"

As soon as I heard the sink fire, Zhao Mang was very happy. He followed him directly, and respectfully gave an Shen Zun's three heads and shouted: "Disciples Zhao Mang, met the Master. "

"Let's get up." The firewright of the firewright, Zhao Mang did not help but stand up.

And the sword next to it is unparalleled. I saw this scene, but I laughed: "Shenhuo, congratulations, you have received a good apprentice."

On the foot of the fire, the face is also revealing a smile. Hone other words, through a few days, Zhao Mang's heart is still like it or lets the fire magic Lord like it, in addition to lacking, there are no big winds, other It is very good.

In addition, Zhao Mang is the same as him, is also a natural wind pan. The main party of the Shenhuo is intended to collect him as a disciple. As for the reason is just named disciples, it is not a disciple, it is just to give Zhao Mang more more Hawned.

Those who can surrounded Zhao's family, but they have some people who don't think it.

"This mysterious power in front of me, actually collecting Zhao Mang's waste as a disciple?"

"This Zhao Mang is a natural waste, but can he be defeated under the door of the rules?"

"The Lord of the rules, it is difficult to do it, I can't make eyes, I am so many disciples, where is it worthy of this Zhao Mang, but he picked Zhao Mang as a disciple?"

Zhao's everyone is talking about.

Of course they are all secret news, of course, I don't dare to say it.

"Zhao Mang, you should have no nostalgia about this Zhao, should have no nostalgia?"

Zhao Mang hooked around Zhao Jiazhong, followed but it was a nailing town: "Not good."

"That's good, you are ready, now you will leave for the teacher." Shen Fire Master.

"Don't prepare anything, the disciples can leave at any time, but when they leave, the disciples have a bad thing." Zhao Mang also said.

"Your unfeater, is it for your sister?" The Shenhuo Magic glanced over the Zhao Ling next to it.

"Yes." Zhao Mang Zheng nodded, "Master respect, disciples are born because of unable to practice, there is no place in Zhao's family, no one puts the disciples in the heart, but only four sisters Zhao Ling, is the only scruple feeling These years are more helpful to the disciples, and today's things, if she is not coming, she almost became the victim of Zhao's family, so the disciples are not worried about her. "

"It can be understood as a teacher." The fire magic is slightly nodd. "But the old man came to the third day, there is a little important thing to handle, the side is single, one person is enough, it is impossible to bring more one more However, the old man can promise you, before leaving, the old man will give you this sister with a comprehensive security. "

"Thank you, Master." Zhao Ming was happy.

And Zhao Ling next to heard this, but also revealed the color of surprise, immediately squatted, respect: "Zhao Ling, thank you for your predecessor."

"Let's get up, your doll, your heart is also good, but the family is too dirty." The fire of the fire.

Zhao Ling got up, stood with Zhao Mang, like Zhao Mang, for those who surrounded those Zhaojia, there is no sense of emotion, and there is indifferent and disgust.

Even if it is true for her father Zhao Yong.

"Okay, you will go with the old man now." The Shu Magno said, just leaving Zhao Mang and Zhao Ling.

But then ...

"It's slow!" "" There is a low voice, and it sounds in this hall.

Everyone he said, but found that Zhao Yong is in the face of iron and green, he trembled: "You kill yourself, but the core disciple of the magical month, but also the Lord of Black Yao, You can't go! "

I heard this, the sword was unparalleled and smiled.

The main color of the Shenhuo Magic is a cold, "Zhao Yong, you can know why the old man just didn't kill you?"

Zhao Yongyi.

Yes, the Shenhuo Magner just shot twice, the first time I brought him, the second time is a spike of the saint.

Since the Shenhuo Mart can kill the sacred person, you can naturally kill him in an instant, but the fire martial art is not doing.

"The reason why the old man spares this one, and let you continue to stay in this world, because the old couple wants Zhao Mang to grow up, then come back to solve this thing, but now if you want to say more about half a sentence now , Old man now brutally erase you Zhao family! "

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