(The first to come!)


I got the shadow of the sword, and I worship the Lord's Lord to trace the ice heart glazed jade and Xing Luo, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is ready to go to the devil.

"Magic Valley, the territory is really too big, although there are many routes from the core area of ​​the magic smoke, but the route is close to my galaxy is only one, and from this route to the magic smoke. The deep place must pass through the sea, and the time spent for a few decades. "The sword is unmarkable.

With his current speed, under the way, it takes decades, and you can think of how far the way is.

"No way, I have to go to the depths of Magic Valley, and I can go to the road." The sword is unparalleled to set up the idea. When it is, even if you go to the Magic Valley.

This time, the sword is unparalleled in the magic smoke, and he is directly in the core of the magic smoke valley in the fastest speed, but it still spends a three-year time, he arrived in the sea.

, as the name suggests, it is a hot ocean.

This ocean is boundless, no one knows how much it is, because this

The so-called unprecedented area is that since the emergence of the fire field of the Magic Valley, many star strong people have not been able to explore.

It is not a strong man who doesn't want to go to find, but because of the central area of ​​this sea, it is too dangerous. Even if the master-level strong is, it will die, and naturally no people dare to touch.

However, in addition to the central area, elsewhere else is still safe.

"This is the sea."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a red and bright ocean. It has endless hustlers in the four sides. The whole world is burned, he just arrived here, you have already experienced it. Go to this void to the extreme air.

"So hot!"

"The temperature here is too high, the general rules of the rules, is afraid that it is worthy of this hot temperature." The sword is unparalleled.

Amazing temperature, roast the heavensh, in the first time, also baked his body, strong sword, no double, powerful, relied on its own power or more easily to blocked this temperature bake.

"Only through this sea, you can truly arrive in the depths of the magic smoke valley, slowly walk." The sword is unparalleled, and it will go forward in the front of the star map.

All the way is a boring road, just fifteen years.

Although it has been launched for fifteen years, the sword is only just through half the distance of the sea, and the next road is still long.

"I finally understood that the power of all the stars went to the battlefield, I have to go back for a long time, there is no way, it is really the battlefield, this time is too long. "The sword is unparalleled.

It is at this time ...

"Well?" The sword was unbeded and suddenly wrinkled, and his figure was awkward.

"The temperature around this seems to be higher than other places?" The sword has no double ring around the surrounding sea, and he is a sinking, "it is not right, it is here, it has been rising."

The sword has no double induction to the void of his own, and there is obvious difference with the other places of the sea. The temperature here is too high. He is high enough to use the power of the power, but it still feels some uncomfortable, and this The stock temperature is still rising.

At the same time, at the foot of the sword, a suffocating hot breath is slowly raised.

"Is this?" The sword has no double-color.

But you can't wait for him to react.

boom! !

The surrounding sea is a sudden shock, and the suffocating hot breath completely broke out, only heard the roar of the mountain, the sword is unfair, and it is originally burned on the ground. But this moment is completely illegal.

Just as if the sea is awkward, this is a heavy huge wave, and the mighty hustlers are crazy, and the most important thing is the most important thing. The sharpness of the picked up is from the best of the sea, the temperature is high.

"Not good!" The sword was shocked.

"The tide is a tide!"

When the sword is unparalleled to go to the devil in the mountains, he has seen the various information of this sea. In the sea, as long as you don't go to the central area, it is usually very dangerous, but very few It doesn't mean not.

It can be called a major disaster in the sea now.

This seems like the sea in the sea, this tide is the tsunami of the sea.

And on the information on the sea, there is a introduction in the sea, if you encounter the tide, then there is only one word, escape!

Hurry! !

The sword is unparalleled, but this tide is just in his feet, it is too close to him. It is also like a tide, and it is crazy to sweep, so close distance, His speed is how fast, the first heavy tide he is absolutely hiding.

Since he hid, he can only rely on his own body to force hard.

puff! !

The tide of the face directly covers the sword unparalleled body, the endless spiritual sweeping to the sword is unparalleled, and a horrible burning erosion force is transferred, although the erosion force is in the bloody trok. It was weakened on the spot, which still had a lot of hot power to erode to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to do our utmost to fight with this erosion force with this erosion force, which is extremely extremely consumption.

Just one moment, the sword is unparalleled, I feel that my own power consumes more than 32!

Don't underestimate the relationship between the sword because the sword is unparalleled because of the relationship of the perfect chaotic life. It is like the sea, even if the master is strong, it will say the amount of power is far away. And not he, in the weekdays, unless you have urged the tactics, you must consume a lot of power, other people who fight, use the way to learn, he is almost no need to consume your own strength, you can see its power.

But now it is just the body of the first heavy tide, I will instantly make him consume one-third of the power. This is to be replaced with an ordinary rule, even if it is a five-way, and even the rules of the void. The Lord, I am afraid that I will evaporate it in an instant.

"Scary, this tide is too terrible."

The sword is unparalleled, especially he sees a heavy tide that has been connected behind, and it is a color.

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