Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3620 Breakthrough

(The first to come!)


The three major rules are perfectly integrated, which has long been beyond the demand for the rules of the rules of the rules of the saints.

Even if the sword is unparalleled is perfect life, the universe is limited to the universe, but after the three rules are integrated, he finally meets the requirements of this breakthrough, and now he is poor, it is a feet.

This feet must be he forced to kick yourself.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled, and the whole body will roll up.

At the same time, he appeared in his hand, a light blue sword, this light blue god sword is the peak universe he got from the treasure house to the treasure, named Qingling, Qingling God, compared to him Many of the swords used, their swords are slightly slightly thin, and the sword blade does not have previous sharpness.

Such a sword will make the sword unparalleled to cut the torn swords, and they have done to play the strongest torn effect.

However, the sword of the sword is stronger than the gravity, and the power out of the moment is naturally stronger.

"Give it to it !!"

A low drink, the integration of the three rules of the sword is already in the madness of the heavy barrier in the body, and the Qingli Shenjian in his hand is rapidly swing.

The sword is unparalleled to create the most powerful school, the star fire burns!

boom! !

The spatial tremor, the sword is unparalleled, and it is crazy, half-ring, the heavy barrier in his body is the soiled of the earth.

"Breakthrough!" The sword was unparalleled.

In fact, it is also normal.

He has reached a breakthrough requirement, plus a lot of accumulation before him, this breaks, of course, is water to the stream.

And with his breakthrough, his vast power in his body was suddenly surged, and the quality change was started.

Among the process of this power, the neighborhood of the shackles, also lifted in an incredible speed.


The Star Palace, the special tower is the tower where Tianzu is located.

In the top of the top of the tower, the woods have disappeared, and the replacement is a huge manor.

This manor is beautiful and the gas is very angry.

In the middle of the Manor, the mysterious Taoist, the Temporary Temple, the Tianzu three people sit together, drinking tea at will, and chatting.

"That little guy has been turned off now, is there three thousand years?" Tianzu said.

"Well, it is already three thousand years. It seems that he is planning to completely break through the Lord of the rules, it is, I don't know how long he does it take."

"Not anxious." Xuanzhu Dao is a smile, "I have been a long time, I sent some people to the territory where the magic cloud, always staring at the movement of the Magic Cloud, and from there. From the news, the Magic Cloud Star is not intended to come to our intentions, even if it is called a few masters of the master, but as long as this magic cloud is not the present, Then there is nothing to worry about. "

"This is." The main temple is slightly nodded.

They already knew that the Magic Yunxing sent three dominates, came to this territor, but stayed in the holy island, but for these three dominates, they did not put it in their hearts, even if the three dominance is extremely strong, and will That piece of spear that has a double-breaking effect on the sword has brought it, they still don't worry.

Because the sword is unparalleled now, it is really difficult to kill him.

They are now afraid of the Magic Cloud Star, that has reached the most top-ended magic cloud, if the present is personally arriving, plus the spear of the sword without double, can be unparalleled to the sword Deadly threat.

But since the Magic Cloud Star is now the meaning of this territory, they are of course not worried.

"Not only that, the person there is also news that this time the magic Yunxing seems to have some troubles, the whole magic cloud is very busy, in a short time, I am afraid that I can't disturb it. The territory is. "Xuanzhu people laughed again.

"Haha, it's great." Time and Space Temple docused.

"This is really good news for us." Tianzu also nodded.

The Lord of the Magic Cloud is not in this territory for a day. They can prepare for a while, and the sword is unparalleled. If the magic cloud, the Lord will delay tens of thousands of years or dozens of years. If you come again, then it is better, after all, with the fierce unparalleled talent with progress, hundreds of thousands of years, may have become dominated.

At that time, even if the Magic Yunxing was observed, I wanted to come and definitely.

"I hope that the magic cloud is not open, and it is impossible to take a scruple, giving the little guy's time, even better, that is, the magic cloud star is simply given up." Xuanzhu Dao .

"Abandoning too early gods?" How could it be. "Time and Space Temple laughed," I won a starry, and I went to a starry runner. This is a huge opportunity, even a lot of top prizes, and even the legendary supreme Maybe, will he give up? "

"It is not necessarily, knowing that the magic cloud star is so crazy accelerated the evolution of the gods. The potential of the crowd is just to break through the step as soon as possible, but if his step has truly cross, add the magic Yunxing again. If he is innocent, he is likely to really give up here. "Xuanzhu Dao people.

"If there is so much in this world, if you seem to be in my opinion, I want him to give up the genus of the gods, it is absolutely impossible." Tianzu is positive.

"I just talk about it." Xuanzhu people smiled.

"Don't say this first." The Tempiostal Lord waved, "Xuan Shen, you said to give the little guy a suitable strongest attack to treasure, what?"

"That piece is a treasure, some troublesome." Xuanzhu Dao people.

"How, can't you get it?" The temple of the Temphony frowned.

The strongest to treasure, can be much stronger than the peak to the treasure.

The sword is only only one peak to the sword in his hand, and it is just soon, but if the sword is unparalleled to get a right to make him the strongest to Bao soldiers, he will definitely get a lot of improvement. .

"You can't say that it is completely can't get it. It's just a bit of trouble, and this is troublesome, I can't solve it." Xuan Shen said quietly, said: "In short, this process is a slight, or wait for the little guy to go out, I Take it carefully. "

"Well." The Tempiograph of the Temporary Temple nodped with Tianzu, and the two did not continue to ask.

And at this time ...

boom! !

The whole world is abrupt.

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