(The first to come!)


"People, are there?"

The sword is unparalleled in the center of the crowd, and the eyes have swept through the people around.

"I have a seven-star Xuanzong camp, but all people who wake up, they are already here." Xuan Yan Road.

"Well." The sword never nodded.

He has controlled the heavens of the ancient chaotic world, and everything in the world's chaotic world is as good.

Indeed, the strong people who have wake up in Qixing Xuanzong camp have been here, and the rest is also because the injury is too heavy, or because the time is too long because of the lack of spiritual power, it will never wake up. people.

"In addition to the seven-star Xuanzong, another camp, it seems to have been news." The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes are looking to a void.

In this void, there are also many people's existence. These people are obviously not the elder chaotic world of indigenous companies, but they have not stood with Qixing Xuanzong, but it can be opened with the distance from the seven-star Xuanzong.

Even the strong people of Qixing Xuanzong are still full of vigilance and alert.

Seven Star Xuanzong people, look at these people's eyes, but also hostility.

This situation makes the sword unparalleled immediately. These people are after the end of the battle, and they are left in the three major sanctuary camp.

At the beginning, the seven-star gods were completely blocked, and there were many people in the three major sanctuary. There were many people who didn't come to the seven-star gods, and they were left, and the sword was in the event of the chaotic world. Opening the hand, even smashed.

Despite the later, because the three holy owners personally opened the temporary channel, some people had to leave, but many people still stay here, no wake up, until thousands of years later, because of the chaos The world's aura recovery, they woke up slowly.

Ten years ago, the sword is unparalleled to open the news that the world's gods. The highest level of the whole of the ancient chaotic world has caused an unprecedented sensation. Now they are rushing to get here, naturally I want to pass the channel. One and return to the genus of the world.


The sword has no double shape, and it is directly to the group of people.

"You, at the beginning of the battle, belonging to the three major sanctuary camp?" The sword was unbolded and indifferent, staring at this group of people before the eyes.

These faces have changed, including a brunette old man smile, "It's true that the three major sanctuary camp, but we added three holy area camps, mostly for helplessness."

"You have helpless, I know some, so the thing I will continue to pursue with you, since you come, I want to leave this world to return to the gods, I will also fulfill you." Tao.

"Thank you, thank you very much."

The brunette old man is grateful to zero.

Tens of practitioners behind the brown hair, also showed a surprise.

"Although I promise you to leave, but that channel only one, and you are too much, you can't send you away, this way, you will divide the three teams according to your origins, and you will listen to me. The command has entered the passage. "The sword has no double.

"Everything is arranged by adults." The brown veteran is also the owner of a genuine rules, but he can see that he is unparalleled with the sword, so he is in the face of swords. Awe.

"The first battle, the three major sanctuary camps, except for the three sanctuary itself, there are four major gods, the joins of the eight parties, now, you are talking about, all people from the eight parties, Stand here. "The sword did not finger the left void.

Suddenly, there were nearly half of the shadows, and nearly half walked to the void of the sword.

"Oh, the people of the eight side are quite a lot." The sword was slightly tight, but did not feel unexpected.

At the beginning, the three major sanctuary is the main force, but the three major sanctuary is relied on the top power, as for practitioners who act as cannon, strength, mostly from the four gods and eight parties Tianzong, the cultivator of the eight-party Tianzong participated in the quantity.

"Anyone from the four gods, standing here." The sword is unparalleled and refers to the void on the right.

Immediately, there were ten people to go to the right of the void.

And continue to stay in place, there is still more than ten cultivators, still standing there.

These people are neither from the Ba Fang Tianzong, nor from the four gods, then their origins ...

"The remaining people are not unexpected, is it from the three major sanctuary?" The sword has no more than a more than ten shadows.

"Yes, we are in these people, six from the sings of life and death, four from destruction of the sanctuary, and three from the saints of Yan Yan." One of the top saints.

"Oh, is it?" The sword is unparalleled, but this smile is like a blade. You are 13 people, all ... death penalty! "


These thirteen scholars from the three sanctuary are very surprised.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is ignored their look, and he has already said that these people are in the moment of death.

I don't need to have too many means, I have completely refined this world, completely controlling the sword of this world of heavens, and can be free to have a strongest force in this world. I saw his sleeve. Piga, a gown, a goddess.

This kind of power is like a breeze swept from the thirteen people before his eyes. In an instant, the thirteenth of the body is like a piece of paper, and it is blown down.

Even the room for struggling with space, this 13 people didn't even have a scream, and they have been killed by swords!

This scene, making the people around them become a dramatic.

Especially the people who stand on the left and right sides of the void from the four people, but also shameful.

You know, at the beginning of the battle, they are the top of the three major sanctuary, now the sword is unparalleled to kill the three major sanctuary with the Thunder's means, then they can live alive?

"grown ups!"

"When I was the battle, I was really helpless, please also invite the adults, you have a lot, around me, etc.!"

The brunette old old, who met the rules, gave the sword without double.

The Lord of the Tangtang, in order to save life, there is no longer honest dignity.

The rules are the same, the other people, they will immediately open them.

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