

"Single first heavy tide makes me lose more than 30-thirds of the power. This is a higher temperature, and it is even more huge, I am completely involved in it, even if my power is very vast, I am afraid that it is not necessarily It is possible to support it. "The sword is unparalleled, and immediately broke his fastest speed and bluffing next to the side.

Although this tide is terrible, but in fact, its roll is not too fast, just the first heavy tide is just because there is no double distance from swords, but the rest of the heavy tide, sword Warriors can be avoided.

However, when he is ready to earn this tide, the abrupt red light has attracted the attention of the sword.

"What is that?" The sword didn't look at the red light on the front.

Although because of the relationship of the tide, the surrounding is the red, but the red light is very conspicuous in the migrant.

"No matter what, take it away." The sword is unparalleled to heat it, and there is a waving, directly grab the red light.

As he touched the red light at his right hand, an incredible hot power was passed directly from the red light.

Almost in an instant, the sword is unparalleled, the right hand is burned.

"This?" The sword was unparalleled, although the right hand had burned it, he still helped the red light to grab the red light, and included the Qiankun ring.

After all, the sword is unparalleled to escape the scope of the tide at the fastest speed.


The tide is still rolled in the crazy, and the range is getting bigger and big, and the vastness is swept around.

However, the sword is unparalleled at this moment, but it has already reached the void outside the tide. Look at the crazy and horizontal, but the tide has not affected him.

However, the sword in this moment did not put the attention on this tide, but in the exploration of his own body.

"My God, just in that moment, there was one-fifth loss?" The sword has been completely stunned.

The first heavy tide was covered, and when he lost more than 32, he was a bit surprised, but it was still understandable.

After all, it is a tide that can make a good wind, this erosion ability is normal.

But the sword is unparalleled, but he just just just put the red light to the income of the Qiankun ... Just grab the red light, then instantly income Qiankun Ring, how short it is short, but it is a moment However, it is such a moment of hard work, not just his right palm is completely burned, and his spiritual will lose one-fifth.

With his massive, one-fifth loss is one-fifth loss? This requires a horrible force to do it.

And the red light ... The sword is unparalleled, it has immediately begun to find his own Qiankun.

This finding, the result, he found a scene that made him a stunning. To know, he has a lot of genius treasures in his Qiankun, which is all of him to kill a strong man in the years and collect it. But now, these treasures in Qiankun, in addition to limited number of high treasures, other treasures, all disappeared.

Yes, it is disappearing.

Exactly, because the red light is in the Qiankun Ring, the original genius treasures in Qiankun, are all evaporated by this red light contained horror.

There is also a high genius genius in the limited limit level, and it is barely resistant to the turmoil of the red light, staying down.

The sword is unparalleled, and the remaining one of the genius will be exchanged to another Qiankun ring, and then he carefully looks to this red light.

Until the entire Qiankun ring, this red light was left, this red light is finally quiet, and the sword is unparalleled, and the true face of this red light is finally.

This red light is actually a weird blade.

This model looks at the appearance of the appearance, some old, but its surface is hot, this is hot because of the end of the sea, the first year.

"What is this cutter?" The sword watched this knife.

He couldn't see the material of this cutter, but he could imagine that it is not damaged in the long-lasting years of the sea, but what is the material of this cutter.

The sword is unparalleled, but his soul is just getting into contact with this cutter. His soul immediately hurts, this is the soul to bear the amazing temperature on the cutter. Resulting in.

"The temperature is too high, you can't do it, let alone refine." The sword is unmarkable, but soon he relieved, "Although it is not clear what this cutter is, but look It is not a very great special treasure, but I am not clear about its use now. "

"There is no way, you can only take this cutter, wait for the opportunity, then find someone to see what this cutter is."

The sword is unparalleled, even if the relationship between this cutter is, his will lose one-fifth, even the right palm is burned directly, but the strength reaches this level, the palm is burned at all. For any damage, the power of loss can also be recovered at the fastest speed.

The only thing that makes the sword have some distressed, maybe those genius treasures that have been evaporated in Qiankun, that is, it is the accumulation of these years, but I think about the magic of this cutter, the sword is not more good. .

Even if you don't know the specific comments of this cutter, you can also guess the value of this cutter, it is definitely added more than the treasures of him, and it is precious.

Bang! !

A burst of roar, let the sword are unparalleled to see it in front of the front.

I saw that the huge tide was full of the whole horizon, and this tide has hit a boulder in the sea, and the boulder didn't know how many years of years, this boulder stands for so many years in the sea. The impact has already been immunized, just just some roar sounds.

"This tide is too terrible, and the scope of sweeping will get more and big, and I don't know when it will be completely stopped. At this time, if there is a strong person accidentally fall into this tide, it is afraid It will be quite miserable. "The sword has no doubles, but there is no more than that of this tide, but continues to move towards his goal, the core area of ​​the magic smoke valley.


PS: Today is more coming!

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