Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3647 Small Star

(The first to come!)


"When I broke through the Lord of the rules, I tried directly to try to re-hosing the first gods. There were millions of times, although I fails, but I feel, I have the opportunity to have a chance to be too early. If you re-walked, it is just that my own strength is not enough. "

"So I thought that as long as I broke through the dominance, I could reach this too late god, but I have been upgraded with my strength, and I understand, I understand, I understand. If you want to re-won the main kingdom, I am afraid I just don't just break through the master. "Xuan Yi.

"Isn't it just a breakthrough?" The sword was not a sidebrow.

Single must break through the master, this condition is extremely harsh, now the sword is not very long and the power is still long.

But I don't want to re-won the main boundaries, the conditions needed, not only only.

"Just a breakthrough, although my strength will be greatly improved, the most important thing is that the soul will follow the transformation, and there will be great help when they will be too early to win, but now the gods, after all, not the most The weak stage, but has already been rapid to the medium term, and the first gods were also taken once, and now the heavens of the gods of the gods will be the leader of the lake. "

"Taking the landscape of the Magic Cloud Star, the will of the normal star is completely different, the normal star will have no emotions, there is no thought, only know that the rules of the universe are running, even if it suddenly suffered, its The resistance is also limited. "

"The Magic Cloud Star is a human cultivator, and it is an extremely terrible master level. If he is suffering, he will definitely resist, if it is final, he is more likely to make Some crazy moves, such as direct self-destructive, let the heavenly will of the Taijie Shenjie crash, there is no bondage of the heavens, the gods don't have the rules, and will also collapse. "

"Al or, he directly controls the heavens to destroy too early gods ... These are the consequences of our unacceptable."

I heard here, the sword is unparalleled.


The Magic Cloud Star is not a practitioner in the goddess. He won the gods, but it is only for your own cultivation. In order to help you improve the strength, he doesn't care about the Taijie Shenjie itself.

Under normal circumstances, he will definitely not self-destroy the heavens, or the control of the heavens will destroy too early gods. The top more is only forcing the evolution speed of the Taijie Shen, and let him get a bigger advantage in a short time. .

If it is not normal, it is that the sword is unparalleled can have a huge threat to it, and you can re-won the gods. When he can't stop, he really can't say it, will not make what crazy The actions.

After all, once he can't stop the sword is unparalleled, let the sword are unparalleled to retreat too early to the gods, then this is the first to completely do not have anything.

Since he can't get it, he is likely to make others can't get.

"Just because of this, I will have a concern, I am worried that you have achieved the master, and I can't succeed that I will reappear too late, so I specially left this heavy-sealing and lapse, complete the seven-star gods. Seal is inside. "Xuan Yi.

"Master, this heavy sealing, what is the strange place?" The sword asked without a pair of doubts.

"Of course, there is." Xuan one laughed, "This resembling the printing launcher is the majority of the majority of the majority I got. It has a very strange role. It is not only completely sealed in the seven-star gods. The most important thing is this The process of running long years will gradually happen. "

"Diffraction?" The sword is unparalleled.

"From the original seal, gradually evolved into a complete world, and even gradually gave birth to the will offenders that can dominate the world." Xuan Yi mysteriously.

"What?" "The sword is unparalleled and shocked," "Complete Tiandi? Can you even give birth to the will of the world? Don't you do it with normal stars?"

"Yes, this seal is running to the end, it is equivalent to forming a small star!" Xuan Yi smiled, "this small star, will have an independent operational law, leading the will of the world, It is also equivalent to the height of the Taijie Shenjie, which is white, it is a star, but the volume is much smaller than a normal three-level star, there are too many small, but the basic operational law, including the heavens Yes, but still there. "

"Of course, this small star is in many respects, it is more than the universe's naturally gestation, such as the growth space, the normal three-level star, countless cultural people, can give numerous non-dead saints, a large number of rules The main, including a few of some of some of the master, but this is a small star formed after the printed method, even if it is not dead, this, this, you should have a deep understanding. "

The sword is unparalleled.

He is coming out of the seal method, it is clear that the heavens and the earth in the seal method, how much is the growth limit of the cultivator.

In the blocking method, we will leave the strong people from the seven-star gods, and the seven-star Xi Xuanzong. Later, the strong thing in the natural birth of the world is only a chaotic hierarchy, but in normal stars. Inside, the chaotic border, then there is no difference with the antity.

"Although this small star is not growing in space, don't expect any strength, but one thing, it is a normal heaven, it will not have too much difference with the normal climate in normal stars. If you can master this small star, you fully understand the Tiandao operations of this small star boundary, then you will have a huge help! "Shi said.

The sword is unparalleled.

If it is said to be said according to his Master, this small star is not too different from the Tiandao operation of the Tai Chief, then he will master the small star, equal to complete understanding of this generous gods. The process of the law, in the future, he retreated, and the process of hindle will definitely be easier to easily.

"I have said before, this is the generous will of the generosity, now being dominated by the Magic Cloud Star, he knows how to resist, know how to make crazy, but if you have broken through the dominance, The Tiandao Operations are fully understood, then you can easily re-hosted the main kingdom directly, and will not give him any opportunity to counterattack! "

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