Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3541 alone



This succession of the grandeur and Zi Ziming teamed up to swear, it was originally to find enough contributions, and then redeemed back to the Baodian war armor before the master, and now, this One of the shares of the Broken Necklace, it is almost right.

As for the owner of the knife, it is happier.

He has received two% of the share, which is a seventy contribution point. This is already a huge wealth for the Lord of the knife.

Of course, they are still compared with the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, you can get a 70% share, that is, it is the two hundred and forty-five contribution points, which is already two-piece high universe.

"This strike god part is now in my hand, but I have a contribution now, I only have to return to the Star Palace. After going to the treasure house, I can give you a contribution point, but the problem is I just came out from the Star Palace, I didn't immediately want to return to the Star Palace immediately. "The sword suddenly said.

"This is nothing to do. I have just been coming from the Star Palace with Zi Zim, and I didn't want to go back so fast. This contributed, waiting for the evening, you will give us another time after you go back to the Star Palace, it is the master of the knife, What about you? "The main look of the main point of the knife.

"I will immediately return to the star Palace immediately, but I will not be anxious, I can wait for a while in the Star Palace, but I don't know how long it is in this magic sword." Asked.

"I want to go to the outside of this magic, and wait for a long time, it is not long, and the short period is decades. If you are one or two hundred years, I will plan to go to the core area of ​​Magic Valley, and in the core area Before, I will definitely go back to the Star Palace first. "The sword has no double.

"The Lord of Blood Sword, Are you going to the core area of ​​the magic Valley?" The heavy mainsthesis have seen the sword unparalleled, but the horse is alive, "it is right, and it is enough to go to the dragonfly. It is only a lot of strong people in the core of the magic valley. It is much more much more than this peripheral area, and there are more dangerous places. You can be careful when you are. "

"This is of course." The sword was unparalleled.

"In this case, then I will go back to the Star Palace first, wait for one or two hundred years, waiting for your blood sword, you return to me," The main road of the knife. "

"No problem." The sword is not a hyper point.

"Since we have already said, then we will be separated again, two, leave." He said that he said with Zi Ming.

The main owner of the knife is also in the sword, and then turned and left.

On the void, the sword is unparalleled, and look around the void, and the eyes are calm.

"The Magic Valley of the Three Battlefields, here is not only the endless opportunity, and the inconsistency is very valuable to the treasure of the god part. At the same time, here also brings together many surroundings. There are countless powers of the star, although the strong people in the peripheral area are far less than the core area, but if only it is only used to abrasive the sword, it is enough. "

"I went to Magic Valley to go to the special place, the special place found by the Lord of the blood, but there is too much unknown, too dangerous, so, before going to the special place I have to upgrade my strength to the top of a temporary, naturally I have to upgrade the swords. "The sword is unparalleled.

His heart has a detailed plan.

Leave the periphery of the Magic Valley, not only the illusion of the battlefield here, and also to enable yourself.

Waiting for your swords, after the strength reaches a new level, he will go to the core area of ​​Magic Valley until the special place found in the bloody.

"let's start."

The sword is not a big mouth, and the figure is immediately empty next to it.

After half a day, a piece of voids periphery in the Magic Valley, two figure pared in front of the front.

These two people, one is the thin old man whitening hair, and the other is a chubby bald teenager, and the two are in the same way, and the look is quite relaxed.

It is also normal. After all, the two are the rules of the five-year-off level, and the life and life means is extremely good, join hands, in this magic valley peripheral area, as long as it is a madman like the Lord like the god Or find death into those dangerous land, otherwise it is difficult to threaten them.

But in half, a shadow suddenly blocked in front of him.

The person who has a way is naturally a sword.

"Who are you?" The white-haired old man was cold, staring at the sword.

"Blood Sword." The sword is unparalleled.

"Blood Sword?" White hair is thin, and the chubby bald teenager immediately recalled the strong information you have seen before, but found that there is no existence of the sword.

"Blood sword, should it be a strong force that just comes out?" The fat smirk a young boy, "Do you know who I am?"

"Of course, I know that Yunzun, who is from ancient guns, with fat, your two in the universe battlefield, can always be small." The sword smiled.

"I know the name of my two, I still dare to block in front of me two people, kids, you are not small." The chubby bald teenager fatizes turned his hand, took out a fruit, bite a bite, spare Interested in watching the sword.

"It is to know the big name of the two, I specially find the door, if it is changed to the power of the rules, I can't afford my interest." The sword is unparalleled smile, "Don't say nonsense, two, shoot "

"Hey, it seems that I really didn't put me in my eyes." The fat victory sighed, the fruit in his hand has been thrown away by him.

"This person knows the strength of the two, but also dare to come to the door, there must be rely on, the old five, don't care, we will take your hand together." Yunzun main road.

"Good." The fatist nodded.

Next, the two did the same time.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword is immediately pulled out.

In the event, a war has exploded directly.

The sword is unparalleled with an enemy. Only by the swords, it is more than two people who have fun and the loyal lord.

This battle, the two sides are extremely fierce, but the last time is not much.

Not long after, the sword is unparalleled to choose to take it.

"Thank you for two guidance, say."

The sword has no doubles, turned directly to the left, and the Yunzun Lord has no one to keep the sword unconscious.


PS: Today is more coming!

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