Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3514 is unable to shake

(The first to come!)


"Broken Yu Hou, if it is a fade of the fantasy-level peak, what is the cost of consume?" The sword didn't ask.

"The people's illusion, although it is far more than the holy level, but to arrange, the cost of consumption is still very huge, but these costs, the Strong Strong Strong Strong Sign in Shenhuo Mart For example, it is still acceptable. "Broad Yu Hou Road.

That's, then, please, if you ask you to arrange the peak of the peak of my purple blind door, you need to spend the cost with resources, you can say that after the array is completed, I owe you Hou you. "Shen Fire Master.

"Haha, although the fantasy is more difficult, but if you can exchange the human condition of the void six-year, I can really make a big." Broken Yu Hou Road.

"Don't be afraid, Broken Yu Hou, start laying." The sword has no double.

Broken Yu Hou nodded, and then negotiated with the Shenhuo Magistrate how to arrange the law.

After everything is ready, Shi Yuhou began to set up the array.

The fantasy is not easy to arrange, not easy, not just need a lot of resource assist, while the time consuming is not short.

During this time, the sword is unparalleled in the vibneine door, and it is also watching the broken Yu Hou arrangement.

Although he didn't know much about the method, because of this, he didn't want to miss this opportunity.

After all, Broken Yu Hou can be said to be the highest in the big god circle, watching him in the array of law, and can make the sword unparalleled a lot of understanding. In the future, he is in the gear boundary, or It is to go to the universe battlefield to sway, and it will definitely be dealing with some special methods. I understand more than a dialect.

Time passed, a sway, three years have passed.

In these three years, the purple blush door has been reconstructed.

The original ruins, now it has become a clean soil, his inner birds are fragrant, and the palace attire is everywhere. The whole zone is very magnificent, and there is no more miserable look.

Most importantly, in the peripheral void around the Zongmen of the purple blind, there is a light film that cannot be seen in the eye.

This light film is a three-year time, and the human fantasy peak method is arranged.

"Mr. Shen, this is already arranged, and it has formed a cycle. In the future, you will be integrated into a group of gods every other time, providing this method of normal operation, this is the case It can always continue, and even if it is really strong in the future, it will be able to pull the truth, as long as it will unplug the truth, you can invite the first two or more of the or more laws. Repair it. "

"Well." The fire of the fire is slightly nod, followed by: "For the three years, there is labor and punching you."

"Haha, only three years, can be exchanged for you to save the fire, I can't wait." Broken Yu Hou smiled.

"Broken Yu Hou." At this time, the sword is unparalleled, "the power of this in front of this is really good, can you get what you said before, can I see it, it seems like that?"

"That is that the power of this fault did not really broke out. In normal time, this is just a simple operation, so that it costs will not be too much, and once the law is attacked, this is the case Wenenex will be discounted. "Broken Yu Hou smiled," If Xiaoyou does not believe, you can take it with you, try this fault. "

"Then I will be welcome." The sword is unparalleled, and the palm has taken directly to the blood peaks behind him.

call out!

Blood peak sword out of the sheath, a thrilling sword, instantly swept around the voids.

With the sword, there is no double shape, it has already appeared around the forefront, the life of life, and the sky is in this moment.


A bloody sword is like a bloody lightning, with an extreme violent, suddenly.

No double sword, !

Strongly a sword, especially the sword is unparalleled, and the power of this sword has reached the hierarchy of the peak of the fifth.

But this sword is on the heavy film above the heavy film, but it seems that a drop of water has dropped into the sea, and the heavy glands did not rise too much wave. The whole purple blind door is still calm, but the sword is unparalleled. The power has been exhausted.


The sword is unparalleled. "My sword, Wei Neng can be stronger than the fullness of the general void five-level strong, but I haven't shaken this way, I don't know, I know, I am The abroad attack. "

The sword is nothing.

From the external attack of the law, follow the internal attacks of the French array, that is all two yards.

One law, under normal circumstances, the defensive power against the outside world is the strongest, and internal defense is relatively weak.

Because of this, in the Taijie Shenjie, the force will contribute to the other forces, most of them will start from the other side, and then in the body, so it is easier to break the other party's guardraint.

It can now be broken in the law of the purple blush door, and the internal defense is very strong, the sword is unparalleled, and the defense energy of the impairment can be imagined. It is also a strong horizontal.

"There is this law, as long as it is not the Lord of the Shengde person, this purple blood door will be safe." The sword has no double.

"According to the truth, but my purple blond door is passed down by the purple Raw Devil, and that the purple ribong is the Lord of the Sacredness.

Although the law has been arranged, it still has a worry in the bottom of the Shenhuo Magic.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, but you don't have to worry about it, even if the sanctuary is known as the purple blind door is inherited by the purple blind. The purple blind door has your existence. It is not the original purple ribong, and there is no ability to resist any resistance in the holy area of ​​the inflammation. "

"Moreover, even if you can't resist your purple blush, the Holy Lord, the Holy Lord, wants to kill you, almost impossible, and you can go crazy to revenue in the holy area of ​​the disease, go crazy to kill them The strong, that will also be a disaster for the holy area of ​​the inflammation. "

"The sanctuary of the inflammation also knows this, so there is no absolute grasp if you can easily kill, the Yanzi area will never dare to shoot the purple blush door, because of your price, they are not willing to bear."

"This is the case, but this is because I am here, if there is one day, I am not there?" Shen Fire Magic frown.

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