(The first to come!)


"It's so." The sword is unparalleled.

Even if you are yourself, if you know that others have such an encounter, it will definitely identify it to get a big firmer.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, there is still a little thing, for those strong people who are swaying in the three battlefields all the year, the attraction of the treasure to them is never the greatest, truly let them surprises, is some special The big machine. "

"So, after you recognize that you have received the big chance in these years, you will be willing to become the sky, and countless strong people will stare at you, even if there are many strong people who have been in the direction of your direction, they are all Rushing your own chart, and these are eyeing your strong, there are many of them to reach the extreme top power, and even the powerful people who can even dominate the level, "Ax is The main zoning.

"Master?" The sword was unbolded.

For now, even if it is a bones, it is a long-awaited strong, and it has not been able to have any threat to him, and the Lord of the other rules, he is more, he Will n't care.

But the master, but I have to make him jealous.

After all, he is now, it is still impossible to compete with the main front.

"This is said, I am still causing a big problem now." The sword is unparalleled.

"Instead of being a big trouble, you are now in the tower of the wind, and you will be suffering from the disaster of the top, so you must be extra careful, hide yourself, or simply find a place to hide, I I will immediately tell the palace owner, and how to go to the palace. "The ax of the ax.

"I will be careful, but if I hide it, I will not." The sword has no double smile.

It is not that he is too arrogant, but he knows his strengths now.

Although he has become a great interest now, he naturally be careful, but if he wants him to hide, then it does not.

After all, I really can threaten him, but only the master is strong, and the master is not much, there is no domain, I don't know, even if I really stare, this magic The smoke can be so big in the depths of the Valley. When the master wants to meet him, what is easy?

Of course, there is also the most important point, that is, now the sword is unparalleled, although it is full of tricks to the master level, but it is really a domain that appears in front of him, and he is not afraid to him. I feel that a single one dominate, I am afraid I can't kill him.

"Anyway, I have already told you. You will take your mind, I will first give the Palace Lord." Ax.

"Well." The sword nodded.

After interrupting the news, the ax of the ax will not be slight.

"How?" Broad Yu Hou, Xing Shengzun, the Lord, and the Lord of the Seven Love.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, it is indeed alive, and the news from the previously passed the news, he is from the life and death." Ax is the main road.

"Too good." Broad Yu Hou as big joy.

"In the unpredictable area of ​​the dispensing, it is still alive, and finally I will come out from the life and death, this sword is a little, and there is a bit of a bit." The Lord of the Seven Love can't help but admire.

"It can't be happy too early, after all, Tianhou Xiaoyou's current situation is not wonderful. He has become a shavio. I have to immediately tell the palace master, and the palace is the master." A ax.

"Well, the palace owner strength is the same, and there must be a force to help the Tian Hou Xiaoyou." Broken Yu Hou nodded.

The owner of the ax immediately, personally see the star palace owner.

On the other side, the sword is unparalleled with the main communication with the ax, and after the exact news from the main port of the ax, his look has become more downs.

"The Lord of the , is a good means, spread the news, let me be the same, I will be a little inappropriate, so that he can also revenge, hey." There is no cold, and there is some regret in the bottom of the heart.

If you know that the Lord of the will bring you so much trouble, then when you encounter the owner of the, when he joined his hand, he should take the Thunder's means at the same time. These two people have killed all.

If he will kill the Lord of the , this is naturally gone, but he has just risen, and because there is a blood magic day, he wants to personally experiment. The body of the body, so there is no full shot at the beginning, which makes the Lord of the find a chance to escape.

Now he wants to kill the Lord, but it is already late.

"For, although the Lord of the is not small, I will also be able to cope with me now." The sword muttered, and the radius gave it to the front.


Holy Island! !

Inside the temple.

"What do you say, the sword is not dead?"

On the front of the front, the Tong Yanhe old man overlooks the rules of the squatting of the six-level peaks below, and a horrible chill.

The Lord of the Rules of the Sixth Peak, I have already scared cold sweat, but still strongly supported: "Go back to adults, this news has been determined, the sword is indeed dead, and it is also alive from life and death. The strength has also skyrocketed, and now the strong power of the territory of the territory has identified that he has been incredible in this nearly 100,000 years, and many strong people have stared at him. "


Tong Yan crane, the old man, the body is still standing directly, the eyes are cold, do not bring the emotions, "Have he got the opportunity, this seat, but this three people, the purpose of this, is to set him In death, since he knew that he didn't die, he must immediately kill him immediately. "

", evil!"

Tong Yanhe's old people took out two messages, respectively, "The sword is still not dead, and now you should go near the life and death of Magic Valley, you will immediately drive him! "

, , is the other two dominates that come with this Tong Yanhe old.

The three people were in order to kill the sword and walies to this territory, but because the sword was missing in the unprecedented area, everyone did that he was dead, so these three people relaxed, this Tong Yanhe's old man continued to stay in the Holy Island, but the other two people went to the three major battlefields.

And because the sword is unparalleled in the magic smoke valley, it is in order to ensure that the two master-level strong people are also staying in the depths of the magic smoke.

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