Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3711 Excited



Beihai Palace.

As the overall forces of this star area, the top three great forces, the North Sea Palace knows that there is a red cloud in the red cloud mountain in the first time.

In the temple, there are almost all of the highest levels of the North Sea Palace, even those who are in the three battlefields. At this moment, there is also a consciousness to gather here.

The three dominates of Beihai Palace, also sitting on the top.

"The last time, but than 150 million years, this red cloud is tide, it actually appeared again?"

"This time, it is really too early."

"It is also normal, the time in Hongyun fog appears, there is no rule, the last time I have already appeared in 800 million years. Now this time, I have been more than 100 million, nor too short. "

These high-rise powers in the North Sea Palace are discussing.

"After the red clouds appear, the red cloud, there should be." The Lord of the Rules of the Sixth Peak Suddenly.

Referring to the three words of the Red Cloud industry, many Beihai Qiang in the scene, there is a smile.

Obviously, they will be excited when they have heard the red cloudless sea, that is because of this red cloud.

At this time, the three main kiots sitting above, the most powerful, the most high-rise Tianpeng dominated, personally spoken, "After the red clouds appear, there will be no accidents will be born immediately. Every time the Hongyun industry is born, it is a great opportunity. This time is not exception. "

"So I can prepare it in the North Sea Palace, and after ten days, you will go to Red Shi Mountain with me. This time, this seat will go, Dragon, you will go with me. As for the star, you stay in the North Sea Palace. "

Tianpeng dominates the surrounding two dominates.

Although it is dominated, the surroundings are obviously looking for Tianpeng.

"Yes." Long Yuan dominates the main slaughter and star. "

Dragon Yuan is obviously brought excited, as for the star, although some regrets, there is no complaint.

After all, the strength, his star is the weakest in the three dominant, and it is also reasonable to stay in the town. As for the charm of the Hongyun industry, it can only be slaughtered with Longyuan.

After ten days, everyone of the Beihai Palace will start.


The vast space of the universe, a triangular gray palace is quietly suspended there.

In this palace, it is a bone whisper and his life.

Although the two are staying in this palace in the long years, some big things happening in this star area are all clear.

Like this Red Rock Mountain, there is a red cloud in the mist, and these two people have known it.

"The red cloud fog appeared, this seems that the red clouds will not take long before you see the day." The old bones laughed.

The old man is very long, it is the character of the same era of the Temporary Temple. He has experienced a lot of time, naturally it is aware.

"The red cloud, I have also heard that it is said that it is a big opportunity. This troops are very expensive for this machine. It will definitely not miss it."

"This is the case." The old bones nodded, but immediately asked: "The life, you are also the power of the master level, this time the Hongyun industry is born, don't you want to go to see, go to touch your luck?"

"Of course, this opportunity, if you miss it, wait until the next time I don't know how long it takes." The king smiled, "the bones, what about you?"

"My words ..." The bones were sinking for a moment, followed by a smile, "Anyway, there is nothing to do, let's take a look."

"That will go together." The king smiled.

Soon, the bones were old and the two men went to the Red Rock Mountain.


The Star Palace, as this star field is also a strong power, and there are many practitioners in the Star Palace that has been in the Red Rock Mountain.

When the dramatic changes in the Red Rock Mountain, the Star Palace also got a message.

After receiving the news, the mysterious god of the gods called the many high-rise power of the Star Palace in the first time.

I saw the palace in the palace, and more than ten shadows were sitting there.

More than ten movements are all the top six-level strong people in the Star Palace.

"The red cloud fog appears, the Red cloud world will also reproduce the world. If you are interested in the Middle of the Red Cloud, you can go to Hongshi Mountain as soon as possible, enter the red cloud industry, this seat has only one requirement." God is looking over overlooking.

"After waiting for the Hongyun industry, you should unite as much as possible, so that you can get the biggest interest for my Star Palace."


The Lord of the Ten Rules below nodded, so soon.

After the main thing of these rules ...!!!!

Four people have emerged around the periphery of Xuanzhu.

These three people are just swords, and the Lord, the Lord, the Temcropers, and the Tianzu.

Among them, the sword is unparalleled, and the Lord of the Sky, the Tempral Temple is now in the god of the gods. It is just a consciousness.

"Mystery, what are you calling me, what is it?" Asked the monks.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Xuanzhu people have seen it.

He is in the world of the chaotic world, in the Town Treasure, is a sudden news of the mysterious gods, and told him to distinguish this.

Xuanzhu people know that he has been cultivating in these years, under normal circumstances, there is no important thing, and Xuanzhu people should not disturb itself.

"There is something, just before the three days, Hongshi Mountain, the red clouds, no accident, is the red cloud in the red cloud, and then there is another."

"Hongyun homage?" The Lord of the Sky, the Temph Temple, heard this, and it looked with a surprise.

Only the sword is unparalleled, and a face is puzzled.

His cultivation time is not long, there is not much time in the universe battlefield, and Hongshi Mountain has never been to, so many things he don't know.

As so-called red cloud, he doesn't know what it is.

And the scholarous people in the side naturally saw the sword unparalleled doubts. He didn't smiled: "Hongyun homoles, is a strange phenomenon of Hongshi Mountain. When there is, the red cloud is almost covering the whole red stone mountain, and The terrory erosion power contained in this Red Cloud is enough to easily kill the rules, so this red cloud is speaking, it is equivalent to a disaster. "

This explanation, but the sword is unparalleled.

"Since it is a disaster, why is it a few such a surprise?" The sword is unparalleled.


PS: Today is more coming!

I took a little more time in the afternoon, so I updated it in advance today.

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