(The first to come!)


"The Lord of this blood sword, what does it mean?" The fat victory re-took out a fruit, eating, while looking at the sword without parallel.

"I don't know, although I took the initiative to come to the door, but it seems that he did not really want to fight with us. After a game, he gave it directly, and he didn't surprise. He should just want to follow us. A battle on the battle. "Yunzun main road.

"Simple to fight with us? Is it a fighting madman?" The fatist is squatting.

The three universe battlefields, brought together the strong people around dozens of stars, and the number of strong people is too much.

And so many strong people are naturally different. There are some killing madness like the Lord of the God, almost seeing people who kill madman, but there are also some preferences to challenge others, will take the initiative Looking for the door to fight with people, enhance the fighting madman in the fierce battle.

This kind of fighting madman is just pursuit of fierce battles, but it does not pursue killing, and the Lord of is completely different.

In the view of Yunzun Lord and fat, the sword is unparalleled to belong to the second madman.

"I have encountered a battle madman, and I have been in a good madman. This is very strong, and if he really is very good, you are not necessarily his opponent."

"Maybe it." Yunzun was slightly nodded.

The two came for a while, and they will continue.

From this day, the sword is unparalleled in the fact that it is fully avatar as a battle madman.

He smashed in the peripheral area of ​​Magic Valley, looking for a strong, and then took the initiative to find the door to fight with the other party.

He is looking for the opponent, which is generally quite a bit of the virtual five-level strong, of course, in the peak of the five-level peak, he will not miss, but no matter who is going, he almost fights. There is no advantage that the kummer is quite, there is no advantage.

Hands with an ordinary void five-level power, he has no advantage, but it is not disadvantageous.

It can be touched to the five-peak peak of the void, and he is the same.

This is the case, that is because the sword is unparalleled to the end, it is deliberately retaining strength. When he is fighting these strong people, he will try our best to control his own power, and then wear our swords. Rely on yourself to achieve the advantage.

For example, if there is a general void five-level strong, the sword is unparalleled. Even the life of life has never been urged. Swordsmanship with the other party.

Whether it is to fight, he often controls his strength, power weightener is weaker than the other party, and then makes it possible to enhance your strengths in swords.

In this way, he can better abrasive its own sword.

Of course, he is a strong person who is unscrupulous, and naturally also caught the attention of the strong people around the surrounding stars.

The name of the Blood Sword, and gradually began to circulate in this universe battlefield.

Not long after, but all those who have been in the battlefield of the universe know that there is a sword, and this Seminar is a madman like a battle. The proximal time is crazy in the peripheral area of ​​Magic Valley. Strong, as for the strength of the sword ...

The strong strength of all parties to the sword is unparalleled, but it can't really touch it.

Because, all the strong people with him, basically spelling a fence, only knowing his swordsman.

However, from the previous battle, the Lord of the Blood Sword, the Lord of the Blood Sword, defeated the eight ax, so the definition of the unparallel strength of the sword is also the Lord of the rules of the five peaks of the void, and is also very Close up of a void six-border level.

As for his challenge in the periphery of the magic smoke, it can be seen by these battle.

Star Palace, inside the secret.

"During this time, the Lord of the Blood Sword of the Magic Smoke Valley, seems to be very famous." Broken Yu Hou Road.

"This is the case, and I also heard that the Lord of this blood sword is my Star Palace, but I am the Star Palace, when will I come over?" The Lord of the Seven Love exposed the color.

One of the axs next to him heard this, but it was a smile, "the Lord of the Blood Sword, is indeed my strong in my galaxy. He is the Tianshi, who is brought back from the early gods, just him. When the Magic Valley broke, he deliberately used the blood sword. "

"Is him?" The main color of the seven emotions, "If I have not remembered the wrong, this sword is only the saint, and there is no breakthrough to the rules."

"There is no breakthrough." The main point of the ax, "I have told you before. Tianhou Xiaoyou is not weak, even if he goes alone to the magic smoke, you don't have to worry, you still don't believe, now you Always believe? "

"The district is not dead, and it actually defeated the Lord of the Baaxao and won the Broken Neckle. It was still so scared in the magic smoke, which is too terrible." "Right, he is in the Magic Valley crazy to challenge all parties in the Magic Valley. What is it for?"

"I have asked him before. He said that it was hinding his own swords." The ax laughed, "Yes, the Lord of Sword is the news of the saints, the whole Star Palace is temporarily Individual knows that you can leak this matter. "

"Of course, we will not be stupid to publish this thing, but if he encounters an extremely powerful master, you can see the strength level, to When you will definitely be published, it will also cause a sensation. "The main road of the seven feelings.

"After the next thing, it will be said, but now, it is confidential for him." Ax is the main road.

Several people around them have nodded.

Time lapse, the sword is unanimous, in the area of ​​the magic smoke valley, challenges the strong people, and hone its own swords.

A sway, fifty years have passed.

Magic Valley peripheral, a vast unexpected black earth.

~~~ Fantastic to treasure atmosphere, around the opening, in this largest, one handle around the faint purple god, slowly from the bottom of the ground.

This long gun, but from the breath, it is obviously a universe to the treasure. Although it is only the first universe to the treasure, but after it is born, there are still many strong people who have still attracted it.

Now, the strong who stands around this long gun is not ten people, in which the fifth is strong, there is also a feet.

They are waiting for the long gun to be completely born, and then launch a competition.

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