Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3646 Wakes Waken Soul

(Today is one more!)


The sword is no longer more delay, and it has been directly in the past.

"How do I crack this in the reincarnation?"

Looking at this huge seal in front of him, the sword is unparalleled but feels a headache.

Although his master is left, as long as he breaks through the rules of the rules, you can crack this blocking method, but this crack process follows, he is unknowing.

"This specific crack process, we are not clear, you can try to communicate with this heavy printing method."

"Well." The sword nodded, when he closed his eyes, and his consciousness has been covered with a huge seal method in front of the past.

The awareness is covered to this, the sword is unparalleled with this resell, and with this, it has been quiet in the seal in the seal, and gradually woke up.

"Little guy, you are finally here." The mild voice sounded.

I heard this sound, the sword has no doubles.

This sound, he is too familiar.

"Teacher, Master? Is you?" The sword was a little trembling.

"It is me." The mild voice rang again, and in the sealing method, a hazy body is slowly condensed.

His figure is tall, face gentle, giving people a feeling, the faint smile brought on his face, but also the hearts of it.

Familiar face, familiar smile, and familiar feeling, it is obvious, this figure in the seal law in the seal is is his master, Xuan Yi! !

It's just that his master is already falling. Now it is in this, but it is just a defective soul of this heavy sealing, this is very weak, and the long years are in the middle of sleep, now It is also a breath that I feel the sword, this debris will be awake.

And awakening of the soul, only the sword is unparalleled, as for several people next to the Zeng Zhi, but induces his existence.

"Little guy, how many years have you been reborn, how many years?" Xuanyi asked.

His residual soul has been in a sleep, but how long is it, but it doesn't know.

"Hunting Master, there is already 100,000 years." The sword has no passionate.

"100,000 years ... is more than expected, it is to be some at night, but it doesn't matter. You can break through the Lord of the rules, and come to this fourth day of the heavy sealing and printing, put my residual soul Wake up, this shows that I originally planned, and it should be more smooth. "Xuan Yi.

"Yes, although there is a bit of trouble in the middle, the disciples are also chased by the three sanctuary, but they are still in the air, but they are not in the air." The sword has no pair. "

"You can come here, then explain, you will explain that you have already contacted the positive front of Xuanzhi?" Xuanyi continued to ask.

"Not only the seniors of the mysterious god, there is also the Lord of the Sky, the Temporary Temple, and the Tianzu, I have already been touched, and these years have been more than the four seniors, I can go to today. The sword is unparalleled.

"Your mission, there is also the ultimate hidden secret, they also tell you?" Xuan Yi.

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

"In this case, then you should know what you should do." Xuan is a slight smile, followed by: "The last question, now you, what is strength?"

"Master, I just broke through the rules of the rules for a long time, but because many disciples have received some good opportunities, they can force the enemy, and then add the seniors of Xuan Shen to help me. I got a strongest to Baojie, now I am, the war will definitely be lower than the master, if it is really desperate, even if I have encountered some extremely terrible existence, I am not afraid, and the only one is The gap is estimated to be the display of the tactics, and there are some restrictions. "The sword has no double.

Previously, the sword was unparalleled to his own strength, more less hidden.

Even the mysterious gods, the Temporary Temple, Tianzu, the three people ask, the sword is unparalleled, but they can match, but the specific level of war, but did not say too clear.

However, it is the most respectable teacher, but the most appreciated teacher, but he doesn't have a half to cover up all the tops, and you can hold it all.

This is his absolute trust in his master.

"Yes, just broke through the high master, this is a teacher to grab it." Xuan Yi smiled, "As for the sky ... This secret is very strange, I was able to create it. I can't encounter. The chamber, plus luck, it is really good, but this secret surgery is really large enough to show the power consumption, but fortunately, we are a perfect life, if you do anyone, even the master, I am afraid that I can't make a few times. Such secrets. "

"This secret, you use the right to use it, it will improve your strength, as for the future, you should not show this secret, you can see yourself."

"Well." The sword never nodded.

"Well, ask you so many questions. In fact, it is a teacher, just want to know that you are in these years, it seems that it is not bad." Xuan Yi smiled and continued: "You now go to this heavy printing Going up, is it to crack this seal? "

"Yes, Master, but I don't know how I can crack down this seal?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Cracking the abortion?" Xuan is a look, but it is a laughter: "I want to crack this law, it is difficult to say that it is not difficult, but it is easy, but it is not easy."

"Well?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Little guy, telling you, this resembling the printing, the reason is always existed, not only to completely protect the strong people who sleep in the seven-star gods, give the seven star Xuanzong to reunite opportunities, and one more Important purpose. "Xuan Yi Road.

I heard this, the sword is unparalleled.

"Little guy, Xuan gods, they should tell you, after the master of the rules, immediately try to win the will of the generous gods, but unfortunately I tried countless times, but finally still failure By ending. "Xuan Yi.

"The senior of this is telling me, he said that you have tried millions of times, and finally fails, and finally, the conclusion, it is necessary to re-hunting the will of the gods, must have to make perfect life. Breakthroughs to the master level. "The sword has no double.

"This is the case, but it is not just this." Xuan is a look that it is more daring.


PS: I am sorry, there is a little more annoyed by the truth of the car.

Today, I will be more, I owe a more, the day after tomorrow, I will be more completed.

Sorry again, I hope everyone can understand.

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