(The first to come!)


After ShRona Hou, the sword is not hesitant, directly from the entrance to the front of the tower.

In the top of the tower, I thought it should be the same as the ordinary tower, but it can actually have a hole in the space.

The sword has come to a unique space, and it is a dense wood.

There is another tree in the woods into the clouds, and the trunk is extremely large, but at first glance, in addition to the thick and huge, there is no difference between the general gods.

After entering the woods, the sword is unparalleled, he immediately heard the voices of a road from the depths of the woods.

Obviously, some people cut trees in the deep wood.

With the sound, the sword is unparalleled to the woods, so soon, I saw a coward of the plain black shirt in the depths of the woods. This coward wears a fight. , Swaying the branches of the big tree in front of time.

On the dark muscles of the dark, it has already been spread in sweat, apparent that this coward has been busy for a long time.

"This is the adult that Broad Yu Hou said?" The sword was unbrick.

Because the people in front of him seem to have no difference with the general coward, there is no difference in the difference between the bodies.

It feels very common, very ordinary.

However, the sword is unparalleled, and it can be in this special space, how can it be just an ordinary person?

That only the other party is too strong, it is strong to completely beyond his level, so he feels like an ordinary person.

I took a deep breath, and the sword didn't have a double. "Jian Tianhou has seen the seniors."

The coward's ax stopped. His head finally lifted, showing an extremely ordinary middle-aged people, but the woodcutor despite the ordinary to extreme, but his eye is deep, but it is very unparalleled. It has also been seen in the sword.

"You, is Jian Tianhou?" The woodman stopped his hand, the ax was against the shoulders, and the sword was very interested.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, "I don't know what the seniors are?"

"My name is ridiculous, but this name, the outside world knows, in this universe battlefield, or in the tenderness of the gods, the average person is called me." The woodman is free.

"Tianzu?" The sword was unparalleled, but it was shocked.

The Tianzu, Tianzu, Tianzu Road!

Like the Lord of the Sky, like the Temporary Temple, the first one of the most powerful master of the gods, the founder of the Tianzu Road!

In the god of the god, no matter whether it is the , The Cosmic Battlefield, and in this territory, it actually sees the Tianzu.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled and the inner shock was shocked. "Jian Tianhou, met the predecessors of Tianzu."

"Haha, little guy, don't be so causing, I am free to find a place to sit." Tianzu Road.

The sword is unparalleled, but I found that there is no chair here, but he does not feel the situation, sitting directly.

The Tianzu is also a big square, sitting directly on the ground, and the ax in his hands is also placed on the side.

"Little guy, look at you, seems to see me here, very shocked?" Taizu is interested in watching the sword.

"It is a bit." The sword is not a little bit, "" Here is the Star Palace, and the predecessor you actually appear in the Star Palace, it is difficult for you to be a member of the Star Palace? "

"No, don't misunderstand." Tianzu waved, "I am not a person in the Star Palace, but I have a little love with Naja Palace, I have died in the battlefield of the universe, but I will stop it. Looking for a rest, but I am too lazy to return to the first border, so I will always come to this Star Palace, and this time, I heard that you have come to the Star Palace, I want to see you. "

"Is this?" The sword was unpaired, but he laughed: "You can get the seniors, the younger generation is really fortunate."

"Little guy, you can't be humble, others may not know your true identity, but I am clear." Tianzu went wrong with the sword, taste: "Don't see you is just a small person. Guy, but you are a person who is chosen. You should carry it on the hope of Qixing Xuanzong. "

"Amount ..." The sword has no double, but the bottom is not surprised.

My true origin, most of the strong power of the Tai Chu, did not know, but as the founder of the Tianzu Road, there is still a lot of confidence in the Star Palace, knowing this matter is normal. .

"The predecessor knows that my teacher is? Is it unknown with my Master?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I don't know." Tianzu shook his head, "When Qixing Xuanzong was destroyed, my Tianzu Road has not become one of the three freedom of the Taijie Shenjie. At that time, I didn't reach the master level, yet qualified to be eligible for you. The big people like the Master, but after the seven-star Xuanzong is destroyed, I also achieved the dominant position, and I have been in the same way, and I have a natural understanding of your Master. "

"I have to say, your teacher's means is really, and it is not only forced to seal the original seven-star gods in the day before dying, and the seven-star gods that have been banned will create you, give Qixiang Xuanzong. Created the rise of the rise, this can be resistant, even if it is now, I also admire. "

The sword is unparalleled and slightly silent.

The means of his own master, it is indeed a thoughts, and now he is more than the mysteria with his Master, it is too far away.

"You inherited the mysterious clothes, as with him, there is an unlimited possibilities in the future, and even completely have the opportunity to subvert the rule of the three holy regions, change the overall pattern of the Taijie Shen, but unfortunately, your current strength is too weak. Some, although there is a certain battle, but in the end, you are still not in the rules now. "

"But it is also normal. After all, it is a perfect life. It is too big to be limited by the heavens. If you want to become the rules, it is not that kind of easy, just like your Master, it is said that it is completely enlightenment to three rules, and will The three-door rules are completely integrated, and they break through the Lord of the rules, but I don't know what you are now, how far is it, what is the difference? "Tianzu looked unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled for a moment. "I have now mastered, and combined with two rules, but the third door rules are still in the extent."

"Oh?" The Tianzu looks, followed and asked: "What is the third rule of you, which is the rule?"

"Destruction rules." The sword is unparalleled.

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