(The first to come!)


The sword is unparalleled, and a shocking destruction will suddenly rise.

"It's going to die!"


A sword turned out instantly.

This sword, in the moment, the destruction of the shocking destruction is also the ultimate.

The destruction of the destruction, with a vowed hate, with endless destruction, directly facing the front of the eight ax.

At the moment, the Lord of the Eighth Ax has also shown the strongest school that he created. He is like a big ax in his hands, it is like opening the sky, and the mighty oppressing the audience. However, this vast ax is not paired with the sword. The sword of the swearing is collided with.


A crisp sound, the avahoidal body shape is slightly sinking, the radiance in the ax is also bleak, and the moving moment is disintegrating.

But this is just the beginning of the start, and the thrilling swordsmanship of terror destruction, after defeating his ax, it is once again rushed to his body, and a pounding power, directly impacting in the Lord of Eighth ax. God is above the body.

! !

The Lord of the Eighth Ax is affected by this power, and it is impossible to control his own body, and the whole person is like a shellfall.

You can know that this is here, the land of the torpedo pool, but the black god is spread all over the black god, and the black gods can be extremely strong, and the general rule is not dare to step.

But now because of the power of the power, the entire body shape of the eight ax is all in the lower Lei Chi, and the Lei Chi is also in a large number of black gods, just like the waves crazy about the maintenance of the eight ax. .

This scene, the people of the rules around the surroundings are shocked.

"The Lord of Eighth Ax, is it turned into Lei Po?"

"The Lord of Eight Ax, is there?"

"This person, actually defeated the Lord of the Eight Ax, and the Lord of the Eighth Ax is also put into Lei Po?"

The people of the rules have grown their eyes one by one, watching the Lei Po below, one is incredible.

But swords are unparalleled but they have not been ignored.

After returning the Lord of the Eight Ax, he recovered the blood peak sword, and then showed a shadow.

The Lord of the Eighta ax is still in the Lei Chi, as the sword is unparalleled, the people around you don't know if he can't find his position, and naturally, you can't make any hindrance, he directly passes through the battlefield. Going to the torch pool outside, at the same time, he also gives the main news of the heavy, let them leave.

The master of the heavy, the main three people of the knife, and the main three of Ziming also immediately took it, and the Lord of the rules did not stop.

In the blink of an eye, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no disappearance in everyone's sight.

After the sword is unparalleled, they will leave, ~~~ The Lei Chi in the bottom is suddenly turned out. The sky roots, Xuan Xi see that the owner of the eight ax, the horror, and re-comment from Na Ri Chi.

The black god in the torch pool, the power is strong, the main threat to the general rules is indeed great, but the Lord of the Eighth Ax is a strong in the peak of the five-way, and wear the first classship to the treasure level. The armor is able to reluctantly resist the erosion of these God.

He fell into this Lei Po just a moment of engraving, his life was not threatened, but the power consumed, but it was not small.

After breaking away from Lei Chi, his violent eyes immediately surrounded by, but did not see the sword unparalleled half-point shadow.

"What about them?" The Lord of the Eight Ax is low.

"The oldah of the eight ax, the guests of the Star Palace, including the name of your hand, have left." One next to a five-way ancestors.

"Are you leaving?" The main color of the eight ax is slightly sinking, which can only be shuck.

The sword is unparalleled, and then paid in front of him, and he has already defeated him. On this copy, the sword is unparalleled.

Moreover, even if the sword is unparalleled, he still stands here, what can he do?

Will you get rushed to the necklace from the sword?


Just a battle, the sword has fully proved his strength. Even if you don't have a shadow of the shadow, you will directly fight against him, it is absolutely crushed with him, and the necklace of the neck will fall into such a strong person. Eighth axes have nothing to do.

"You can clearly, just that person, what is the name?" Asked the master of the eight ax.

"I don't know, I just strangely, it should be that I have just arrived until the battlefield of the universe, so I have never known him, but he is with the owner of the knife, mostly the main people of the Star Palace. "That kind of void five-level strong."

"Right, I just listened to the master of heavy swords." The main road of the rules of a void four next to him.

"The Lord of Blood Swords?" The main eyes of the eight ax were slightly smashed, and he nodded. "The Lord of the Sword should be his title, and his sword is strange, and the swordsman will leave a bloody sword in the void. Light, he does act on this title. "

"The Lord of Eighth Ax, you just have the Lord of the Blood Sword, but how do you talk about his strength?" Asked the Lord of the rules of the navigation.

Because the three major universe battlefields, there are ten stars, big and small forces are more countless, and the strong people countless, these strong people are in the three battlefields, naturally do you know each other.

Like the three big battlefields, if you take a powerful powerful power, don't have to use the name of this power, you will know that everyone will know, that is, because of these strong people, all parties are not Deliberately shared, mostly willing to share.

And this time they were unparalpassed with the sword, and I also saw that the sword was unparalleled, but the sword was unbeaten to belong to what level. Only the owner of the eight ax truly, so the Lord of these rules around, I want to know the specific combat level of the sword unparalleled in the main box of the eight ax, so that it can be prepared when it is unparalleled with the sword.

The Lord of the eight ax is silent for a moment, followed by direct opening, "The Lord of the Blood Sword, only the breath of the body, is not much in the rules, but its combat is extremely terrible, he masters the power It is not much better than me, and it has also reached the hierarchy of the peak of the void, but this is not the most important, the most important thing is his creative school, his sword! "

"His swordsmanship is too terrible. When I am playing with me, I saw the swordsmanship he showed that there were more than five swordsmanship, and it was the six-order cross-school level, especially the sword of his last show. If I have not mistisred, it is already a six-order peak !! "


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