(The first to come!)


"Sure enough, there is no strength." Xuanzhu people nodded with the Tempral Temple.

Just a battle, he is clear and clear.

Tianzu, in addition to some of themselves with the life and life means, he has already played his strength.

Can the sword are unparalleled?

At the end of the end, he is very casual, very easy to look, no matter what attack, he can use it even more relaxed, and his sword will be free to show random, and it is extremely terrible.

Such a relaxed, obviously did not play all his strength, but in this way, the battle of the half of the time, the battle can be in the side, and the Tianzu is completely suppressed by the sword.

"It seems that after you break through the rules of the rules, the strength is much stronger than we think," Xuanzhu Dao people.

"It's normal, I have been trapped in those years, the swordsman is repaired in the school, I have created a seventh-order higher school, as for the seventh-order first, I have created a lot, now I broke, the power of power is not weak, with the advantage of the school, when I am playing with normal first, I can occupy a little wind, of course, Tianzu has just left the hand. "Sword is unparalleled .

"You don't leave the face for me, have you pay close, I am clear." Tianzu shouted.

The sword is unparalleled.

"Yes, there is such strength, it is better than we expect, if you can get a suitable strongest to Bao Bing, your strength should be more harmonious." Xuanzhu Road humane.

"Xuan Shen, the strongest to the sword, there is a result?" The sword is unparalleled to see the Xuanzhu people.

Before he closed, the mysterious people said with him, and he would want to make a way to make a handle of the Baojian, and now the past is three thousand years, and it has reason to say that there is already a result.

"The sip of the sword is a bit trouble." Xuanzhao people wrinkled.

"Trouble?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou said before, the strongest to the trendy sword, is in a powerful master, this master, or a big force leader." Xuanzhao Taoist Positive color: "Original I am ready to make sufficient resources, don't say that you can completely touch him, but use these things that you are prepared to exchange this strongest to treasure, according to the truth, he is absolutely earned, he promised may Sex should also be extremely high, but the result is completely unexpected. "

"He refused?" The sword was unparalleled.

"If he directly refuses it on the spot, it is easy. So decisive refused, indicating that the strongest to the Bao Shenjian is nothing to do, but he may still look more serious, such as he is in power, there is a good day The strong people of the sword have become dominated. This kraft can be left to each other, but the key is that he is not directly rejected. "

Donned, Xuanzhao Taoist continued to say: "He did not reject it directly, but asked me who wants this to the Bao Shen sword, because this dominates and holy Island have no megara, there is no hatred before my gala. , I don't think much, just say it is to prepare for you, and I want to change my face immediately, say that the strongest to the Baojian, he will never give you. "

"What?" The sword was unparalleled.

There was no refusing at the beginning, and it was able to give him the sword to him after knowing the Xuanzhu people.

This is obvious, it is a great opinion to him.

"What is going on, Tianhou Xiaoyou, except for the holy island, you are in this territory, don't you have to enroll n't cause the force to dominate?" The Temph Temple came over.

"This ... I am not clear, I also swayed a while in the three battlefields, but the strong that truly provokes is not much. As for the main kick, I have been in the three battlefields for so long, except for the Holy Island In addition, I have never been slaughtered with others. "The sword is unparalleled.

He is very unlike.

When I walked in the three battlefields, I was very careful, I didn't have a few strong people, let alone dominating.

Why do you have any such a big opinion now?

"Xuanzhao, what happened?" The Tempse of the Temph Temple looked at Xuanzhu.

"I asked, the master also told me that I have a certain relationship with Tianhou Xiaoyou himself." Xuanzhu people took a deep breath and asked: "Tianhou Xiaoyou, when you sway in Magic Valley, Not a person with the Beihai Palace, hit the hand. "

"Beihai Palace?" The sword is unbentered.

In this territory of this territory, it is enough to discharge the top three North Sea Palace, which can be said that in this territory is absolutely considerable, it is a hegemony.

This North Sea Palace, the sword is not doubles.

"Is it their?" The sword didn't have a double-faced, said: "When I was in the Magic Valley, I touched the main with the Beihai Palace with the main paradise of the North Sea Palace. The main belly of the stone The main two people joined forces, and searched for prey in the devil cave in the devil valley, forcing to grab the treasures in the hands of the other party, and they found my head at the time. "

"What?" Xuanzhu people asked.

"The two of them are strong, but they are more than I have more means, I don't have anything to meet, but they have a big loss." The sword has no double.

"Not just a big loss, I listened to the dominant, I met, the Lord of the Red Pan was almost killed by you." Xuanzhu people blame.

"Yes." The sword is no longer, "he wants to kill me, I will certainly fight, of course, if there is a chance, can I kill him in the two, I will not be in love, then the red pup The Lord is because I am too little, I'm taking a turn, if the Lord of Stone is coming over, she is dead. "

"That is." Xuanzhao Taoist shrugged, "I said, the most stronger to Bao Shen sword, is one of the leaders of Beihai Palace, the top of the North Sea Palace, And almost died in the red master of your hand, is a straight generation. "

"Direct sector?" The sword didn't have a double look.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, you don't know, this Tianpeng master is an extremely old master. When he is very early, and when he is rising, his family is also a sky because of his relationship, and he jumped into him. A big hegemony in the starry, standing for a long time, and for so many years, his family members did not know how much, and naturally, there were some people who had been born! "

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