

Avi blind door has been covered for more than five hundred years.

Although now because of the relationship between the Shenhuo Magistra, there is already a capital, but the Guild is still crucial.

"Jian Tianhou, I know that the Star Palace is extraordinary, and that is broken Yu Hou, but said to hear from your instructions, so you may pay me to my purple blush door, for my purple Bloody door is placed in a nutan law, of course, my purple blind door will not let him come, naturally will give him a rich remuneration, or simply let me owe him a person. "Shen Fire Main road.

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled, and I followed: "I will ask you."

The sword is unparalleled, and the news is gave to Shi Yu Hou, and there is a answer.

"Broad Yu Hou has promised to arrange the guardian for your purple blush door, as for the conditions, he has not yet mentioned." The sword has no double.

"Thank you." Shen Feng Devil's main road, thank you, he knows that the Shun Yu Hou will promise to come over, and he largely because it is a sword.

"Broken Yu Hou said that he wants to go to two days, it is estimated that it takes two or three months. We are waiting here." The sword is unparalleled.

The next time, the purple blind door began a large scale reconstruction.

To rebuild the Zongmen, of course, a large number of resources are needed, these are good.

Before the fire of the fire, there is a lot of resources left by the Vioxar Devil, which is used.

Moreover, even if there is no so many resources, the six major power to master the blood unit is absolutely to be sent to the door.

Three months later, Broad Yu Hou arrived in the vibe.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, Mr. Shen," Broad Yu Hou Qixian

"Broken Yu Hou, please come over, now you have already known, and now you are a purple blush door, just starting to reassemble, the guard is big, how do you see how to arrange?" Sword is unparalleled Asked.

Broad Yu Hou overlooks the next purple blond door, slightly nodd, "the general guildar, no more than the power of the enemy, so the guards of the guards are generally in the defense, but there are some The protective law, can be an attack and defense, but only the cost of this is even greater, but I don't know which one is the fire. "

"Take the array of strong enemies, as for the attack, some of the shoulder have some attack skills." The main road of Shenhuo.

"What about the next level?" Broken Yu Hou again: "Tianhou Xiaoyou said before, this purple blond door should not be a very powerful zone, but because of your sake of the fire, it must be Rise, this level of the faction should be better? "

"Of course, you need a high level of law, it is best to block the Lord's Lord of the State." Shen Fire Master.

At the beginning, the purple star was destroyed, and it was the Lord of the Saint-Gentry!

The escort law in the purple Rodge is actually strong, but in front of the main situation of the Holy State, it is generally in the face of paper paste.

Once an experience, I didn't want the Lord of the Shenhuo to kill the next holy, so of course, it would be the kind of guard against the Lord of the State.

After listening to the fire of the fire, Shi Yu Hou is a smile, "I can block the Lord's Lord of the State, but I have to be, and I will be able to arrange it with my fight. But the premise is that it is ... It is necessary to arrange the law, and it is necessary to consume the huge resources, I am afraid it will be beyond your imagination. "

"Oh?" The fire of the fire is a wrinkle.

"Don't say anything else, just maintain the energy required by that the law, can only take it through God, but to maintain the normal operation of the big array, this year's reserve God has hundreds of millions, Don't say some other precious genius treasures. "

"In addition, the Fair is arranged to be placed every millions of years, and it must also be maintained by the two or more of the elevated strong people who have reached the void six-year-old. Otherwise, it may also have the possibility of crashing.

"The above two, but the two conditions needed to arrange the law, there are still many harsh conditions. For example, there are many time to take, and if you don't know if you can accept it?" Yu Hou play.

When I heard this, the fire magic owner was a bit stunned.

And the sword is not blessed.

But he can also understand that after all, it is necessary to resist the Lord of the Holy State, and can you arrange it with casual?

Even if you have the ability to arrange this method, he has not arranged the capital of this.

Although the Swing Magic Lord has a lot of resources, but now the conditions mentioned by Shi Yu Hou, he is afraid that he can't satisfy.

"It seems that the old man is too big, which can resist the Lord of the Holy Genting, do not want to be a little lower, what else is needed?"

"The fault is also divided into many levels, and it is necessary to resist the Lord of the Shengjing, or the general master attack, it is already the law of the landlord level, this level is extremely Of course, it is also more difficult, and the five-way law in the nine tail family is a holy faction of the country, but because there is no master of the master in the nine-tail family, there is no way to play the ex-place battle. Can you be so easy by me! "

"But the real place is the case, if it is successful, in this generous god, it is definitely not worried that will be broken, but the resources of the cultivator in the gear world, want to lay out The holy faction is almost unrealistic! "

"In this case, it can only be taken step, and the fantasy is arranged." Broken Yu Hou Road.

"Human illusion?" The sword is unparalleled to reveal the color.

"Human illusion, if it is in the vast cosmic, it can only be considered the entrance level, but in the gear of the gods, the level is extremely high, like the original nutan law in the blood, also The human diary is reached, but it is medium-level in the form of a human fantasy. "

"And I have a few complete people's fantasy, this method of law, once arranged, the general void six-level strong, absolutely can't break, even if it is a strong in the peak of the holiday, come A three five bits, it is also difficult to shake, unless the most extreme strong strong in the void, and there are two or more, it can break down. "Broken Yu Hou Road.

I heard this, the scholar Magic's eyes suddenly lit.

Even if it is the ultimate strength of the void, you have to need two or more to break it?

It is important to know that in addition to him, there are two in addition to him.

That is to say, once the law is arranged, as long as the Lord of the Holy Gentality does not personally shoot, no one has broken.


PS: Today is more coming!

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