Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3608 Indirect Help

(The first to come!)


The sword is unparalleled.

Until now, he fully understood the reason why Qi Xuan Xuanzong really destroyed.

Indeed, the seven-star Xuanzong is destroyed and is because of the relationship between Xuan Yi.

It is Xuanyi, let the magic cloud look greatly threatened, so that he is dead, and the seven-star Xuanzong is because of his great protection, naturally, it is also wiped by the magic cloud.

"There is no way, then the generosity of the generosity is too thin. In front of the unioneer of the Magic Cloud Star, there is no room for any struggle, so the four major gods Eight side Tianzong responded immediately, this is thereafter, these forces have a secret of the secret of the Magic Cloud Star, but more, the strength is too much, they can only like this team. "

"When the battle really broke out, I have already expected the final ending, so after I perceived the movement of the Magic Cloud, we also left a lot of postals!" The man slowly said.

"First, it is three freely alliances, all don't participate in this battle. After all, it is a seven-star Xuan Xuan, and Qixing Xuanzong is in a hurry. It is inevitable. I don't stand in the side of Qixing Xuanzong. The Lord of the Magic Cloud should not do it for these three freely alliances! "

"Second, Xuan Yi also immediately prepared the future rise plan, this plan is crazy, at that time, it is almost impossible to succeed, but because the magic cloud is very sudden, it is directly It is unable to completely block the entire Taijie god, and Xuanyi has no longer escape, and this plan is a bit of success, but it is a hoping hope. "

"But in his gambling, no number of countless practitioners in the seven-star gods did not hesitate to abandon their own life, and arranged the big array for him." Xuanzhu people laughed.

"Big Array? You said, is it a big array that has been blocked by seven-star gods?" The sword has no double.

The seven-star gods, after that battle, it was completely blocked by the big array, and the sword of the last generation was unparalleled, it was born in the blocked gods, where he met his teacher Zunyi left Consciousness, I got a big chant, and finally I was shocked by his teacher, reincarn back to the Tai Chuan.

Although he is now in the early gain of the gods, it has stayed for a long time, but in the bottom of the heart, the seven-star domain, or the seven-star gods, or the ancient chaotic world is the real hometown!

"In addition to the big array, there is another big array?" Xuanzhao Taoist smiled, "The big array can be obtained from the universe battlefield, and it is very high, and it is equal to me. At the same time show, plus the seven-star god domain countless cultivator abandoned the blood of the blood, the party is arranged! "

"This is a result, even if the magic cloud is not able to break directly. After all, although he is strong, this is also within him, but the universe rule in the meditation, let him The this is the same as the first boundary, and it will be restricted by strength. It can't explore all strengths. He didn't break this big array at all, this will leave us a rise. "

"And the next thing, you all know, your master is in the mysteriousness, but he left the awareness, in the seven-star god of the ban, spend the endless years, paying, don't know how much effort , Try to improve the form of the method, and finally have your birth! "

I heard this, the sword has no pairs of hands.

He knows that in order to make him feel the perfect chaotic life, it is too much.

Try to generate a green circulation with his own blood, and then try again. In the end, he has had his appearance. Although he successfully inherited his perfect life, but the process of this ... he worked hard. There are fewer, but it is mainly what he is preparing for him.

"After you were born, everything was conducted in accordance with the plan. He rely on the three holy branches to open the opportunity to seal the world, send you into the reincarnation, sent it to the gear of the gods, and actually The main reason why the three major sacred kits can open the passage, and we have our sake of helping! "

"And you are born, I will come to meet you. As for the next step, it is done by your own step, until today."

When it comes to this, the Xuanzhu people paused, and the eyes were watching the sword.

The Temporary Temple, Tianzu is also staring at the sword.

The three people have a brilliant color.

The sword is unparalleled, from his life, his life is born, his life, his growth, they have been seen in the eyes of them, they have been paying attention to the sword and unparalleled, paying attention to the growth of swords However, in addition to the appearance of Xuanzhu people, the Temporarism of the Temple has been in secret with Tianzu, even if he helped him on the way, but never explained the specific reasons.

Until now, the three appeared in front of the sword, informing the sword without having a double, and let the sword unparalleled.

"I will finally understand now, why is the Hall of the Temple?" The sword is unfolded.

The Tempral Temple ... At the time of the Temple of Temporary Temple, he can personally point for 30 hundred years, but also give him a commander, on his island, it is also the time and space of the Temple, who personally arrived, the time and space hall The Lord is too good to him, so many people don't touch the mind, and the sword is unparalleled.

The same is true of the Temporary Temple, and the Tianzu is also the same, and there is also the same as the Lord that has never been expanded, I am afraid it is the same.

To know, the Lord of the United States, that is, the first to give the sword unparalleled, you have never entered the core layer of the , but the There are countless talented discies of alliances.

Not just like this, the three palace owners of the , but there are many benefits of him, such as the governor of the two palace owners, and even the

These things, even if it is the best, most potent genius in the , it is estimated that there is no such treatment.

But the sword is unparalleled, but there is! !

There is also ancestream ... Although the Tianzu Road has not given him too much help when he is too early, he just arrived at the Star Palace, this ancestors met him. Subsequently, I personally gave him an ax method, gave him the opportunity, so that he directly grasped the destruction will, thus fully enlightened the rules of destruction.

Everything is everything is indirect to help him! !

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