Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3589, the first sixth



Deep Valley is deep.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, I have already told things to the palace master. The palace owner knows that you are still very happy after living, and the palace owner has also known your current situation, so he has already sent a friend who came to him. Contact you. "The Ax is the main news.

"The friend of the palace?" The sword didn't have a double look.

The Lord of the Gabo Palace is the master of the real price, and his friend is a master compared to one.

"The owner of the palace is not in the darkness of the magic smoke, so it takes a while, so he lets you first go to Wuxiang Lake, he will also get there at the fastest speed." Ax one Tao.

"Witch Lake?" The sword didn't have a little bit slightly. He immediately took out the star chart, and immediately found the position of the Witch Lake.

Witch Lake, distance from his current position, there is a distance, and a few days in his speed, a few will be three or five years.

"Tell that adult, I will rush to Wuxiang Lake as soon as possible." The sword has no double.

"Well, then you will be careful." The head of the ax finished, and it interrupted.

Next, the sword is unparalleled, immediately follow the guidelines on the star map, draped towards the heart.

But because the road is far away, he will definitely encounter other cultivators during this.

Sure enough, after him, he was only five days after the Wishwitch Lake, he met a rush of the six-peak rule.

The rules of the rules are of course the first time to discover the existence of swords, but he didn't rush straight with the sword. It is not a double, which makes the sword without double.

"The Lord of Long Yu, if you really can resist it, come directly to fight with me, but you will fight, don't fight, don't you refund, what do you want to do?" The sword is unparalled to close the Lord of the dragon. The direction, the low drink has spread out.

"The Lord of Blood Sword, you are walking, I don't hinder you, do you manage?" Long Hao's Lord also responded, and in the bottom of the heart, the Lord of Long Yu is a laughter "Hey, fight with you? I am not stupid!"

The Lord of this dragon, but the sword is unparalleled to kill the master of the gray.

The Lord of the gray is reluctant to be a six-level peak, although the strength is so weak, but it is weak, and the Lord of this blood sword in front of him is the main killing It is naturally possible to kill him in front.

Therefore, he naturally does not dare to go with the sword without a double!

But as long as you don't get up, you will follow the back, he believes that the Lord of this blood sword can't kill him.

And the fact is true.

Although the sword is unparalleled, he is easy to kill the power of this dragon, but his strength is largely the ten-fold six-level peak strong, but he is not fast at speed. Compared with this dragon, he is afraid that he is still slow.

The speed is not the Lord of this dragon, this dragon's Lord does not take the initiative to rush, but it is far away from him, and the sword is unhealthy.

"The Lord of this dragon, although threatened to me, he has been with me, you can spread my whereabouts, let those who are staring at my strong, sword ..." The sword has no double color slightly ugly, But soon he calm down.

"For, since it is destined to hide the travel, let's justice, let everyone know my position, let the strong people who want to hit my idea to come to the door, and when they just let everyone Look, my sword is unparalleled, but I can't make my mind. "The sword is unparalleled with hands, and it is a stunning killing.

The sword is not the Lord of the Dragon, and the Lord of Long Yu is like the sword. There is no one, he all the way, informing the sword unparalleled position, in the position of the sword, after aware of the sword where the sword is unparalleled, those I stared that his strong, naturally got it.

Time passed, one shouting for a month.

In this month, there is more and more rules that come to the rushed rushed around the sword, but now there is ten in full ten.

However, this dozens of rules are the most stronger, the six-level peaks, they all know that the sword is unparalleled to kill the power of the main record, so even if you see the sword, there is no dare, don't dare to act, dozens of strong Also just followed by the sword, there is no one to shoot.

They are all waiting, waiting for more strong people, after having a certain lineup, join hands together to deal with the sword.

Alternatively, there is a six-pool of strong strong people.

In the perspective of all parties, the sword is unparalleled to kill the power. The war should not be unexpected should also reach the extreme level of the six-year, but to rob the opportunity from him, then naturally six. The hierarchy is talented.

Among the gray empty empty, the sword is unbalanced, and the front of his soul is already spreading, and the strong people around the surroundings will have a look.

"The people who come are more and more, but these people are still not enough." The sword was unparalleled.

The arrival of these strong people, the six-level peaks are only six, and the other six peaks have not reached it, even if they join hands, he is not in the heart.

And at this time ...

The void in the distance is suddenly an emergence of if there is no body shape.

The distance between the body is still not far away, but just a moment, this figure has come to the front of the sword, and directly blocks the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, the pace is also paid, and looks up and look at the people.

This is a short barefoot teenager. Being behind a young bare knife, he has a pair of deep and green eyes, and the whole person looks a very evil charm.

"I finally came to the power of like a sample."

Seeing people, the sword is not slightly posed.

He knows that the general power is, even the six-level peak, it is absolutely not directly blocking him, because the record of his previously revealed, it can kill the top of the six-peak peak.

But now, but dare to block in front of him, it is obviously absolute confidence to your strength.

And the sword has already recognized this person in front of him, and naturally understand why this person will have such a big confidence.

"From the blood knife emperor who belongs to a star, this is a very long-lived, and it has already acceded to the extreme top strong in the six-year premises many years ago." The sword is unparalleled, despite the origin of the other party, The sword is not easy to be very easy.


PS: Today is more coming!

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