Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3519 400?



After the sword is unparalleled and broken Yu Hou, the heavy sinking the Lord is smashed, and he said: "An unstead of sacred people, actually said than me? It is a joke."

"But just that person, it is just a non-dead saint, but you can walk in the universe, but also let Broken Yu Hou solemnly treated, it seems that the identity is certain."

"Take him, anyway, there is not much relationship with me, I still waited for the break, and then quickly saved my brother."

He has a few words, waiting quietly.

Not only the Lord of Sank, in Broad Yu Hou with the sword, there is a lot of rumors in the Gorge Palace void, and there are many rules in the Star Palace noticed the existence of swords.

"Do not die saints?"

"A unstead of sacred people, I came to my galacial? And let Broker Hou personally lead it?"

"Interesting, this is not dead, it seems that the identity is not normal."

The Lords of those rules in the Star Palace have already communicated in the secret, and they also start to guess the identity of swords.

However, it is more common that the Lord of these rules of the Star Palace is unaware of the things that have happened these years, and no one has heard of swords. If they have an innocent, they know that the sword is unparalleled. Some of the records of the gods should not be unexpected.

At the same time, the sword is nothing to ask about the things in Shi Hou, some Star Palace.

"Broken Yu Hou, I am curious, now the Star Palace, how many rules have the Lord?" The sword is unparalleled.

"A lot." Broken Yu Hou directly said: "I can tell you that it is only more than 60 in the rules of the Nest of my Star Palace, but the main rules of the Star Palace is in the universe. In the battlefield, the Lord of these rules is all added, and the number of rules of my Star Palace has exceeded 400. "

"The Lord of the Four Hundred Ratings?" The sword was unparalleled.

In the gear, the rules of the rules, that is definitely the top strong, like a lot of top scoring for the Taijie, there are not many people with rules.

Like the sword is unparalleled, the two major gods of the blood family, the main situation of each of the rules of each of the gods, is only twenty or thirty.

In the Great Gate Dynasty, the Lord of the Ethical Rules is already very scary.

Now I now go to this star palace, Broad Yu Hou tells him that the number of rules of the Star Palace has exceeded 400?

More than 400 rules, what is this concept?

If it is in the gods, it is enough to scare people.

Broad Yu Hou naturally saw the shock of the sword, even if you laughed: "Tianhou Xiaoyou, you don't have to be too surprised, I have said to you before, and the first border is just a star, but it is just a three The stage star is over, and the small can be ignored relative to the entire vast universe, and the rules of the rules are the integration of the top, but they are in the vast cosmo, but they are in the universe. The eligibility of the sway is. "

"In the universe, the rule is indeed too mediocre, and the number is also scary, like this territory, dozens of gears in the nearby god circles, and some of the branches have long time, and the rules of pregnant The number of people is very amazing! "

"There are still many rules, pregnant their gerbars, have come to the end, but the gentle is collapsed, but their rules can live, these live rules, only small part of the choice Going to the depths of the universe to touch your luck, most of them stay here. "

"For a long time, the number of rules owned by this territory has reached a very amazing figure. After all, I have a dominant force in the town of the main, and there is a famous gas in the surrounding territory. The rules of the rules come to attach, which can be said that the Stars can have four hundred rules of rules, which is normal. "Broken Yu Hou explained.

After the Hou Hou said, the sword is still shocked, but it can also be accepted.

Indeed, the universe will not be able to compare with the genre of the world.

Some of the things that can't be said in the Great Gate, but in the universe, it can be very reasonable.

"Broken Yu Hou, you have just said that the Lords of these rules of the Star Palace are coming, it is the Lord of the Rules of the Star Palace, most of them are from the genoven yields?" The sword has no double.

"Yes, Although the Star Palace is based on the strong people of the Taijie Shen, the Lord of the Star Palace has nothing to do with the Taijie Shenjun, like me, in fact, my hometown is not too early. Broken Yu Hou Road.

"Oh? Then that I don't know if you have a hopes, is your hometown?" The sword is unparalleled.

"My hometown is also from a three-level star, but the three-level models don't belong to this territory, and there is a relatively far distance from here. I will come to this territory because I know this piece. The territory hides some big firms, I think this is coming to touch your luck. "

"Later, I met the palace owner in this territory. The palace owner saw that I had a very high accomplishment on the array of law, so I opened some conditions that made me not refused, let me join the star. The palace, and I have agreed to come down, and I have been staying in the Star Palace. "Broad Yu Hou Road.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled, "it's right, I said the palace master, the front ax is not to say that the palace owner has been closed? Then you are now, who is it?"

"Haha, the palace master is a closed door, and now there is no time to see you, but except for the owner of the palace, there is still an adult in the Star Palace to see you." Broken Yu Hou smiled.

"Is there an adult?" The sword has no double look, "can let Break Yu Hou you call it as adult, is it a master?"

"This, wait for you to see it, you will naturally know." Broken Yu Hou laughed, but did not speak.

Under the leader of Broad Yu Hou, a very fast sword has come to a delicate black tower before.

This black tower, a total of seven layers, broken Yu Hou with swords without pairs directly to the top of the tower.

At the entrance to the top, Broad Yu Hou stopped.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, the adult is here, you go in, I have to help the heavy sink, the brother, I don't have to accompany you, after I see the adult, you can send an ax one The Lord, he will give you a residence in the Star Palace. "Broken Yu Hou Road.

"So, there is labor and punching you." The sword has no double-sensitive.


PS: Today is more coming!

Happy National Day!

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