Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3685 Everything!



"Get up."

The sword is unparalleled with both hands. Looking at the people in front of him, the face is indifferent. "I want to kill, only the three major sanctuary, as for the four gods, I will not be investigated, I will open it later. After passing, you can leave it directly. "

After that, the sword is unparalleled, and they will leave them directly.

Seeing the sword is unparalleled, these people have a long vomiting.

"Mr. Xuan Yan, there is also the seats of Qixing Xuanzong."

The sword has come to the front of the seven-star Xuanzong, "I have to tell you one thing before opening the passage of the gods."

"What?" Xuan Yan looked over.

"The fourth day of the seven-star gods originally located, because it has been maintained in this fact that this is complete, it has become a dead place, and it has been completely isolated from other territories in the gods, so they will return now. It is not a fourth day of the gods, and there is no pair of swords.

"The fourth day, is it completely desirable?"

I heard this news, and everyone of Qixing Xuanzong is a little difficult to accept.

"But you can rest assured, although you can't get the fourth day, I will rearrange a place to you, let Qixing Xuanzong can be rolled back." The sword has no double.

"Where?" Xuan Yan asked.

"The third day, the old nest of the three major sanctuary!" The sword didn't have a double eye.

"What?" Qixing Xuanzong is all.

The silent emperor thirteen wrinkled, said: "The sword is unparalleled, although my seven-star Xuanzong and the three major sanctoes have a bloody sea, my seven-star Xuanzong, all the strong people can also hate the three major holy regions, will be the three holy The dominant is the bones. "

"However, I only leave these people now, and one is still in the most weak stage because it is too long. This time, if it is going to collide with the three major sanctuary, it is not very different from eggs."

The words of the Emperor, let these strong people in Qixing Xuanzong have agreed.

Now Qixing Xuanzong, the remaining top power is basically here, and all are in the most weak stage, even if they go to the gods, I will not completely restore it, even if it is completely recovered. In the face of the three major sanctuary, I am afraid there is only a wolf.

Naturally, they can't fight on the top of the three major sanctuary.

"All, I said that I want to arrange you in the third day, in the old nest of the three holy area, that is because, I will immediately ... I will return to the day of the Tai Chu, that day. Three major holy areas will not be there again. "The sword has no double.

This, the people of Qixing Xuanzong, including the four major gods, the cultivators of the four gods, and the eight parties, are very shocked.

"The sword is unparalleled, you mean this, it's hard, do you really intend to completely cover the three holy regions?" Xuan Yan also horrified the sword.

"Isn't it possible?" The sword didn't look at Xuan Yan.

"It can be, but the strength of the three holy area is not weak, even if I have the most peak state of my seven-star Xuanzong, these three major sanctoes can also fight against us, and now my seven-star Xuanzong has desirable For many years, the three major sanctuary is inevitably a unique, and their accumulation is surely! "

"What's more, the three main holy owners have the heavens will be blessing. In the Great Gods, they can say that they can be said to be invincible. Even if they are the main prosperous, I can't, how can I destroy? Xuan Yan Road.

"How to overcome the three major sanctuary ... rest assured, I will let you see it." The sword is unparalleled but only smile, and there is no explanation.

"At this point, you will wait for a moment, let me go to the genre to arrange."

After that, the sword is unparalleled, and the figure directly disappears in this world.

The fourth day, that huge france, still exists, and still runs slowly.

The Lord of the Skylands and the Tempiographs of the Temporal Temple have been waiting there, and even if the sword is unparalleled in the vast chaotic world, it is completely different from the time flow rate of the ancient chaotic world.

The ancient chaotic world has been over ten years, and the god community has only been more than a month.

! !

The sword is unparalleled from the fact that there is a big man in front of the Lord of the Temple of the Tempora.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, so quickly, I have seen your loved ones." Temporary Temple laughed.

"I saw it." The sword is not a little smile, "" Time and Space, Zi Tian, ​​I have to prepare for you before, are you ready? "

"Reassure, after receiving your news, I, , Under your order, I will lead to countless saints and kill the third day! "

"In addition, there are six big days in the eight parties, and six days are willing to stand in the three free leagues, and they have also formed a big army of dozens of rules, with 100,000 saints, only When we start, they will act immediately! "

"There is also your friend's disappointment of the volcanic door, too much forgetting the Valley, the Ice Magic Palace and other power, all have the power of strong and strength, all ready to make sufficient battle, will also form The coalition, shot together! "

The Lord of the Lord, the main point of the Temple Temple is extremely hot.

"The four gods have there? Merder has not controlled the other three gods yet?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I also personally have to ask, the nine tribe now controls a six-level extreme battle, plus the power of the following, the overall strength has completely exceeded two three gods, and because they received you The news, I also immediately let the Tianzhi secretly send some strong people to help. "

"It's just that the last total of the three gods is already in the final, there is no accident, and that the nine-tail group has completely controlled the other three gods, but even the whole demon domain." .

"Too good." The sword is unparalleled, and the three major holy area, there is too long, I have a deep root, I have to completely cover it, it is never the very easy thing, so we Only to concentrate all the power, don't give any opportunities for the three major sanctions !! "

The Lord, the Lord and the Tempral Temple.

Then, the sword is unparalleled, and the huge seal law in front of them is crazy with the speed of the naked eye. Finally, it is completely integrated into the sword unparalleled body. When this is all, the sword is not bumper. Mang flashed.

"Walk, we ... Depart!"

PS: Today is more coming!

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