Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3623 Blood Sword Doctrine?



After half a ring, the sword was unparalleled to repeat his mood.

Follow him, walk towards you.

At this moment, the Star Palace has long been there.

The Star Palace is full of hundreds, although most of them have went to the three battlefields, they still have nearly eighty-bit in the Star Palace, and this nearly eighty rules, at this moment I was alarmed, all of which gathered in front of the sword without double.

Xuanzhao Taoist, Tempral Temple, Tianzu Three people are also standing there.

With the sword unparalleled from the residence, the passive eyes around the surrounding are all in the sword.

At the same time, the main people of nearly 80 rules have also worshiped.

"I will wait for the blood sword to dominate !!"

The sound is shocked, echoing within the entire starry.

"Master?" The sword is unbeded, but the look is quite quite.

At this moment, the whole body has already converges, and there is no half of the power and the breath. It is seen in the naked eye of these rules. It does not seem to have a sword unparalleled half point, but the main people of these rules I thought of just The huge gods and movement have long been identified that the sword has no double breakthrough.

So the sword has no double, they will fall directly.

But actually swords and unparalleled did not reach the dominance.

"Haha, the blood sword master, congratulations."

The cool laughter sounds, the mysterious people, the time and space, the Tianshu three people have come to the front of the sword, and the three faces have a smile.

"Three predecessors, even you also ..." The sword is unparalleled.

I am not dominated, and the people of those rules can not see, but you can see it in front of you.

But these three people have seen it, but they have not broken, but they call themselves directly.

"It is not convenient to say so much, or go to my space." Tianzu said.

"Okay." The sword didn't have a double point, and the throat was looted with the three people.

When I was moving, the mysterious god passer has issued a command. "Today, there is no matter what people in the outside world, otherwise it must be documented!"

This order makes the Temporary Temple of Temples are very weird.

Because the three people said when they talk about it, since there were so many people saw the sword unparalleled breakthrough, it would be impossible, and it is impossible to stop the message, so I can be understood that the mysterious gods still go down such an order. ......

The special space, the beautiful manor.

"Haha, little guy, you finally broke through the Lord of the rules." Xuanzhu people laughed very happy.

"Xuan god, pay attention to your name, the sword is unparalleled, the rules have reached the rules, that does not accidentally accidentally, you can match the enemy, this kind of strength is enough to be equal with me, you can't go with a little guy again. Call him. "Time and Space Temple.

"To the right, I will respond slowly, Tianhou Xiaoyou, don't be able to see it." Xuanqi Taoist deliberately pays sins.

This makes the sword unparalleled, "Three predecessors, although it has been broken now, but in front of you, it is only a little guy, and the three predecessors can call it directly, it doesn't matter, and three It is the same era with my teacher, even if it is divided, it is also very reasonable. "

"No." Temporatively shaking his head, "Although the age, we are indeed more than you old, but the practice between the cultivars is to look at the strength, not to see who live ancient, your current strength has been Not at me, then I am waiting for the exchange of people, this is the rule between the cultivators, can't be violated. "

"Yes, Tianhou Xiaoyou, you will listen to us, as for your master, you don't have to pay attention to it, he has fallen, and even if he is still alive, I dare to say, he will make you exchanged with my lifetime. Tianzu Road.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is no rejection. "In this case, then I am charging, the mysterious god, the time and space, the Tianzu!"

"Haha, this is right." Xuan god immediately laughed.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, although you just broke through, but there are few more strengths to your current strength, how?" The Temple of Temple came over.

"It is some understanding, now I am, but the battle will definitely not be a general first waiting for the first time. As for how to encounter the high master, this is not allowed." The sword is unparalleled.

He is already very humble.

He is very clear, with his own efforts, three times the first-class dominance, plus here, the seventh-order higher school, even if you encounter the high master, you can fight, and the first grade, it is absolutely Can be crushing.

After listening to the sword, the three main eyes were bright, and Xuanzhao people were even more like: "Since you are not judged, let us help you, the ancestors, still shot, Batches with this little guy.

"I have no opinion." Tianzu nodded.

"In this case, then please ask you to advice." The sword smiled.

Just in this time and space, the sword is unparalleled with the ancestors.

The last time they did actually have a hand, but the sword is unparalleled just to test the strength of his own body, so in the face of the attack of the ancestors, he does not flash, but it is purely on his own body.

But this battle, the two were to be a big battle. Although because of this time and space, the strength is restricted, the two may not completely let go of his hands, but some simple hands-on doing, but it is enough to let The two have a certain understanding of each other.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

I only heard a terrible roar sounded in this time and space.

The sword is unparalleled with the Tianzu in this time and space. Every time I collide, this time and space will dramally tremble, as if I can't get the power of these two, it is later, this time and space is even rushing. .

Soon, half a time passed, this time and space has reached the edge of the collapse, at this time, the sword has no two sides with the Tianzu.

The two recovered their own gods, standing together, and the mysterious people who have been watching the battle have come over with the time and space.

At this moment, whether it is a mysterious Taoist, the Temporary Temple is still a quite ancestors who have nothing to fight with the sword.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, you just don't do our best?" Tianzu solemnly looked at the sword.

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled just to laugh.

"Sure enough." Tianzu's sigh, "From you to make a calm look, I can see it, you have not taken all the strength, but you can still press me completely. "


PS: Today is more coming!

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