


The sword is unparalleled deeply, and the thoroughness is Zheng Zhongjun: "Thank you!"

After you know everything, the sword is unparalleled, and it has been invisible, and how many great enviases are in front of you.

These kindness, swords are unparalleled, and they will be remembered.

"Haha, little guy, you don't want to thank us, after all, we will help you, in fact, help you, help the whole gods, now the generosity of the gods, although in the Lord of the Magic Cloud, it has come to the medium, But as long as you can take it back, the god circles can still be saved. "Xuan Shen said positive.

"And I have different times, I have a big battle in the last time, I am too thin that the magic cloud of the magic cloud is too sudden, leading to it almost no resistance, but this time is different. "

"From that battle to the present, I have passed a long time for a long time, how long, I can't remember, and after the end of the battle, we have started to work for today, we have been Preparing, always waiting for the opportunity! "

"Now, the power we master in our hands, although it is still more than the magic cloud, let alone counter the front of the magic cloud, but ... if the magic cloud star is once again killing, I am too goddess is not There is no ability to resist, even, we have a considerable grasp, you can save yourself! "

"Self-insurance?" The sword has no double.

He didn't expect that Xuanzhu people were prepared for so many years, but they could only bare self-protection.

"It is very good, it is very good. At least this time, we will never lose it again. As long as we have the ability to self-insurance, there is an ability to counterattack, and for us, the biggest counterattack, no different from a little, then It is a breakthrough to the master level, then ... re-hosted the main kingdom! "The voice of the mysterious gods solemnly.

"Once you have reached the first god of the gods, then you will be within your control, as long as you are in the goddess of the gods, you can press their strength to press their strength to Very low level, and revealed that the power of our local, you can choose not to suppress it. This, the people of the Magic Clouds don't dare to step on me. "

"Yes, as long as you can take the generosity of the gods, then this battle, we will win!" The Temporarism is also looking forward to.

"This is the case, but I have to win the first thing of the gods, and I at least the core of the main slaughter level, but now I am very far away from the main situation, the difference is too far away." The sword was frowned.

Mosing, you must fully enlighten the four-door rules, and it is also necessary to completely integrate these four rules.

And he is now miserable only to three-door rules, if it is integrated, it is only blended, and the requirements of breakthrough, it is really far away.

And some, he is the practice of the perfect life level, and the perfect life level is limited by the universe, and the breakthrough conditions may be more difficult than the ordinary practitioners.

Like a breakthrough from an unscrupulous saints to achieve the rules ...

The general unstead of sacred people, as long as they fully enlighten a rule, master a will, it is already able to break through.

But he, you have enlighten three doors, integrate two rules, and still don't have some signs of breakthrough.

Therefore, the sword is unparalleled, waiting for himself to reach the rules of the rules, want to break through the master, and more difficult than ordinary practitioners.

"You now have a big gap, so you have to do our best to improve your strength, and we have to do it, you will do your best to help you improve your strength."

Xuanqi Taoist voice low: "Little guy, now there is already understood, your importance to us, you are clear, so don't need to be polite or emotional, what you need to do As long as it is helpful to improve your strength, you can do our best to solve it with us. "

"Yes, not only the cultivation, there are also a variety of treasures, to treasure, etc., you have a need, you can talk directly to us." The Temple of Tempral Temple nodded, as for the Tianzu as firm.

They all clearly, the gods can relieve the crisis, hoping to be on the sword.

If the sword is unparalleled, it is as good as possible to improve his strength, and it will achieve the main situation soon, and they must do, of course, it is to help the sword is unparalleled, as long as the sword is unparalleled, they can be a master, they can do not hesitate Any price.

Deep sucking the tone, the sword is unparalleled, but directly: "Three predecessors, I really need something now."

"Say." Xuanzhao people saw it.

"The first is some rare genius, this is a list, you first look at it." The sword didn't have a list of genius treasures.

The treasure on this list is that he cultivates the first weight of the mysterious body. Although only six kinds, these six are extremely rare, but the sword is unparalleled before, but before the Supreme Union. I have never heard of these six treasures, so although he took the six treasures of the list, he didn't know if the Xuanzhu people can collect all the treasures to all.

Sure enough, after seeing six treasures on the list, the look of the mysterious gods, the Temporary Temple, the Tianszu three people changed.

"Little guy, you take out the treasures on this list, indeed every kind of rare, six treasures, I have no in my galaxy, even if it is counted on the Tianzhi, Tempoken Temple, Tianzu Road The collection of long years, only two of them are only one of them. "Xuanzhao people sighed.

"No way to collect it?" The sword was unparalleled.

"That is not." The Xuanqi Taoist is turned, "these six treasures, two kinds of we have already, the remaining four treasures, there are three kinds of we know where, and also have the ability to get the hand, only One of the last plasticized blood crystals, some troublesome. "

"If this is a blood crystal, I have heard that someone has gotten, but it has been tens of millions of years, and I don't know if the news is true, and even if it is true, I can't determine which person in the end. However, I can go with those powerful people who are likely to get the blood crystal, no matter what price, I have to get the blood crystal. "Tianzu silently.

"How long is it?" The sword didn't have a double.


PS: Today is more coming!

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