

"Sixth-order peaks?" The Lord of these rules around him was shocked.

If the sword is unparalleled to create a few six-order, the first-class, just like them, then it is enough to create a six-order peak, it is enough to make them completely shock.

Because of the six-order peak, under normal circumstances, there is no evident six-level battle force, it is unable to create.

And just the sword is unparalleled, although it is just the five peak levels of void, but if he is more than the common void six-level strong, I am afraid it is not too much.

"The sword of this blood sword is very terrible, and his other means is extremely high, like the time of the time and space, it is what he is showing, and his strange quantger is more, this kind of means Add up, his threat to the general rules of the general rules, I am afraid that it will not be lower than the general void six-level strong. "The 18th ax continued.

"However, the strange thing is the attack of this blood sword, the level seems to be too high, even the universe is not going to Bao, if he can get an universe to the hierarchy attack, his battle Can still be further again. "

If you hear the owner of the eight ax, the Lord of the Rules has been secretly poured down.

In their view, the current sword is unparalleled, it is already terrible, if it is further, isn't it more terrible?

"The Lord of Eight Ax, thank you for this." The main arch of the void five-way rules arched, and then with the people around him left.

The main people of the other rules know that there is nothing to compete, and naturally they have left.

In the end, there is only the owner of the eight ax being left there.

"The Lord of Blood Sword", the main color of the eight ax, but the heart is a thoughts, "I don't know why, I always feel that he has not used the whole power when he is working with me, even in the end, it is the end of the six-order peak I still feel that he is not exhausted, what is going on? "

There is a doubt of the main heart of the eight ax.

And in fact, his intuition is not wrong, the sword is unparalleled just with him, although there are many means, but his truly war has not been completely broke out, others do not say, singing with the tactics, he never Show.

You must know that once the tactics will be displayed, he is equivalent to a will of the will, and the strength can instantly crush the Lord of the eight ax, but the sword is unparalleled but does not do this, but it is deliberately reserved strength. The main battle with the eight ax is a trip, the reason is that the sword is unparalleled to lend the owner of the eight ax, go as much as possible to hone his sword.

After all, he has passed the six-order peak.

The six-order peak is in the peak, although he gets touching from the Tianzu's ax, plus the destruction will, but can be created, but once it is created, he represents that he has reached a sword. A new level.

After reaching this level, the seven-fenjfjack he created in the double sketch is also improved.

Even if these swordsms can't reach the six-order peak level like 'to death', it is still possible to upgrade to six-order higher levels.

And since it is necessary to improve, it will take time to hone.

The main strength of this eight ax is not weak, with his fight, there is no double for swords, and it is indeed a hard work.

Unfortunately, the Lord of Eighth Ax is certainly not known.


Among the black tunnels, there is no double, the sword is unparalleled, the heavy master, the main knife, the main four of Ziwuxi recycled.

However, at this moment, the main, the main three people of the knife, the main three of Ziwei looked at the sword unparalleled eyes, and she was shocked.

After all, they have seen the sword where the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled with the owner of the eight ax. The most important thing is that the owner of the eight ax is directly crushed.

The Lord of Eight Ax, that is a strong in the five peaks, and the famous arrogance is very large, can be rushing on such a strong, the sword is unparalleled, how much?

"Heavy, you didn't say it before, the Lord of the Sword didn't just break the rules. How long? Where did you get any news?" Zi Ming's Lord has a little obsessive look at the main eye.

"Just breaking? What is joke? The strength of the Blood Sword is more than too much, how can it be big?" How could I just break through? "The Lord of the knife is directly."

"I, I ..." Heavy Lord is a moment, because six hundred years ago, he did see that the sword was unparalleled, but the sword was unparalleled, but it was absolutely not a just Breakthroughs that have become the talents of the Lord of Rules.

"Is it true that the swordsman didn't say when I said, the Sword is not asy." He is the main heart of the heavy.

The sword standing next to them is unparalleled. I saw this scene, but it is a smile. "These things have nothing to say, and in short, the god part is going to do."

"Yes." The master of the heavy, but it is certain that he is completely different from this moment.

In this world, no matter where it is, it will always be strong, and these cultivars are also respectful.

Although the old master is no longer despised, there is no double, and it has eased the relationship between unparalleled with the sword. However, it is mainly to see the sword unparalleled life life, and see that there is no double saved him, and can be safe from the god The main hand escapes like this.

It can be said that it is only grateful to the sword before the main master, but there is no awe.

But now it is different, and the heavy master is now unparalleled with swords. It is a wealth of thoroughly, because he knows that the strength of the sword is much better than him.

Not only one of him, the main and purple of the knife is also the case.

"The Lord of Blood Sword, Congratulations, that is broken, but it is good." The knife was sigh.

"It is indeed good, but this is the god part, it is our four people to win hands together. Although I have a little more, I can't order this broken necklace, so we still discuss how to assign it. Let's go. "The sword has no double.

When I heard the sword, the owner of the knife, the master of the heavy, the Lord of Ziwei is a happy.

They are of course desired for breaking the gods, but because the sword is unparalleled, and this competition, it is basically the strength of the sword unparalleled strength, so if the sword is unparalleled They also decided not to mention.

But now since the sword is unparalleled, they can certainly want to divide one point, after all, they have a good job.


PS: Today is more coming!

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