Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3622 triple!

(The first to come!)


Xuanzhu Taoist, Tempral Temple, Tianzu, these three major dominates laugh.

On the other hand, the sword is unparalleled, the transformation is close to the end, and that has been full of Ga Shiqi in the entire Star Palace, and finally began to converge.

In the secret room, the sword is unparalleled.

After opening, he took his hard hand to hold his own hands, instantly sensing, it can easily pinch the scary power.

This power is much better than before, it is much better than he is in the sacred person.

"It is similar to me, I am in the hierarchy of the saints, and their Shenli level will be more stronger than the general rules, even more stronger than the general rules, and now I broke through the rules of rules, my The power can be comparable to the master! "The sword flashed in a double eye.

The perfect life level of cultivator, the innate advantage is too big.

And this first day, first reflects the power of power.

He just broke through the Lord that became the rules, but his power is still enough to dominate. Of course, there are also the funnel features of the will. After he breaks, he masters the will of the will, the same occurs The mass change has been fully reached a new level.

And this is just the foundation of the powerful power.

"Life Unit ..."

The sword is unparalleled, and the life of life is suddenly reminded.

Suddenly sword is unparalleled, only feeling that his strength has increased again, it is almost, and there is 40%.

"It turned out how much it was so much," the sword is unhappy. "

Life magical, is his secret surgery from the hands of the blood wave, which is self-cultivation, which is specially cultivated to special life, and can make special life makers a bigger advantage. Play out.

However, the effect of this secret surgery is a big relationship with the realm of the cultivator.

Previously, the sword is only just a non-dead saint, and the powerful power of this secret post-test is equivalent to an will of power.

Now, he reaches the main level of the rules, and the power is comparable to the master. At this time, he once again showed his life, so that his power will once again increase it!

Don't underestimate these four-year power, this is the power of the master level. It is enough to have a big impact on a battle, 40% ... This is said that if he encounters the first grade, At least he can absolutely crush each other on the powerful power.

"At the beginning of the blood wave, although he passed the life of the god to me, this life magic is just the first weight, it is still limited, and it is still limited, if I have a day to go to life, my life is complete. Life Athens, the help of me will be bigger. "The sword was unparalleled.

He is very clear, he is now to show the first weight of life, but also barely put your own congenital advantages, but he listened to the blood wave and said that the creator of life, cultivation of life, to the top, can Let the innate advantages you have played far more than enough.

Unfortunately, the complete life of life is not.

In addition to the life of life, there is still a big brand in the sword, and it is a tactic.

"Now, I have broken through the Lord of Rules. In the realm, it is not weak in the peak period. According to the truth, I can also play the strongest power, I don't know this. How much is the strength of my strength, how much can I? "The sword has a wonderful expectation.

is the strongest means of his teacher.

And the most important thing is that this means of means is very unique, and when the sword is unparalleled, he has also shaken blood wave.

At that time, blood waves said that his , if it is able to show all the power, then you can give him more innate advantages! !

You know, he is now cultivating the life of life, you can make him own more than 40%, but these four complements, actually just play a new congenital advantage.

Get playing more innocent advantages, so that his Shenli power has more 40%, that 30% of the innate advantages ...

"Try it."

The sword is unparalleled Zhongxiao, and the right hand fierce, the sky is immediately displayed.

At the moment of , his strength is suddenly increasing.

boom! !

The void has a low sound burst, and this void in front of him is born by him.

"This power is ..." The sword is unparalleled.

He can clearly feel the power that I have just turned into an instant.

The power of the stock, even more than enough! !

"Three into the congenital advantage, there is no disappointment." The sword was unparalleled with hands, and the face was surprised, and he tried again.

He wants to fully figure out that after the life of life, the power will increase to that level after the tactics.

And with a try again, he quickly understood it.

"My current strength, it is equivalent to the general master, maybe it is a little more powerful than the general first-class master, and I have a life of life, my strength will increase 40%, which is equivalent to 140%. However, once I am using the tactics, the force will double again, all count, and it is estimated that there are twenty-eighth or twenty-nine strengths! "The sword was unmarkarized.

Twenty eighth, or even twenty-nine

This is almost equivalent to the three-fold power of the main first-class dominance.

"Three times the first-class dominance, this is only the power of power, I am afraid I can have a higher master with the general higher master." The sword is unparalleled.

Have to say, life gods have given him a huge surprise with , especially tactics.

It is to know that he has hosted the source of the Camway, has created a seventh-order higher school, and then cooperate with the strength of the strength, and his combat power can completely reach the level of higher master. Even if you can't be completely dominated, the at least is also very close.

And higher master, knowing, even if there are very few in this territory, like Xuanzhao Taoist, Temporatively Temple, Tianzu, it is just the first dominance, the gain of the god, in Xuan After a fall behind, it seems that only the Tianshi master is a high-priced war.

After breaking through the rules of the rules, the battle has jumped to the ground that can be barely comparable to the top, so that the sword is not boring.

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