Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3621 Shenwei Glass



Tiandi Seismophilus, the special time and space of the three dominates is crazy, it seems that it will not be able to withstand, directly collapsed.

"what happened?"

The three models talk about, and the looks become solemn.

"So huge movement, is it ..." Xuanzhu people looked at the time and space next to the Temphion and the Tianzu, but found that the two people were in the same manner.

"Go, go out."

The three dominated immediately outside of this time and space, that is, the void of the Star Palace.

And out, they immediately induced the source of the huge movement.

"Sure enough, this movement is coming out of the place where the little guy lives." The mysterious gods are excited.

"Haha, it seems that the little guy finally broke through." The Temple of Time and Space is also happy.

They all understand that there is no such thing as there is no reason in the galacial.

There is no doubt that it is definitely human, and after the practice of cultivator reaches a certain degree, they will cause some movement, the higher the level, the more the cultivator, the more the movement of the trigger The greater it.

Like the general unstead of breakthrough rules, it will cause some movement, but that is not very big, it will never cause the idea of ​​the three major dominance, but the key is the movement of the moment, but large The incredible, in the entire Star Palace, it has caused a sensation.

In addition, the source of the moving is the place where the sword is unparalleled, so there is no doubt that it is definitely a sword unparalleled breakthrough.

"This little guy, really did not let us down, so soon broke through the Lord of the rules, and this is moving, it is really big, I originally broke through the rules of the rules, it created, there was no time. He is like this. "Tianzu smiled.

"Not good." Xuanzhao's face is a sudden change. "The little guy broke through a good thing, but he didn't expect that his movement was so big. We did not give him any concerted, so many cultivation At the present, I was sure that he broke through the first time, and this news was afraid that it was hidden. Soon this territory will be known, and the Holy Island will also know. "

"I know, I know it." The Tempiograph is waved, "Since this little guy has already broken, then unless it is not full, or does not meet with the master level, it will definitely expose, we want to hide Also hide, the sure is directly known to know that there is no big deal, even if the Magic Cloud Star will get the news, it is estimated that it will not be too alert. "

"Yes, the original Xuan is different from the main level of the rules, and the time in the rules of the rules is not short, but the magic cloud owner still kills him, with Xuan Yi's example, this magic Yunxing Lord may not pay attention to this little guy very much. "Tianzu also said.

Xuanzhu people are worried about the sound of the sword unparalleled breakthrough in the ear of the magic cloud, which will let the magic Yunxing's main alert, accelerate him to come here, but just as the Tempse of Temple , The sword is unparalleled, the morning and evening will spread out.

And because of the example of Xuan, the Magic Yunxing, the Magic Cloud Star, believes that the time of the rules in the rules of the rules. If he still kills, then now, even if the sword is unparalleled in the rules, I stayed for a while. As long as he is a trip, it is still easy to kill the sword, and it will not pay attention to it.

The words of Xuanzhai people heard the two people, wrinkled, and didn't say more.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, the mildiction has begun, and a horrible moon is swept away from his direction, and the entire Star Palace is completely covered for a while.

This is too powerful! !

It has been fully exceeded from the rules of the rules, and it is still crazy.

Within the Star Palace, in addition to the three dominates, there are still many rules of rules. When the might is completely filled, these rules have become very horrified, and some strength is weak. And even the legs began to have soft, and they went down at a point.

Shenwei Glass! !

This might, oppress everything around, and let the Lord of all rules in the Stars for the fear.

This fear is as if they are in the face of a powerful master, and the dominant explosives all the neighters oppress them.


Most importantly, this madness is still in the crazy of horror.

"It is terrible, this Shen Wei is too terrible !!"

"Who is this, who is exuded, how can it be so terrible !!"

"The Lord of Blood Sword is the master of the sword !! This movement is from him, and the might is naturally scattered, and such a big might, it is obvious, he breaks through !!"

"Breakthrough? Break through into domain?"

The people in the Rules in the Star Palace have been in the heart, and the sword is unparalleled, they are both envious and horrified.

The Lord of Blood Sword, when there is no breakthrough, it is already the strongest in the Lord of the rules. Now he breaks through the master, how much is it?

Single from this might of this.

Nowadays, this shocking kinemate spread from the sword is not a general dominant.

"This is a great, it is really scary."

The three dominated were standing in the void of the Star Palace, and they feel close to the Shenwei came in front, and the expression on the three faces was quite exciting.

"It is really terrible. It is much stronger than the general domain. I originally broke through the rules to achieve the master, the outbreak of the might of the outbreak did not have a strong one-third." Tianzu Road.

"You just have the most common master of this world, and how can I get better with the perfect life level." Xuanzhu people smiled, "The special life in this universe is extraordinary, far more than ordinary practitioners. To be strong, especially in the power, the advantage is too big, and the perfect life is more anti-sky. "

"I have seen Xuan and a breakthrough. Their is the same big scary. It is clear that it is only a breakthrough to become the Lord of the rules, but the movement of the way to the , The little guy will naturally be weak in Xuan Yi. Even in my opinion, the Shenwei, who is now showing, more stronger than the original Xuanyi, which proves that his potential will definitely be bigger than Xuan ! "


PS: Today is more coming!

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