Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3427 kills the door



Icy sound, with the meaning of the murder, and rushed in this hall.

The Zhao family in the hall is shaped, and that Zhao Yong is also scared, he remembers it now, and the person in front of me is the Lord of the rules, and the specific strength is not clear.

The magic month, he can't afford to be guilty of Zhao Jia, but the Lord of the rules in front of them, they can't afford it.

If the person in front of him is really shot, it is really easy to cover their Zhaojia.

"Zhao Mang, let's go."

The Swing Magic Lord is too lazy to say more, with the sword, with Zhao Mang, Zhao Ling has left Zhaojia.

After they left, the whole Zhao family was immediately blown up.

The younas is dead, and still died in Zhao family, this is very fast to spread out, the whole of Yan Xincheng, therefore set off a huge waves.

Two days later, it was still in a pub of Yan Xincheng. The sword was unparalleled with the Shenhuo Mart sitting next to the table. As for Zhao Mang and Zhao Ling brothers, it was respectful to stand next to it.

"These two days, Yan Xin City seems to be unhappy." The sword is unparalleled, "It seems that you can't kill the saint of the saint, but also caused a small wind and waves."

"Hey, but it is squeezing an antite." The Shenhuo Magic did not take care of it.

"Master Zun." Zhao Mang opened at this time, "The young people were the core disciple of the magical month, and the head of the Master is said to be very big in the magical month. Killing the younger saints, the Lord of the Black Yao is likely to find the door, are we avoided first? "

Zhao Mang is worried about his master.

After all, he was born in Yan Xin City, and he was only a sixteen year old. He did not see it. In his eyes, the magic months can almost say that it is invincible.

Anyone has a low head in front of the magical month.

Although he saw that his master is not good, he didn't want to hit a positive collision with the magic month.

"Avoid? Single a magical monthly day, but it is not qualified to let the old man retreat." Shen Fire Magic is indifferent.

"Haha, little guy, you have not too small, you have a teacher, look at it, if you are not coming, if it is coming, it's just like your teacher." Sword is unparalleled Laugh.

Zhao Mang's brow wrinkled, and the bottom is full of confusion, but he saw the sword unparalleled and the fire magic owner is uncomfortable. Naturally, no more.

However, how long, as Zhao Mang says, the strong people of the magical months come.

"Three adults, they are there !!"

A low drinting and robbing the sky, then the trailer appeared in the void outside the pub in a homework.

The figure has emerged, in addition to Zhao Jia's master Zhao Yong and Zhao family, there are still three people.

The three men, two men and one woman, after their body shape, immediately had three pound of breath, swept, and the blink of an eye has covered the whole city.

"The Lord of Rules! And it's still three !!"

In the city, countless practitioners felt these three breaths, all of which were attentive.

This five families in this city, in front of the three rules, also shivering.

"The squat is not small, and it is the main one of the three rules, and it is a lineup of a void three-in-peak, plus two void four-border lineup." The sword was unparalleled, and smiled.

When I heard this, Zhao Mang watched the sword unparalleled.

In his opinion, it is the Lord of the Three Rules, and it is also the powerful rules of the power. The three are coming, but he is a young man who is temporarily doing the name. Also so leisurely, as if you didn't put the other party in your eyes.

"What is this person, look at his look, it seems that it is too strong, but he seems like a flat look like a teacher?" Zhao Mang was curious.

The void outside the pub, Zhao family and the main part of the three rules are standing together.

"After three adults, after the death of the young, I have always stared at these people, and they are now in this pub." Zhao Yongdao.

"This is already known." A cold middle-aged cold opening in a black robes.

This is the master of the saints of the saints, the Lord of the Master of the Church of the Church.

When he received a message from the saints of the saint, he immediately invited the two void four-seat strong people in the magical month, and the purpose is naturally to revenge, and look like it. Killing the murderer of the saints, did not hurry, he naturally has the opportunity to revenge for his annual.

"The people inside, roll out !!"

The Lord of Black Yao is cold. It is like an angry Ren. It is in the world. This sound is also compressed directly with a horrible power.

The rules of the rules, the horror of an angry, the power of the Lord of this Black, sweeping out, if it is the general cultivator in the pub, I am afraid that these cultivators can live without one person, but it is good in this black. When the main pressure is oppressed, the Shenhuo Magno has already shot, and these power is all blocked, so that this power does not affect others from the pub.

"Into the fire, people are killing, I will not be able to work with this matter." The sword is sitting there, there is a leisurely drink.

"Zhao Mang, you are waiting here." The fire is over, it is directly to the beach.

"Master!" Zhao Mang was very worried.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled, "the little guy, don't worry, don't look at the outside of your teacher," in front of your teacher, "

"The three powerful rules of the rules are not enough?" Zhao Munitude.

Outside the pub, the body of the Shenhuo Mart has appeared in front of the main three of the black Yao.

"Is you, killing my disciple?" The main eyes of Black Yao, staring at Shenhuo Mart.

"The old man didn't finish a crimist, as for your disciple, the old man is not knowing." The Shenhuo Magno has two hands and indifferent.

"Very good, although I don't know who you are, but since you have already contracted this disciple, then pay for this disciple." The main color of the black Yao is gloomy, "Two, I will take a shot together, kill His !! "

"Okay." The two void four-level strong one next to him nodded.

Although they can't see the specific strength of the fire magic, they are obvious that the Shenhuo's Lord is the Lord of the Rules, and it is likely to be on the truth of the truth, deal with such rules, and they will shoot alone I can't kill, but the three people teamed up, then there is a big chance.


PS: Today is more coming!

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